Bush worst president in 100 years.

Those comments on Obama are entirely delusional. You can comprehend what Bush did, but not Obama. You must get all your information from NBC News and Cobert.

Please identify which parts of the statement are false, and correct them.


Making the claim that Obama saved this country from another Great Deperssion is speculation and cannot be proved one way or the other. The only way you'd really know is if we could repeat 2008 and not have a stimulus bill.

He did reform healthcare. He certainly didn't make it any better.

He did have GDP growth. Bush had better growth on average and Obama's has been well below average.

You guys need clean underwear.
The average is so because when Bush got the economy, it was soaring.

When he gave it to Obama, it was in the gutters.

Healthcare is better. Just ask those who now have insurance who not only didn't but COULDN'T get it.

It would have been even better IF the Republicans decided to HELP rather than to obstruct.

But one step at a time, one. step. at. a. time.

BTW...Get crackin'!
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Please identify which parts of the statement are false, and correct them.


Making the claim that Obama saved this country from another Great Deperssion is speculation and cannot be proved one way or the other. The only way you'd really know is if we could repeat 2008 and not have a stimulus bill.

He did reform healthcare. He certainly didn't make it any better.

He did have GDP growth. Bush had better growth on average and Obama's has been well below average.

You guys need clean underwear.
The average is so because when Bush got the economy, it was soaring.

When he gave it to Obama, it was in the gutters.

Healthcare is better. Just ask those who now have insurance who not only didn't but COULDN'T get it.

It would have been even better IF the Republicans decided to HELP rather than to obstruct.

But one step at a time, one. step. at. a. time.

So you admit that Bush's averages were better than Obama's. Good.

So you admit that Obama has been pretty much below average. Good.

So you admit that you have no argument on health care....just silly claims about those who have it and those who don't (I noticed you left out those who were kicked off their plans...and who could not keep their doctors).

Seems like you are stepping off the cliff.
That's weak.

That's not a list.

So since you were the one with enough balls to respond.

Why do you think Obama's so bad?

BTW, I'm not agreeing w/your reasons, just bypassing it for now.


To be succinct and accurate, Obama has accomplished NOTHING good for America! Period!


Please post a link to those numbers please.


NO, do your own work! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
That's what I thought.

Ya got nuttin.

Both a yous.
[MENTION=44336]birddog[/MENTION] [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]

Hey SFBs, give me a couple of credible examples of positive accomplishments of Obama!
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 60 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, and got Gaddafi.

Obama has done a very good job.

Those comments on Obama are entirely delusional. You can comprehend what Bush did, but not Obama. You must get all your information from NBC News and Cobert.

Please identify which parts of the statement are false, and correct them.


It amazes and frightens me that so many American's are so easily manipulated by the leftist elite.

How anyone could believe Obama is a good president, is beyond me.
Those comments on Obama are entirely delusional. You can comprehend what Bush did, but not Obama. You must get all your information from NBC News and Cobert.

Please identify which parts of the statement are false, and correct them.


It amazes and frightens me that so many American's are so easily manipulated by the leftist elite.

How anyone could believe Obama is a good president, is beyond me.
Why haven't you answered the question?

Just answer the question please.

To be succinct and accurate, Obama has accomplished NOTHING good for America! Period!


NO, do your own work! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
That's what I thought.

Ya got nuttin.

Both a yous.
[MENTION=44336]birddog[/MENTION] [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]

Hey SFBs, give me a couple of credible examples of positive accomplishments of Obama!


That shows the economy dropped when it became obvious to investors that Obama would be elected, then slow growth later. Not credible proof of the kind you wanted!
That shows the economy dropped when it became obvious to investors that Obama would be elected, then slow growth later. Not credible proof of the kind you wanted!

Yeah,NOT the Dubya great recession and NOT that they are back to record US profits, lowest tax burden in 40+ years or the first time ever, labor costs below 50% of total costs, they were concerned about the Muslim *shaking head*

673,000+ PRIVATE Sector job losses in Dubya's 8 years
(not counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his policies)

5+ million, the number of PRIVATE sector jobs created under Obama (over 10+ million since hitting the Bush bottom March 2010)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

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