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businesses that ban guns...remember Luby's cafe....

I agree with you that the open carry of rifles or shotguns in a restaurant is the height of insanity.

Height of insanity...not really....awkward in the confined space of a restaurant...especially if more than one person has the rifle...sure....it's not like you could check the weapon at the hat check....however....a restaurant might be able to charge a check fee and have rifles checked and secured at the door....that would discourage people, or at least keep the rifles from cluttering up the aisle...

If you think that regular people are going to go someplace that has people who open carry guns you're nuts.

Most regular people aren't going to go into that business.

In fact most people will be too scared to be around that gun. They will go to other business that rightly don't allow people to walk around with their guns.

I was on a ferry once and saw a man walking around with a gun in a holster on his hip. It scared the crap out of me. I noticed most of the other people were upset and were heading for the door to go to their car.

I joined a long line of people who went back to their cars and locked the doors.
"Most people",..Who the fuck are you to spew for others. You don't know "most people. Making assumptions. Another line in the liberal playbook.
I would thank them....No crook is going to go near that place. That's the point. Moron...
So you're sitting there in your little lib utopian no weapons restaurant. The robber thugs walk in. They take your valuables. Maybe kick the shit out of a few customers. Maybe they have their way with some of the females.
All of which could be prevented if your little salad and water serving cafe had allowed concealed carry.....
The ferry. Did it ever occur to your reactionary little pea brain that the guy carrying the side arm was a Police Officer or paid armed security?
What frightens you about firearms anyway?
And again,don't start this "most people" shit. Speak only for yourself.
You libs with your obsession with political correctness will doom yourselves.
I was on a ferry once and saw a man walking around with a gun in a holster on his hip. It scared the crap out of me. I noticed most of the other people were upset and were heading for the door to go to their car.

I joined a long line of people who went back to their cars and locked the doors.
"Most people",..Who the fuck are you to spew for others. You don't know "most people. Making assumptions. Another line in the liberal playbook.
I would thank them....No crook is going to go near that place. That's the point. Moron...
So you're sitting there in your little lib utopian no weapons restaurant. The robber thugs walk in. They take your valuables. Maybe kick the shit out of a few customers. Maybe they have their way with some of the females.
All of which could be prevented if your little salad and water serving cafe had allowed concealed carry.....
The ferry. Did it ever occur to your reactionary little pea brain that the guy carrying the side arm was a Police Officer or paid armed security?
What frightens you about firearms anyway?
And again,don't start this "most people" shit. Speak only for yourself.
You libs with your obsession with political correctness will doom yourselves.
Where's the wisdom in locking yourself in your car if you are afraid of a shooter anyway? Sorta like shooting fish in a barrel.
Before Starbucks banned guns from their stores, I never really thought about my gun. Sometimes I had it on me, sometimes it was still in the car. Now, I never go into a Starbucks without it.
Guns are not banned in Starbucks. As with several other chains the made an announcement to appease the hoplophobes but also abide by state and local laws. They will not turn away those carrying
Bloomberg has a heavily armed security team. It's too bad that he doesn't apply the same rules to his hypocritical Jew ass. He'd be dead in a month.
I`m sure Mr. Bloomberg gets plenty of threats from you Stormfronters. He should have armed guards.
Bloomberg's bodyguards, he has like 23 of them, carry guns.
Why not? He probably gets a lot of threats from gun fondling pussies.
There aren't any gun fondling pussies. That makes as much sense as saying "liberal men".
Afraid to leave your home without a gun? That`s spells Pussy with a capital P.

I'm not afraid to leave my home without a gun. You fail, idiot.
You are trying to move the goal posts, I see. I said open carry. Most people open carrying are toting sidearms.

