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businesses that ban guns...remember Luby's cafe....

Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?
No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun.
Oh, I see.
So, I post a "No Negros" sign, I have not denied service to Negros, I have only denied them entrance?
You're perfectly welcome in that business.
Your gun isn't.
So... you agree that a "No Negros" sign denies entrance, not service. Good.

Wow you twist my words.

Saying no African Americans can't enter a business is discrimination.

Saying your gun can't enter isn't.

In case you didn't know, your gun isn't a human being.
Yes it is....The owner of the establishment is discriminating against the person who is exercising his right to keep and bear arms.
I don't see the necessity or point of carrying a rifle or shotgun into a store. However, I see no problem with a customer with his/her handgun snuggly in its holster and not threatening anyone. Personally, I have a concealed handgun license and thus the stores are unaware of my having one on me. As for those stores that put up a sign that says "we are family friendly and don't allow guns on the premises." We gun owners are family people and are friendly.
I suggest it's time that business owners that support gun ownership, put up their own sign stating that "they too are family friendly and allow customers in that have their handguns in their holsters."
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.
No one is denying a gun nut service.
A "no guns" sign does exactly that.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.
I doubt it.

Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.

All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.

Homosexual people have been told that they will not be served under any conditions because they're homosexual.

I grew up with guns. My mom's side of the family are avid hunters. My dad started hunting when he met my mom.

I grew up with different kinds of animal meat in the freezer including seafood. Salmon fishing is a very serious sport here.

My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by. Then BLAMO! They had venison in the freezer. She was a good shot.

So was my grandfather. My dad said he only saw my grandfather miss once. He enjoyed telling people the story of how my grandfather's dog, an irish setter, flushed out a pheasant, my grandfather shot, the dog went to get it but the bird kept flying away. The dog stopped in his tracks. Looked back at my grandfather then walked back to the car. That dog wouldn't leave the car to hunt the rest of the day.

My dad's guns were in the garage all my life and it was no big deal. My dad taught all of us kids about guns. What they do and what they're for. He always talked about being responsible with those guns. They aren't a toy. Which I think those open carry people think their guns are toys to play with.

My uncle gave my cousins guns for christmas presents. They had the heads of deer and elk mounted and hanging all over the upstairs of their house. My aunt didn't like them staring at her so she wouldn't let my uncle mount them on the main floor of the house.

I have nothing against any responsible gun owner who follows our laws.

However in the last few years we've seen people walk into schools, malls, movie theaters and just open fire. These open carry people aren't caring signs saying they're not going to open fire. How does anyone know that they won't just start firing their weapons? It's happened over and over again in America.

I won't go anywhere that I see anyone, other than the police, open carry a gun. I don't know those people. I don't know what they're going to do.

Responsible gun owners don't need to carry them for everyone to see. A gun is a tool. Not a toy.
Not talking about gays. STAY ON POINT

Tell that to marty. He was the one who brought up homosexual people.

I was replying to his post.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.

No one is denying a gun nut service.

Some are trying to deny service to homosexuals.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.

It's called civil rights.

All business owners are asking is that they don't bring their guns inside. The business owner has the right to tell people not to bring their guns in. The business owner doesn't have the right to deny someone service just because of a gun or because they're homosexual.

It's two very different things.
Don't try that passive aggressive shit here.

No, it's called showing someone the distinction between two things.

You just don't like the truths I posted.

That's your problem. Deal with it.
Guess what?

Private business owners can choose what happens in their business. They have the right to tell people to leave their weapons at home.

If you don't like it that's tough.

It's called FREEDOM.

Tell the people getting sued due to public accommodations laws and butthurt LGBT's that, see how far it goes.
No one is denying a gun nut service.
A "no guns" sign does exactly that.

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, I'll be supporting the person with the gun.
I doubt it.

Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.

All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.

Homosexual people have been told that they will not be served under any conditions because they're homosexual.

I grew up with guns. My mom's side of the family are avid hunters. My dad started hunting when he met my mom.

I grew up with different kinds of animal meat in the freezer including seafood. Salmon fishing is a very serious sport here.

My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by. Then BLAMO! They had venison in the freezer. She was a good shot.

So was my grandfather. My dad said he only saw my grandfather miss once. He enjoyed telling people the story of how my grandfather's dog, an irish setter, flushed out a pheasant, my grandfather shot, the dog went to get it but the bird kept flying away. The dog stopped in his tracks. Looked back at my grandfather then walked back to the car. That dog wouldn't leave the car to hunt the rest of the day.

