Calif Senator Bans Words ‘He’ ‘She’ from Meetings


[2:22] And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
[2:23] Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this one was taken."
[5:2] Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them "Humankind" when they were created.

Betcha that "they" bitch never read the Bible.
Pretty funny that she stumbled over her own rule several times after making that announcement.

I'm sure all future hearings will go over just as smoothly.

I don't care if individuals want to be called by a different pronoun, but this is just stupid. But with that said, that's ultimately their issue to deal with and it doesn't bother me either way.
How will he make sure that no one uses masculine or feminine pronouns during a committee meeting? What will be the penalty for someone who does?
I hope no one speaks Spanish near her with everything having masculine and feminine meanings.
Oh god yeah. That’s right! That’s disrespectful to a minority too, insisting otherwise. All nouns are either preceded by the as “la” (female) or “el” (male). Also Italian & German. Though German has a die for female, der for male & das for neutral. Oddly, “das” precedes a youung girl or madchen (with umlauts). Denoting a girl isnt female until she menstruates. Then it’s “die fraulein”.

What a rats nest for California. :lmao:

I can do that: I am pretty good with Greg Egan's pronouns for the "asex" in his novel Distress. Ve, ver, vis. In his society, since people had to learn it anyway for asex people (Egan never thought of what actually happened, men who think they are women and vice versa!), they took to using these pronouns for the plural when sex is mixed or unknown. Which made sense and is how language probably would develop.

Of course, I wouldn't use those pronouns, I would just not cooperate. It's very important never to cooperate with the Leftist language censorship and attempts at control of thought. I absolutely don't allow anyone to "correct" me or tell me how to or not to express myself.

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