Butter Emails

Since every thread discussing Trump’s theft of national defense docs devolves into a distraction with this as the subject I thought we should have a thread where that can be discussed so it doesn’t litter other threads
How does the president steal anything? I don’t get your angle about him stealing documents when he’s the ultimate arbiter of those documents.

Hilda pig never had that power. She’s subject to the law, or should have been.

Your comparisons are stupid. Which is exactly why it keeps being brought up. You want to treat a president as an SOS, while at the same time giving her presidential powers she never had.
What does Butters emails have to do with Trump anyway?
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Since every thread discussing Trump’s theft of national defense docs devolves into a distraction with this as the subject I thought we should have a thread where that can be discussed so it doesn’t litter other threads
Every thread discussing Trump’s theft of national defense documents devolves into conservatives lying and deflecting.
Since every thread discussing Trump’s theft of national defense docs devolves into a distraction with this as the subject I thought we should have a thread where that can be discussed so it doesn’t litter other threads

Your Ukraine flag is turned the wrong way.

Are you a Russian spy?

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