But don't you understand? Trump is evil! Or something.

Here's one simple to understand point:

Trump is using the White House to enrich himself and friends. That shouldn't happen and is a conflict of interest.

Now here is where you do your Deadwood impression

Ok. Find me someone who doesn't. Seriously. The last person to leave the White House broke was Truman. He's just about the only one to leave elected office in Washington broke.

Congressmen buy stocks in companies that they award contracts to.

Generals in the Army push appropriations through for new equipment and then take jobs with the company who's products the military just bought.

Congressmen leave politics and take jobs as lobbyists.

They give speeches for tons of money.

Now. How is it worse when Trump does it? How is taking his weekends at one of his resorts way worse than the Secret Service putting in a new room or building for them to guard the President when he is at his home?

Insider trading laws do not apply to Congress.

Congress insiders: Above the law?

So that argument is way beyond the pot and kettle stage. Oh. He's going to make money. He would have made more if he was not in the White House. Idiot.

The White House is like slumming for him. He is used to gold plated toilets and gold leaf everything.

Check out 'Trump Force One' — Donald Trump's personal Boeing airliner

For everyone else the White House perks might be awesome. For Trump, it is literally a step down. I know that is counterintuitive for some. But it is true.

Didn't your mama tell you things aren't right because everyone does it?

If the only thing you have is its OK because you say others do then you have no defense.

What choices do we have. Honestly this election was between the two worst candidates ever. I've voted Democrat all my life until Hillary. I couldn't stomach that.

Now. Tell me what candidate we could get behind to bring honest representation to the nation. Seriously. The very best we can honestly say is that this choice might screw us a tiny bit less than that choice. That's for either party.

Would Hillary have been more honest and all that? She never has been before.

During the Campaign people told me that Trump was liable to bungle us into a war. I said that was absolutely true. It was also true that Hillary would in all probability get us into the same war trying to be clever. Her long history has shown that she is perpetually that inch shy of being clever enough.

So give me someone to vote for. Give me a candidate that isn't as corrupt as all the others. Give me a candidate that is honest. Give me someone. Just screaming that this guy sucks is asinine. My point was everyone sucks. On both sides of the aisle. In every elected office.

That is what you don't get. Both candidates sucked like Black Holes.

What ever happened to bipartisan? Let me give you an easy example. Democrats could partner with the Libertarian leaning Republicans to legalize marijuana. We could end a useless and unpopular policy in the Government. We could affect real change. Are we doing it?

No. Because the Libertarian leaning Republicans are Republicans. Fuck compromise and all of that. First we have to have a huge majority of both houses and the White House before we can do jack shit.

60% of the people support legalization. Fuck them. It isn't about serving the people. It is about fucking over the other side.

The Democrats are for whatever the Republicans are against. The Democrats are against anything the Republicans are for.

Wake the hell up. It's kabuki theater. It is less than meaningless. That's why I gave you those examples. You don't care one damn bit that your side is doing the same thing. The only thing you care about is defeating the other side. It is a high school homecoming game run amok. Our side is going to win because they are blue. Your side sucks.

Every election we are stuck with the lesser of two evils as our choice. I shudder to think who the Democrats will run in 2020. I'm terrified that they'll run Hillary again. I hope the Democrats aren't that stupid, but I have a rule about betting against stupid.
Here's one simple to understand point:

Trump is using the White House to enrich himself and friends. That shouldn't happen and is a conflict of interest.

Now here is where you do your Deadwood impression

Ok. Find me someone who doesn't. Seriously. The last person to leave the White House broke was Truman. He's just about the only one to leave elected office in Washington broke.

Congressmen buy stocks in companies that they award contracts to.

Generals in the Army push appropriations through for new equipment and then take jobs with the company who's products the military just bought.

Congressmen leave politics and take jobs as lobbyists.

They give speeches for tons of money.

Now. How is it worse when Trump does it? How is taking his weekends at one of his resorts way worse than the Secret Service putting in a new room or building for them to guard the President when he is at his home?

Insider trading laws do not apply to Congress.

Congress insiders: Above the law?

So that argument is way beyond the pot and kettle stage. Oh. He's going to make money. He would have made more if he was not in the White House. Idiot.

The White House is like slumming for him. He is used to gold plated toilets and gold leaf everything.

Check out 'Trump Force One' — Donald Trump's personal Boeing airliner

For everyone else the White House perks might be awesome. For Trump, it is literally a step down. I know that is counterintuitive for some. But it is true.

Didn't your mama tell you things aren't right because everyone does it?

If the only thing you have is its OK because you say others do then you have no defense.

