Calling All Christians!

I saw Victoria today, and I got to hold her. She is getting some healthy baby pudge on her. She was off the machines for 9 hours today. They are training my sister and her husband to care for her dialysis, and they think she will be home on Friday. My sister looks much more rested and calm. I took a picture of Tori, and received permission to post it. I'm not Darin or misterblu. She looks a little yellow bc of the hospital lighting, and the nurse had to jiggle her to keep her from crying, so it's a little fuzzy.


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mom4 said:
I saw Victoria today, and I got to hold her. She is getting some healthy baby pudge on her. She was off the machines for 9 hours today. They are training my sister and her husband to care for her dialysis, and they think she will be home on Friday. My sister looks much more rested and calm. I took a picture of Tori, and received permission to post it. I'm not Darin or misterblu. She looks a little yellow bc of the hospital lighting, and the nurse had to jiggle her to keep her from crying, so it's a little fuzzy.
:thup: :thup: :thup:
:thewave: :thewave: :thewave: :thewave: :thewave: :thewave:
fuzzykitten99 said:
she's such a doll. it is so hard seeing such a small person have to go through so much, and not be able to understand any of it.

Good thing she's here in the US, where the medical treatments and brilliant doctors are accessible to help save her and treat her.
We are truly blessed. Our children's hospital is one of the best in the world. We are VERY thankful that she is there.
mom4 said:
We are truly blessed. Our children's hospital is one of the best in the world. We are VERY thankful that she is there.
She's beautiful!
As I type this, Victoria is on her way home from the hospital. They will have a very busy time in the next few weeks, getting her into some kind of routine and getting the home dialysis procedure down pat. My mom is staying with them tonight.

But HOORAY! :thewave: Thank you all for your prayers and support. I know that this has made all the difference.
mom4 said:
As I type this, Victoria is on her way home from the hospital. They will have a very busy time in the next few weeks, getting her into some kind of routine and getting the home dialysis procedure down pat. My mom is staying with them tonight.

But HOORAY! :thewave: Thank you all for your prayers and support. I know that this has made all the difference.
mom4 said:
As I type this, Victoria is on her way home from the hospital. They will have a very busy time in the next few weeks, getting her into some kind of routine and getting the home dialysis procedure down pat. My mom is staying with them tonight.

But HOORAY! :thewave: Thank you all for your prayers and support. I know that this has made all the difference.

This is such great news! :thewave:

I know the parents must be thrilled, not too mention your mom and the rest of you!
mom4 said:
As I type this, Victoria is on her way home from the hospital. They will have a very busy time in the next few weeks, getting her into some kind of routine and getting the home dialysis procedure down pat. My mom is staying with them tonight.

But HOORAY! :thewave: Thank you all for your prayers and support. I know that this has made all the difference.

Thank God!! What a relief for your family. Just to have her home is all they care about, the routine will take care of itself.. :)
mom4 said:
As I type this, Victoria is on her way home from the hospital. They will have a very busy time in the next few weeks, getting her into some kind of routine and getting the home dialysis procedure down pat. My mom is staying with them tonight.

But HOORAY! :thewave: Thank you all for your prayers and support. I know that this has made all the difference.


Victoria is having a little trouble again. Her dialysis tube has a kink in it. It would require surgery to fix, so they left it for the time being. She was still draining fine. But, now she is starting to puff up again. It's not draining well enough. She may need surgery. :(
Joz said:
Well crap, Mom. Where did the kink come from?
I guess just from her movements. They discovered it shortly after she went home, but like I said, it didn't seem to be doing much harm then.
Just an update, for those who were interested...

Victoria is going to a hospital in San Fransisco, I think Sep 6. She is going to have both her kidneys removed, as they are both nonfunctioning. My sister and her husband are going to be tested to see if either of them is a good match for kidney donation. We are praying that one of them is, or at least someone in the family, so Victoria won't have to go on a waiting list. If a family member is a good match, she could be set to receive the organ possibly next summer, or whenever she reaches 22 pounds.

She is gaining weight well, which is very difficult for a child in her condition. Her belly is so small, anyway, and with all the dialysis fluid pumped into her, there isn't much room for food. She is on a feeding tube, but she still throws up a lot. Even so, she has managed to gain weight well. So we have hopes that she will be able to get a kidney in her sometime in the near future.
I'm not sure what to say, except that I hope she can pull through the necessary surgeries. :(

Thanks, Jeff. This is actually good news. It's a miracle that she has survived this far, and now we're taking steps to get her a kidney so she can get off dialysis and catch up in her development. We are very thankful and hopeful. :)
Tori is scheduled for surgery this morning at 8AM, Pacific time (11am, Eastern). She is having both her non-functioning kidneys removed. My sister and her husband flew to California (from OH) on Labor Day... quite an ordeal with the baby, the dialysis equipment, and the baby was off her feeding tube, which meant she couldn't eat for 10 hours. So she was pretty cranky. They managed to get a room at the Ronald McDonald House, though, which was a blessing. My BIL will fly home next week, and my sister will return with the baby when she is released, in about 2 weeks. We are still praying for healing, up to the last minute. I know God CAN heal her, if it is His will. But, if not, we are hoping all goes well, and that the removal of the kidneys frees up some space in her belly so she can hold her food down better.

If anyone would pray for them, it would be much appreciated.
Tori is scheduled for surgery this morning at 8AM, Pacific time (11am, Eastern). She is having both her non-functioning kidneys removed. My sister and her husband flew to California (from OH) on Labor Day... quite an ordeal with the baby, the dialysis equipment, and the baby was off her feeding tube, which meant she couldn't eat for 10 hours. So she was pretty cranky. They managed to get a room at the Ronald McDonald House, though, which was a blessing. My BIL will fly home next week, and my sister will return with the baby when she is released, in about 2 weeks. We are still praying for healing, up to the last minute. I know God CAN heal her, if it is His will. But, if not, we are hoping all goes well, and that the removal of the kidneys frees up some space in her belly so she can hold her food down better.

If anyone would pray for them, it would be much appreciated.

Of course, N.

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