Calif High Speed Rail project derailed

The SF - LA airline route has the second highest usage in the nation at 2.8 million passengers per year. (The most traveled route in the nation is NY - LA at 3 million, making LA air traffic a significant issue.

By road it's a 380 mile trip, so airline travel makes single day trips possible, while by car even a two day trip would be arduous.

The cost of meeting the transportation demand between these cities is going to be huge no matter which method is used. Major new airports anywhere near the LA basin would face gigantic obstacles.

If light rail can meet the projected 2.5 hours travel time, it's hard to believe this mode of transportation wouldn't justify a significant ticket price. It would become time competitive with airline travel.

Obviously there has been real analysis for this project. But, if anyone out there hasn't actually looked at the scope of the problem, I would argue that it's worth a look. This project certainly doesn't strike me as crazy.
If California wants it, let California pay for it. ALL of it.

Of course, they need to pay for their unfunded state and local pension liabilities first...all $329 billion worth.

But then, liberals never have been very good with money.

So liberals have never been good with money, which is why both major crashes in the last 80 years happened while having republicans in power and in the white house for many years. Keep telling the lie though, somebody may buy this crap just like you did.

Psssst! It's not conservatives who have been running California around the toilet bowl for decades.

Oh, and check this out:

Study: The most bankrupt states are run by liberals - Springfield Macon County Conservative |
Study: The most bankrupt states are run by liberals

As Democrats continue senselessly plunging our nation into the very same kind of left-wing fiscal insanity and government-run everything that has utterly devastated cities like Detroit, it is worth noting that the ten most bankrupt states in the country right now are also run by liberals...or they are border states being systematically decimated by the left's persistent attempts to import an underclass of 15 million new Democrat voters.

The study, conducted by the Pew Center on the States, found that California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin are among the most bankrupt states in the country. The only ones not run top-to-bottom by Democrats were Arizona, Florida and Nevada...all of which have huge illegal immigration problems.

Bravo, liberals. Way to show us evil, misguided proponents of the free market how it's done.​
Yeah? If CA's doing so great, why is it $329 billion in the hole just in pensions?

Who's going to prop it up when the bill comes due? That's right -- the rest of the US.

Maybe they'll have to stop supporting red states for a while.
Yeah? If CA's doing so great, why is it $329 billion in the hole just in pensions?

Who's going to prop it up when the bill comes due? That's right -- the rest of the US.

Maybe they'll have to stop supporting red states for a while.
Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.
So liberals have never been good with money, which is why both major crashes in the last 80 years happened while having republicans in power and in the white house for many years. Keep telling the lie though, somebody may buy this crap just like you did.
Yes. "Liberals" are "never good with money", yet the GOP crashes the economy.

It's amazing what they try to feed us, isn't it?
Bravo, liberals. Way to show us evil, misguided proponents of the free market how it's done.
Misguided proponents of the free market think private enterprise is going to build new airports, create fast rail and cross this nation with adequate highways.

And, they're going to make that multi-billiion dollar long term investment any day now!
Bravo, liberals. Way to show us evil, misguided proponents of the free market how it's done.
Misguided proponents of the free market think private enterprise is going to build new airports, create fast rail and cross this nation with adequate highways.

And, they're going to make that multi-billiion dollar long term investment any day now!

Did you pick your user name to try to fool people, or are you really going to read more than your kindergarten text books?
Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.

Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.
Libertiphobia: The fear among leftists that someone, somewhere, is making his own decisions.

The comment was too ridiculous to go with a new anwer.

And, don't worry, I know you are not making your own decisions.
What I'd do is buy a few 200+ mph bullet trains from japan and have 5 stops throughout California from SD to Sf.

If you're going to do trains you do trains ;)

You do realize these trains require highly specialized rails and rail beds?.
And the state will never be able to run a high speed rail line from SDO to SFO with 5 stops.
Every other town would demand a station or they would fight the routing through their town.
This is why interstates have interchanges every mile or two.
You've never travelled by high speed rail, have you?
What I'd do is buy a few 200+ mph bullet trains from japan and have 5 stops throughout California from SD to Sf.

If you're going to do trains you do trains ;)

You do realize these trains require highly specialized rails and rail beds?.
And the state will never be able to run a high speed rail line from SDO to SFO with 5 stops.
Every other town would demand a station or they would fight the routing through their town.
This is why interstates have interchanges every mile or two.
You've never travelled by high speed rail, have you?