What choices do we have..

You're right, you have to like it because you don't have a choice. Trump doesn't allow dissent.
Here's one simple to understand point:

Trump is using the White House to enrich himself and friends. That shouldn't happen and is a conflict of interest.

Now here is where you do your Deadwood impression

Ok. Find me someone who doesn't. Seriously. The last person to leave the White House broke was Truman. He's just about the only one to leave elected office in Washington broke.

Congressmen buy stocks in companies that they award contracts to.

Generals in the Army push appropriations through for new equipment and then take jobs with the company who's products the military just bought.

Congressmen leave politics and take jobs as lobbyists.

They give speeches for tons of money.

Now. How is it worse when Trump does it? How is taking his weekends at one of his resorts way worse than the Secret Service putting in a new room or building for them to guard the President when he is at his home?

Insider trading laws do not apply to Congress.

Congress insiders: Above the law?

So that argument is way beyond the pot and kettle stage. Oh. He's going to make money. He would have made more if he was not in the White House. Idiot.

The White House is like slumming for him. He is used to gold plated toilets and gold leaf everything.

Check out 'Trump Force One' — Donald Trump's personal Boeing airliner

For everyone else the White House perks might be awesome. For Trump, it is literally a step down. I know that is counterintuitive for some. But it is true.

Didn't your mama tell you things aren't right because everyone does it?

If the only thing you have is its OK because you say others do then you have no defense.

What choices do we have. Honestly this election was between the two worst candidates ever. I've voted Democrat all my life until Hillary. I couldn't stomach that.

Now. Tell me what candidate we could get behind to bring honest representation to the nation. Seriously. The very best we can honestly say is that this choice might screw us a tiny bit less than that choice. That's for either party.

Would Hillary have been more honest and all that? She never has been before.

During the Campaign people told me that Trump was liable to bungle us into a war. I said that was absolutely true. It was also true that Hillary would in all probability get us into the same war trying to be clever. Her long history has shown that she is perpetually that inch shy of being clever enough.

So give me someone to vote for. Give me a candidate that isn't as corrupt as all the others. Give me a candidate that is honest. Give me someone. Just screaming that this guy sucks is asinine. My point was everyone sucks. On both sides of the aisle. In every elected office.

That is what you don't get. Both candidates sucked like Black Holes.

What ever happened to bipartisan? Let me give you an easy example. Democrats could partner with the Libertarian leaning Republicans to legalize marijuana. We could end a useless and unpopular policy in the Government. We could affect real change. Are we doing it?

No. Because the Libertarian leaning Republicans are Republicans. Fuck compromise and all of that. First we have to have a huge majority of both houses and the White House before we can do jack shit.

60% of the people support legalization. Fuck them. It isn't about serving the people. It is about fucking over the other side.

The Democrats are for whatever the Republicans are against. The Democrats are against anything the Republicans are for.

Wake the hell up. It's kabuki theater. It is less than meaningless. That's why I gave you those examples. You don't care one damn bit that your side is doing the same thing. The only thing you care about is defeating the other side. It is a high school homecoming game run amok. Our side is going to win because they are blue. Your side sucks.

Every election we are stuck with the lesser of two evils as our choice. I shudder to think who the Democrats will run in 2020. I'm terrified that they'll run Hillary again. I hope the Democrats aren't that stupid, but I have a rule about betting against stupid.

Did you ever consider who is more presidential?
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?
There you go again... making an ass out of yourself and ignoring your hero's evil ways.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?
There you go again... making an ass out of yourself and ignoring your hero's evil ways.
Wow! I've been insulted by a Liberal who rants day and night!
I'm simply shocked!
Please post something relevant as I hate putting people on Ignore.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?

It's funny, this guy claims he doesn't know why people would object to Trump's words and actions. Then when told specifically he manages to excuse all of every single thing he does aND says almost like a deity.

"Trump works in mysterious ways yanno"

How could anyone or anything be 100% right on everything without it looking pretty sycophantic?
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?
There you go again... making an ass out of yourself and ignoring your hero's evil ways.
Wow! I've been insulted by a Liberal who rants day and night!
I'm simply shocked!
Please post something relevant as I hate putting people on Ignore.
Keep sucking Trump's cock and playing the fool. Your two greatest assets.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?

It's funny, this guy claims he doesn't know why people would object to Trump's words and actions. Then when told specifically he manages to excuse all of every single thing he does aND says almost like a deity.