My dad's guns were in the garage all my life and it was no big deal. My dad taught all of us kids about guns. What they do and what they're for. He always talked about being responsible with those guns. They aren't a toy. Which I think those open carry people think their guns are toys to play with.

My uncle gave my cousins guns for christmas presents. They had the heads of deer and elk mounted and hanging all over the upstairs of their house. My aunt didn't like them staring at her so she wouldn't let my uncle mount them on the main floor of the house.

I have nothing against any responsible gun owner who follows our laws.

However in the last few years we've seen people walk into schools, malls, movie theaters and just open fire. These open carry people aren't caring signs saying they're not going to open fire. How does anyone know that they won't just start firing their weapons? It's happened over and over again in America.

I won't go anywhere that I see anyone, other than the police, open carry a gun. I don't know those people. I don't know what they're going to do.

Responsible gun owners don't need to carry them for everyone to see. A gun is a tool. Not a toy.
I think you're full of shit.
You have posted a personal anecdote in each thread in which you've commented.
Now unless you are the world's most interesting man/woman, you are indeed spewing KA KA....

You may have lived a dull and boring life but I haven't.

I don't need you to believe me. What you think makes no difference to me. You and your opinions mean absolutely nothing to me.

So don't believe me all you want. If lying to yourself makes you feel better go for it.
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?

No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun. You can come in all you want and get service. Just leave your gun outside.

Where as a homosexual person is being denied service period. They can't leave their sexuality outside. There is no circumstance that a homosexual person would be able to get service.

If you entered a business with a gun that asked you to leave your gun outside, I wouldn't defend you. If they said to you that they won't serve you because you have a gun even though you left it outside, I would be defending you.

I can see the difference even though you can't.
The right to keep and bear arms is every bit as important and vital as the right to self expression( first amendment).....Homosexuality is a form of free expression....
Got it?

Don't tell me what to get or not to get. Just who do you think you are?

Homosexuality isn't a form of free expression. It's how someone was born. They were born homosexual and just want to live their lives with the same rights as everyone else.

You have all the right to keep and bare arms all you want. A business owner also has the right to tell you to leave that gun outside.

That's not infringing on your right to keep your gun.

Or don't you know that?

You can reply all you want with all your demands and threats to me as you have above. I won't read or respond to it.

I lost all my patience for stupid, hate and lies years ago. I don't read posts or pay any attention to people like you.

Carry on with your rants and paranoia. I won't play your game.
I agree with you that the open carry of rifles or shotguns in a restaurant is the height of insanity.

Height of insanity...not really....awkward in the confined space of a restaurant...especially if more than one person has the rifle...sure....it's not like you could check the weapon at the hat check....however....a restaurant might be able to charge a check fee and have rifles checked and secured at the door....that would discourage people, or at least keep the rifles from cluttering up the aisle...

If you think that regular people are going to go someplace that has people who open carry guns you're nuts.

Most regular people aren't going to go into that business.

In fact most people will be too scared to be around that gun. They will go to other business that rightly don't allow people to walk around with their guns.

I was on a ferry once and saw a man walking around with a gun in a holster on his hip. It scared the crap out of me. I noticed most of the other people were upset and were heading for the door to go to their car.

I joined a long line of people who went back to their cars and locked the doors.

How stupid. People carrying on their hip means you were in an open carry state. If you saw people with a gun on their hip and freaked out it means you were either a local who is ignorant of the local laws or a tourist who is ignorant of the local laws.
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?

No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun. You can come in all you want and get service. Just leave your gun outside.

Where as a homosexual person is being denied service period. They can't leave their sexuality outside. There is no circumstance that a homosexual person would be able to get service.

If you entered a business with a gun that asked you to leave your gun outside, I wouldn't defend you. If they said to you that they won't serve you because you have a gun even though you left it outside, I would be defending you.

I can see the difference even though you can't.

None of the businesses in question denied take-out type services like all these stores are denying to gun owners.

and you can leave your sexuality outside, you go in, buy your crap, and walk out without referencing it. or you keep it concealed, kind of like a firearm.

Its that you don't like guns, and do like forcing your morality on people, its obvious that's why you see a difference.