You've never tired to build anything in California, have you?
Bravo, liberals. Way to show us evil, misguided proponents of the free market how it's done.
Misguided proponents of the free market think private enterprise is going to build new airports, create fast rail and cross this nation with adequate highways.

And, they're going to make that multi-billiion dollar long term investment any day now! know who builds that stuff, right?

Hint: It's not government employees, genius. It's private enterprise. Government's just paying the bill.
Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.

Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.
Libertiphobia: The fear among leftists that someone, somewhere, is making his own decisions.

The comment was too ridiculous to go with a new anwer.
In other words, all you've got is mindless progressive talking points.
And, don't worry, I know you are not making your own decisions.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan
Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.

Don't you have anything original, son? Mindless repetition of progressive talking points is simply not compelling.
Libertiphobia: The fear among leftists that someone, somewhere, is making his own decisions.

The comment was too ridiculous to go with a new anwer.
In other words, all you've got is mindless progressive talking points.
And, don't worry, I know you are not making your own decisions.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

They don't even know enough to know that they don't know
The comment was too ridiculous to go with a new anwer.
In other words, all you've got is mindless progressive talking points.
And, don't worry, I know you are not making your own decisions.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

They don't even know enough to know that they don't know
Never before have I seen so many people be so arrogant with so little reason to be.
Anyone that thinks that the republican party doesn't hates science and infrastructure. Well, this is a hint of that.

I would go to Japan and buy one of their 300 mph trains ;)

As if there was no Eminent Domain seizure of local property owners and other politically disadvantaged groups to build this high speed rail.

Let the mega corporations cede their own property for these projects.
Just think how great that train could be if federal taxpayers chipped in a few trillion. For the common good... Lol
Bravo, liberals. Way to show us evil, misguided proponents of the free market how it's done.
Misguided proponents of the free market think private enterprise is going to build new airports, create fast rail and cross this nation with adequate highways.

And, they're going to make that multi-billiion dollar long term investment any day now! know who builds that stuff, right?

Hint: It's not government employees, genius. It's private enterprise. Government's just paying the bill.
Of COURSE the federal government does the work through contracts!! Why the heck would we have federal workers competing with private enterprise in the driving of paving machines, etc.?? Why did you think this had anything to do with the thread topic?

Besides the central point of providing transportation infrastructure for US businesses to use, these projects even stimulate our economy by putting private enterprises to work.

Businesses in America have the advantage that we create for them an amazing environment in which to operate. We provide transportation systems, a stable legal framework, stable and regulated markets, patent protection, regulated banking and finance and all manner of other incredibly important features for the benefit of our entrepreneurs that come from our taxes. It is a problem when the capabilities of these systems degrade or lag behind the demand that US businesses place on them.

Who do you think these 2.8 million people per year are who travel by air between SF and LA? Do you think they're all tourists headed for Disneyland?

And, anyone who thinks that fast rail between SF and LA will appear without government leadership has NO idea what they are talking about.
Bravo, liberals. Way to show us evil, misguided proponents of the free market how it's done.
Misguided proponents of the free market think private enterprise is going to build new airports, create fast rail and cross this nation with adequate highways.

And, they're going to make that multi-billiion dollar long term investment any day now! know who builds that stuff, right?

Hint: It's not government employees, genius. It's private enterprise. Government's just paying the bill.
Why not give jobs to private enterprise? That's what builds a strong economy.
Misguided proponents of the free market think private enterprise is going to build new airports, create fast rail and cross this nation with adequate highways.

And, they're going to make that multi-billiion dollar long term investment any day now! know who builds that stuff, right?

Hint: It's not government employees, genius. It's private enterprise. Government's just paying the bill.
Of COURSE the federal government does the work through contracts!! Why the heck would we have federal workers competing with private enterprise in the driving of paving machines, etc.?? Why did you think this had anything to do with the thread topic?

Besides the central point of providing transportation infrastructure for US businesses to use, these projects even stimulate our economy by putting private enterprises to work.

Businesses in America have the advantage that we create for them an amazing environment in which to operate. We provide transportation systems, a stable legal framework, stable and regulated markets, patent protection, regulated banking and finance and all manner of other incredibly important features for the benefit of our entrepreneurs that come from our taxes. It is a problem when the capabilities of these systems degrade or lag behind the demand that US businesses place on them.

Who do you think these 2.8 million people per year are who travel by air between SF and LA? Do you think they're all tourists headed for Disneyland?

And, anyone who thinks that fast rail between SF and LA will appear without government leadership has NO idea what they are talking about.
You want it, YOU pay for it. Get your thieving hands out of my wallet.

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