California may ‘become a red state’ because of failed coronavirus leadership

....could've opened a lot of things long ago with minimal deaths--yes I said minimal deaths----you can't shut down the economy--plain and simple have a bunch of illegals and Mexicans there in Cali..I don't know...humans will still not listen to common sense and vote racially and with hate/emotion---instead of common sense
If your skidmark would have used common sense we'd not have to shut down. Burr figured it out.
I wonder if this would give Trump the win?

Uh huh..... sure.....

To me the biggest number is the 12% that are looking to vote other. It seems that there is a larger than usual number looking elsewhere, that means they are not happy with Trump or Biden.
When you think about it, Cali. would be a much better place with someone like Trump running it. What the hell are Democrats giving Californians? Trains that don't work. Trains that they don't finish. Homeless and poop covered sidewalks. A junkies heaven. High taxes. Closed colleges. No freedom of speech even when the colleges are open. Closed beaches. A water supply problem that they never address. A wildfire environment they refuse to alter. A total economic shutdown. WTF have Democrats ever done for Cali (not counting pandering to illegal aliens)? Cali. is a super great place with abundant blessings. It's success comes in spite of Democrats. The state would be much better off under Republican leadership.
That will be the day

Texas is closer to turning Blue
Reagan would be a never trumper.
We should have never gotten to the point of having Trump in a political race. He had the foresight to see it. An opening that the Repub establishment ignored. Take Trump's rhetoric out of the equation which is a response to the Prog media/entertainers/politicians responses and he is a good President that is very moderate for all the people. His judges are to the right of center generally and that is a political issue for Progs.
Cali has as much chance of going red as Texas does of going least in the near future
I live here and I can't tell. The public is in a white hot fury over what the democrats have done and are doing. I have not seen this kind of fury since Gray Davis was recalled. If the democrats keep up increasing the pain and pressure on the public through the summer it's going to be a whole other world.

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