I didn't know there was a specific business in question. However there is a case in Oregon where a business denied to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. The bakery flat out denied them a wedding cake under any circumstances. Whether it's "take out" or not.

There are more than restaurants that are business. Did you know that? A business can sell goods or services. Any business that's not a restaurant doesn't do "take out." You have to go into the store to pick out what you want or need, buy it then leave.

How can a person leave their sexuality outside and buy a wedding cake? The baker is going to know it's being made for a homosexual couple. Most homosexual people don't wear it on their sleeves. They are just like any other person. They just happen to love someone of the same sex.

I don't like guns around me. I have no problem with you or any law abiding person owning guns. Have an arsenal for all I care. Go and shoot up targets or hunt animals to your heart's content. It's none of my business and I don't care.

I do care about business owner's right to be able to tell gun nuts to leave their guns outside. They have the right to not have guns in their establishment.

Would you defend a smoker if they wanted to light up inside a business? In my state no one can do that. The person is welcome in the establishment. The lighted cigarette isn't.

The person welcome in the business. The gun isn't.

You just can't give me a mature and logical reply so you typed the above and barely made any sense.

And if that owner tells people to disarm themselves, then the owner should be responsible for their safety, if something happens and the disarmed person is unable to defend themself, the owner should be liable.

And your smoking ban is government enforced, and the smoking is not a right.
Wow you twist my words.
Saying no African Americans can't enter a business is discrimination.
Saying your gun can't enter isn't.
Apparently you do not remember your own position, that When business start denying people service just because they have a gun, you will side with the person with a gun.
I have a gun, I cannot enter. You refuse to side with me.
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I personally think a private business should be able to accept or refuse service to anyone since it is privately owned...the government, however cannot discriminate...that being said...since the lefties and other whiners will not leave bakers and photographers alone I think someone should bring a law suit against any business that says citizens cannot carry a gun into their establishments...because according to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights the right to keep and bear arms is exactly that...a civil right...and cannot be infringed by a private business....I can't wait for someone to get around to that lawsuit...
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?
No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun.
Oh, I see.
So, I post a "No Negros" sign, I have not denied service to Negros, I have only denied them entrance?
You're perfectly welcome in that business.
Your gun isn't.
So... you agree that a "No Negros" sign denies entrance, not service. Good.

Wow you twist my words.

Saying no African Americans can't enter a business is discrimination.

Saying your gun can't enter isn't.

In case you didn't know, your gun isn't a human being.
Yes it is....The owner of the establishment is discriminating against the person who is exercising his right to keep and bear arms.

No, false. You are wrong. I'm a massive pro-gun nut. I have my own gun. I have my conceal carry. I have boxes of ammo, and clips. I am totally in favor of gun rights, and every America should have the right to defend themselves.

However.... I am also completely in favor of all people having their own rights as well, and that includes private property.

That store IS NOT YOUR PROPERTY. The owner of that store, owns that store. It's HIS STORE, not yours. If he doesn't want people smoking in his store, that's his right. If he doesn't want guns on his property, that's his right. If doesn't want whatever on his property, that's his right.

I am completely 100% in favor of personal property rights. You don't have to the right to demand that someone else act in a way you want. You want to carry your gun 100% of the time, then don't go to that store.

Just like if you don't like smoking, and a store allows smoking on that property, your option is to not go to that store.

You don't get to dictate what rules other people have on their property.

Now do I think it's stupidity on the part of the owner? Yes. I think that rule is idiotic. "Criminal safe zone here!" is what gun free signs really means.

No, the owner is not infringing on your rights, by saying he doesn't want guns on HIS PROPERTY. It's HIS, not yours.
Whenever I hear about stores that ban guns, I make a point to go there with my gun. It's simply a stupid stunt by them. Panera Bread, expect a visit.

So many gun nuts have no respect for the law or the rights of others. I wish they had the balls to open carry so sane people can vacate the place. But no - they're sneaky cowards who hide the gun on their person.

Before Starbucks banned guns from their stores, I never really thought about my gun. Sometimes I had it on me, sometimes it was still in the car. Now, I never go into a Starbucks without it.

A common problem with armed froot loops. They have no idea where their gun is, whether its loaded or whether the safety is on. Some of these ignernt nutters even leave loaded guns scattered throughout their home.
Whenever I hear about stores that ban guns, I make a point to go there with my gun. It's simply a stupid stunt by them. Panera Bread, expect a visit.