"Trump works in mysterious ways yanno"

How could anyone or anything be 100% right on everything without it looking pretty sycophantic?
Maybe being attacked 24/7 for almost 2 years makes one a sycophant?
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?
There you go again... making an ass out of yourself and ignoring your hero's evil ways.
Wow! I've been insulted by a Liberal who rants day and night!
I'm simply shocked!
Please post something relevant as I hate putting people on Ignore.
Keep sucking Trump's cock and playing the fool. Your two greatest assets.
Trump has a rooster?.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?

It's just alternative maturity!
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?

It's funny, this guy claims he doesn't know why people would object to Trump's words and actions. Then when told specifically he manages to excuse all of every single thing he does aND says almost like a deity.

"Trump works in mysterious ways yanno"

How could anyone or anything be 100% right on everything without it looking pretty sycophantic?
If Trump was caught live on video Sanduskying a little boy they'd blame the guy videotaping it.
You know they would. He'd still have full support of their base.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
Tell an opponent his father helped kill JFK?? brag about grabbing pussy?
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?

It's funny, this guy claims he doesn't know why people would object to Trump's words and actions. Then when told specifically he manages to excuse all of every single thing he does aND says almost like a deity.

"Trump works in mysterious ways yanno"

How could anyone or anything be 100% right on everything without it looking pretty sycophantic?
Maybe being attacked 24/7 for almost 2 years makes one a sycophant?

That's not how support works. You don't support something just because other people don't unless you've been fooled into hating anything someone says just because of the mouth it comes from.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contest contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?
How about your constant barrage of immaturity that we have to deal with?

It's just alternative maturity!
It's a complete lack of maturity shared by all ideologues.
I don't like it when Conservatives do it.
Democrats and the folks on the left have gotten frankly, ridiculous in their perpetual screaming about Trump. They are starting to sound like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. He's a bag of dick tips. He's a muppet fart. He's pure evil.

Now, Deadpool was a funny movie. I enjoyed it. But it was a high school locker room as far as dialogue went. It was not how people talk every single day, and I was in the Army, and work in Transportation where swearing is the norm.

The left can't understand why the Right doesn't get it. They are flabbergasted and just assume that everyone who supports him is either ignorant of how much of a dick thistle he is, (Deadpool again) or that the supporters must be absolute pure evil themselves.

The problem is that the Democrats have been saying this about every Republican for about as long as I've been alive. The problem with using words too often is that the words lose their impact. Catastrophic is used to describe a girl breaking a fingernail. It should be saved for things like Fukushima. So when you argue that Republicans, and Trump, are pure evil, the word loses something because it's been overused.

I saw this news story, and it pretty much confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time.

Why Trump backers aren't swayed by media attacks, with or without Fox

It isn't Fox News, or Talk Radio, or the Radical RW news sites. It is that people have been inoculated by decades of Republicans are Evil talk to pretty much ignore it. I used the word Inoculated intentionally. It is a perfect description of the situation. You see, the first time someone hears of a politician being awful, racist, hate filled, anti-whatever, it makes an impact. The third time, much less of an impact. By the time you reach a thousand, it's having no impact whatsoever. Like how you are inoculated against diseases. Your body learns to identify the pathogen, and it has no effect on you.

So Democrats, you need to change tactics. You need to figure out how to talk to people without having spittle fly from your mouths as you say the word Trump. Right now, you are not first among the choices for a Bridge Club. "Three hearts, no trump."

"Trump? He's such a fucking racist hate filled asshole. You know he's totally crazy right? How can you not know that?"

You overused the catastrophic language, and now there isn't anything left that describes how you feel that does have an impact.
When you mock the handicap, brag about sexually assaulting women, encourage violence at your rallies, berate a Gold Star family, repeatedly violate the constitution, publicly shame a beauty contestant etc... what would be more evil than that?

It's funny, this guy claims he doesn't know why people would object to Trump's words and actions. Then when told specifically he manages to excuse all of every single thing he does aND says almost like a deity.

"Trump works in mysterious ways yanno"

How could anyone or anything be 100% right on everything without it looking pretty sycophantic?
Maybe being attacked 24/7 for almost 2 years makes one a sycophant?

That's not how support works. You don't support something just because other people don't unless you've been fooled into hating anything someone says just because of the mouth it comes from.
You never read Trump, Sanders or Hillary's web sites.
You didn't follow their speeches or interviews.
You know dipshit about what Trump was saying for over 20 years.
And yet your soooooooooooooooooooo sensitive.
And yet so rude at the same time to anyone who disagrees with you.
I call it being a hypocrite.
Here's one simple to understand point:

Trump is using the White House to enrich himself and friends. That shouldn't happen and is a conflict of interest.