I don't really care what you are referring to. Since the very beginning of this thread, I have used the word "Rifles", except one post, in which I said that I leave all my weapons in my car when I go in to a commercial establishment. What you do is your own business. I do not feel like I am missing anything that I really want to see by avoiding any place where you or anyone else carries rifles in stores. The fact is that I do see some over zealous macho men walking around with holstered guns in stores. I won't do that myself, because I think it is just "putting on a show", but I have far less of an issue with that, than I do with idiots carrying rifles in stores. When that happens, I drop off anything that I was going to buy with the manager, and tell him that when he stops allowing people to do that, I just might return and buy something.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.

No one is denying a gun nut service.

Some are trying to deny service to homosexuals.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.

It's called civil rights.

All business owners are asking is that they don't bring their guns inside. The business owner has the right to tell people not to bring their guns in. The business owner doesn't have the right to deny someone service just because of a gun or because they're homosexual.

It's two very different things.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.
No one is denying a gun nut service.
A "no guns" sign does exactly that.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.
I doubt it.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.

No one is denying a gun nut service.

Some are trying to deny service to homosexuals.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.

It's called civil rights.

All business owners are asking is that they don't bring their guns inside. The business owner has the right to tell people not to bring their guns in. The business owner doesn't have the right to deny someone service just because of a gun or because they're homosexual.

It's two very different things.

its actually the same fucking thing, but in the passive-agressive prose so common with progressive wussies such as yourself.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.
No one is denying a gun nut service.
A "no guns" sign does exactly that.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.
I doubt it.

Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.

All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.

Homosexual people have been told that they will not be served under any conditions because they're homosexual.

I grew up with guns. My mom's side of the family are avid hunters. My dad started hunting when he met my mom.

I grew up with different kinds of animal meat in the freezer including seafood. Salmon fishing is a very serious sport here.

My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by. Then BLAMO! They had venison in the freezer. She was a good shot.

So was my grandfather. My dad said he only saw my grandfather miss once. He enjoyed telling people the story of how my grandfather's dog, an irish setter, flushed out a pheasant, my grandfather shot, the dog went to get it but the bird kept flying away. The dog stopped in his tracks. Looked back at my grandfather then walked back to the car. That dog wouldn't leave the car to hunt the rest of the day.

My dad's guns were in the garage all my life and it was no big deal. My dad taught all of us kids about guns. What they do and what they're for. He always talked about being responsible with those guns. They aren't a toy. Which I think those open carry people think their guns are toys to play with.

My uncle gave my cousins guns for christmas presents. They had the heads of deer and elk mounted and hanging all over the upstairs of their house. My aunt didn't like them staring at her so she wouldn't let my uncle mount them on the main floor of the house.

I have nothing against any responsible gun owner who follows our laws.

However in the last few years we've seen people walk into schools, malls, movie theaters and just open fire. These open carry people aren't caring signs saying they're not going to open fire. How does anyone know that they won't just start firing their weapons? It's happened over and over again in America.

I won't go anywhere that I see anyone, other than the police, open carry a gun. I don't know those people. I don't know what they're going to do.

Responsible gun owners don't need to carry them for everyone to see. A gun is a tool. Not a toy.
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?

No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun. You can come in all you want and get service. Just leave your gun outside.

Where as a homosexual person is being denied service period. They can't leave their sexuality outside. There is no circumstance that a homosexual person would be able to get service.

If you entered a business with a gun that asked you to leave your gun outside, I wouldn't defend you. If they said to you that they won't serve you because you have a gun even though you left it outside, I would be defending you.

I can see the difference even though you can't.
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?

No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun. You can come in all you want and get service. Just leave your gun outside.

Where as a homosexual person is being denied service period. They can't leave their sexuality outside. There is no circumstance that a homosexual person would be able to get service.

If you entered a business with a gun that asked you to leave your gun outside, I wouldn't defend you. If they said to you that they won't serve you because you have a gun even though you left it outside, I would be defending you.

I can see the difference even though you can't.

None of the businesses in question denied take-out type services like all these stores are denying to gun owners.

and you can leave your sexuality outside, you go in, buy your crap, and walk out without referencing it. or you keep it concealed, kind of like a firearm.

Its that you don't like guns, and do like forcing your morality on people, its obvious that's why you see a difference.

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