So many gun nuts have no respect for the law or the rights of others. I wish they had the balls to open carry so sane people can vacate the place. But no - they're sneaky cowards who hide the gun on their person.

Before Starbucks banned guns from their stores, I never really thought about my gun. Sometimes I had it on me, sometimes it was still in the car. Now, I never go into a Starbucks without it.

A common problem with armed froot loops. They have no idea where their gun is, whether its loaded or whether the safety is on. Some of these ignernt nutters even leave loaded guns scattered throughout their home.
pssst banning guns and passing restrictive gun laws has no respect for the rights of others. everything you gun grabbers do has no respect for the rights of others. wake up and smell your own coffee
You go ahead and show off your rifle at Walmart. I'll be shopping at Target which asks people not to bring their rifles in to the store. After all, I'm irrationally afraid of strangers carrying weapons designed and built to kill, in places where there is no rational need for them to be carried.

You and me both. They have little or no training, they drop their guns and then are surprised when they go off. Or, they accidentally go off and the nutter has no idea why or how. The news is full of these stories.

In my post above, I quoted one nutter who said he didn't even know where his gun was. These people are a danger to normal people.

We need to demand they open carry so sane folks can get away from them.
Whenever I hear about stores that ban guns, I make a point to go there with my gun. It's simply a stupid stunt by them. Panera Bread, expect a visit.

So many gun nuts have no respect for the law or the rights of others. I wish they had the balls to open carry so sane people can vacate the place. But no - they're sneaky cowards who hide the gun on their person.

Before Starbucks banned guns from their stores, I never really thought about my gun. Sometimes I had it on me, sometimes it was still in the car. Now, I never go into a Starbucks without it.

A common problem with armed froot loops. They have no idea where their gun is, whether its loaded or whether the safety is on. Some of these ignernt nutters even leave loaded guns scattered throughout their home.

It's called concealed carry asshat, and its required in most states if you want to carry a firearm legally.
As the various anti gun groups associated with Michael Bloomberg try to stifle the right to bear arms by pressuring restaurants and other businesses...it may be time to remember Luby's cafe...Panera bread has become the latest to ask it's customers to disarm when they patronize the restaurant...

The Luby s Cafeteria Massacre A Brutal Reminder to Restaurants Telling Customers No Guns - Katie Pavlich

In 1991 Texas residents were banned by law from bringing firearms into restaurants. That same year, a mad man with an intent to kill as many people as possible, crashed his truck into a Lubys Cafeteria in Killeen. The man got out of his vehicle and shot 50 people, killing 23 of them. One of the survivors, Dr. Susan Gratia-Hupp, had left her gun in the parking lot and watched as her parents were executed in front of her. She was following the rules and obeying the law by leaving her gun in the car, right where the killer knew it would be. As Hupp describes in her own words, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Everyone was defenseless.

As a survivor of the Luby's massacre, Hupp testified across the country in support of concealed-handgun laws. She said that if there had been a second chance to prevent the slaughter, she would have violated the Texas law and carried the handgun inside her purse into the restaurant. She testified across the country in support of concealed handgun laws, and was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1996. The law was signed by then-Governor George W. Bush.

I remember hearing her testimony...during the attack, as she was laying there watching the killer execute defenseless people she stated she had a clear shot at the guy...but because the law forced her to disarm....she never had the chance to take that shot...

you can add other restaurants to the list...Brown's chicken in Palatine
Illinois...and others where killers had free reign due to an unarmed clientele.

the author of the article Katie Pavlich went to Gunsite last year, a gun fighting school founded by the legendary Jeff Cooper, and took their pistol and rifle courses....she wrote good pieces on that experience as well...she is no longer someone to trifle with...

why aren't you liberal hypocrites who are so up in arms over citizens united not all over bloomberg and gates for their financial backing of political issues and politicians that support them?
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?
No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun.
Oh, I see.
So, I post a "No Negros" sign, I have not denied service to Negros, I have only denied them entrance?
You're perfectly welcome in that business.
Your gun isn't.
So... you agree that a "No Negros" sign denies entrance, not service. Good.

Wow you twist my words.

Saying no African Americans can't enter a business is discrimination.

Saying your gun can't enter isn't.