Now here is where you do your Deadwood impression

Ok. Find me someone who doesn't. Seriously. The last person to leave the White House broke was Truman. He's just about the only one to leave elected office in Washington broke.

Congressmen buy stocks in companies that they award contracts to.

Generals in the Army push appropriations through for new equipment and then take jobs with the company who's products the military just bought.

Congressmen leave politics and take jobs as lobbyists.

They give speeches for tons of money.

Now. How is it worse when Trump does it? How is taking his weekends at one of his resorts way worse than the Secret Service putting in a new room or building for them to guard the President when he is at his home?

Insider trading laws do not apply to Congress.

Congress insiders: Above the law?

So that argument is way beyond the pot and kettle stage. Oh. He's going to make money. He would have made more if he was not in the White House. Idiot.

The White House is like slumming for him. He is used to gold plated toilets and gold leaf everything.

Check out 'Trump Force One' — Donald Trump's personal Boeing airliner

For everyone else the White House perks might be awesome. For Trump, it is literally a step down. I know that is counterintuitive for some. But it is true.

Didn't your mama tell you things aren't right because everyone does it?

If the only thing you have is its OK because you say others do then you have no defense.

What choices do we have. Honestly this election was between the two worst candidates ever. I've voted Democrat all my life until Hillary. I couldn't stomach that.

Now. Tell me what candidate we could get behind to bring honest representation to the nation. Seriously. The very best we can honestly say is that this choice might screw us a tiny bit less than that choice. That's for either party.

Would Hillary have been more honest and all that? She never has been before.

During the Campaign people told me that Trump was liable to bungle us into a war. I said that was absolutely true. It was also true that Hillary would in all probability get us into the same war trying to be clever. Her long history has shown that she is perpetually that inch shy of being clever enough.

So give me someone to vote for. Give me a candidate that isn't as corrupt as all the others. Give me a candidate that is honest. Give me someone. Just screaming that this guy sucks is asinine. My point was everyone sucks. On both sides of the aisle. In every elected office.

That is what you don't get. Both candidates sucked like Black Holes.

What ever happened to bipartisan? Let me give you an easy example. Democrats could partner with the Libertarian leaning Republicans to legalize marijuana. We could end a useless and unpopular policy in the Government. We could affect real change. Are we doing it?

No. Because the Libertarian leaning Republicans are Republicans. Fuck compromise and all of that. First we have to have a huge majority of both houses and the White House before we can do jack shit.

60% of the people support legalization. Fuck them. It isn't about serving the people. It is about fucking over the other side.

The Democrats are for whatever the Republicans are against. The Democrats are against anything the Republicans are for.

Wake the hell up. It's kabuki theater. It is less than meaningless. That's why I gave you those examples. You don't care one damn bit that your side is doing the same thing. The only thing you care about is defeating the other side. It is a high school homecoming game run amok. Our side is going to win because they are blue. Your side sucks.

Every election we are stuck with the lesser of two evils as our choice. I shudder to think who the Democrats will run in 2020. I'm terrified that they'll run Hillary again. I hope the Democrats aren't that stupid, but I have a rule about betting against stupid.

Did you ever consider who is more presidential?

Wipe? With a cloth?

Yeah. I did.
Here's one simple to understand point:

Trump is using the White House to enrich himself and friends. That shouldn't happen and is a conflict of interest.

Now here is where you do your Deadwood impression

Ok. Find me someone who doesn't. Seriously. The last person to leave the White House broke was Truman. He's just about the only one to leave elected office in Washington broke.

Congressmen buy stocks in companies that they award contracts to.

Generals in the Army push appropriations through for new equipment and then take jobs with the company who's products the military just bought.

Congressmen leave politics and take jobs as lobbyists.

They give speeches for tons of money.

Now. How is it worse when Trump does it? How is taking his weekends at one of his resorts way worse than the Secret Service putting in a new room or building for them to guard the President when he is at his home?

Insider trading laws do not apply to Congress.

Congress insiders: Above the law?

So that argument is way beyond the pot and kettle stage. Oh. He's going to make money. He would have made more if he was not in the White House. Idiot.

The White House is like slumming for him. He is used to gold plated toilets and gold leaf everything.

Check out 'Trump Force One' — Donald Trump's personal Boeing airliner

For everyone else the White House perks might be awesome. For Trump, it is literally a step down. I know that is counterintuitive for some. But it is true.

Didn't your mama tell you things aren't right because everyone does it?

If the only thing you have is its OK because you say others do then you have no defense.

What choices do we have..

You're right, you have to like it because you don't have a choice. Trump doesn't allow dissent.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

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