In case you didn't know, your gun isn't a human being.
Yes it is....The owner of the establishment is discriminating against the person who is exercising his right to keep and bear arms.

No, false. You are wrong. I'm a massive pro-gun nut. I have my own gun. I have my conceal carry. I have boxes of ammo, and clips. I am totally in favor of gun rights, and every America should have the right to defend themselves.

However.... I am also completely in favor of all people having their own rights as well, and that includes private property.

That store IS NOT YOUR PROPERTY. The owner of that store, owns that store. It's HIS STORE, not yours. If he doesn't want people smoking in his store, that's his right. If he doesn't want guns on his property, that's his right. If doesn't want whatever on his property, that's his right.

I am completely 100% in favor of personal property rights. You don't have to the right to demand that someone else act in a way you want. You want to carry your gun 100% of the time, then don't go to that store.

Just like if you don't like smoking, and a store allows smoking on that property, your option is to not go to that store.

You don't get to dictate what rules other people have on their property.

Now do I think it's stupidity on the part of the owner? Yes. I think that rule is idiotic. "Criminal safe zone here!" is what gun free signs really means.

No, the owner is not infringing on your rights, by saying he doesn't want guns on HIS PROPERTY. It's HIS, not yours.

Then if he requires that you be disarmed he becomes 100% responsible for your safety. he is inviting you onto his property to conduct business under certain conditions, if those conditions cause you harm by requiring you to disarm yourself, the owner should be liable.
Oh...So those same businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason they see fit?
BTW. Those signs are not legally binding.

Not true. I can have law enforcement remove anyone in my place of business if he is carrying a weapon, if I so desire.

Onee more time for the slow kid: if my wife is carrying, you will never know!
Please tell me who looked a gun owner in the face and said we won't serve you because you have a gun.
All the business owners have said to please leave the guns outside.
You said:

When business start denying people service just because they have a gun...

I have a gun. There's a sign that says no guns.
Thus, the business has denied me service just because I have a gun.
Why do you refuse to support me?
No they didn't deny you service. They denied you entrance with your gun.
Oh, I see.
So, I post a "No Negros" sign, I have not denied service to Negros, I have only denied them entrance?
You're perfectly welcome in that business.
Your gun isn't.
So... you agree that a "No Negros" sign denies entrance, not service. Good.

Wow you twist my words.

Saying no African Americans can't enter a business is discrimination.

Saying your gun can't enter isn't.

In case you didn't know, your gun isn't a human being.
Yes it is....The owner of the establishment is discriminating against the person who is exercising his right to keep and bear arms.

No, false. You are wrong. I'm a massive pro-gun nut. I have my own gun. I have my conceal carry. I have boxes of ammo, and clips. I am totally in favor of gun rights, and every America should have the right to defend themselves.

However.... I am also completely in favor of all people having their own rights as well, and that includes private property.

That store IS NOT YOUR PROPERTY. The owner of that store, owns that store. It's HIS STORE, not yours. If he doesn't want people smoking in his store, that's his right. If he doesn't want guns on his property, that's his right. If doesn't want whatever on his property, that's his right.

I am completely 100% in favor of personal property rights. You don't have to the right to demand that someone else act in a way you want. You want to carry your gun 100% of the time, then don't go to that store.

Just like if you don't like smoking, and a store allows smoking on that property, your option is to not go to that store.

You don't get to dictate what rules other people have on their property.

Now do I think it's stupidity on the part of the owner? Yes. I think that rule is idiotic. "Criminal safe zone here!" is what gun free signs really means.

No, the owner is not infringing on your rights, by saying he doesn't want guns on HIS PROPERTY. It's HIS, not yours.

Then if he requires that you be disarmed he becomes 100% responsible for your safety. he is inviting you onto his property to conduct business under certain conditions, if those conditions cause you harm by requiring you to disarm yourself, the owner should be liable.

No, you have the option to not use his service. Just like I have the option to not come over to your home. If you invite me over for Super Bowl Sunday, and someone drives a truck through your front wall, and I'm paralyzed for life. "it was your responsibility to protect me from people driving through your wall!"

No, you being ridiculous. Everyone has the rights to their own property, including you. No excuses, no mental rationalizations, no bull crap. Thanks.

Anywhere in the world you go, you have the right to either accept the rules of that location, or you have the right to not go there. That's how that works. It's not a 'public place'. It's a private property situation. You don't like it, don't go there.

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