Calls for Trump's impeachment is desperaton.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is no other way to say this but we may as well get used to the idea that a totalitarian existence is in our future if the political establishment in the US is successful at removing the current president. Contrary to what many believe, Donald Trump was not put in the White House by Republicans; he was put there by coalition of independent voters who were horrified at the direction the country is going in.

After eight years of being ushered into the sewer of political correctness by Barack Obama, the country had no stomach for Hillary Clinton who is without a doubt the Ma Barker of the Clinton criminal enterprise. Her arrogance was so engrained after decades of escaping prosecution that she thumbed her nose at national security protocol and then brazenly destroyed evidence of her misdeeds.

She was able to pull this off because the Clintons’ and their minions are probably the most powerful organized political crime syndicate in the history of the United States-so powerful that they have control of the FBI and Department of Justice which would normally be there to protect citizens by investigating and prosecuting high crimes that the Clinton family regards as just another day at the office.

It’s not just that the FBI’s James Comey was a bag man for the Clinton’s when he wrote her exoneration months before interrogating her or Loretta Lynch instructing Comey to call Hillary’s alleged crimes a “matter” Or her tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton that caused Comey to cover his backside. The discredited Fusion GPS documents presented to a FISA Court that set off the Mueller investigation is blatant proof of malfeasance. The original documents requested by Devin Nunes that launched the absurd investigation into Trump’s Russian collusion are not being turned over and that’s a telling development.

The real crime family is the US political establishment comprised of both Republicans and Democrats. They’ve been selling us out to globalization for at least a generation. The fact that they underestimated the intellect of the American voter leading to Donald Trump’s White House win has thrown them right off the rails. A Banzai charge of impeachment is the last chance for the rats that have been sailing the ship to avoid leaving it and if enough Democratic House seats are won it’s coming.

Trump is an outsider that won’t “play ball” so impeachment is their only option.
Trump was put in the White House because about 80% of his voters heard the dog whistle he’ll MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.
There’s no running away from this fact.

Just take a sampling of the trump cult on this forum. They range from white supremacists to hard core racists.
Trump was put in the White House because about 80% of his voters heard the dog whistle he’ll MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.
There’s no running away from this fact.

Just take a sampling of the trump cult on this forum. They range from white supremacists to hard core racists.

Could you be any more stupid?
Tell us pop, and be honest. You'd fully support rounding up everyone who doesn't think like you and put them in one of Hellary's "Fun Camps" wouldn't you?
Could you be any more stupid?
Tell us pop, and be honest. You'd fully support rounding up everyone who doesn't think like you and put them in one of Hellary's "Fun Camps" wouldn't you?

you misspelled i, and no, i really don't think it's possible
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The raid on his attorney is another sign of desperation.

They tore the door off the hinges when they raided Manafort's house while he and his wife were sleeping. No one raided Hillary Clinton's house while she was exposing security secrets with her bathroom servers.
There is no other way to say this but we may as well get used to the idea that a totalitarian existence is in our future if the political establishment in the US is successful at removing the current president. Contrary to what many believe, Donald Trump was not put in the White House by Republicans; he was put there by coalition of independent voters who were horrified at the direction the country is going in.

After eight years of being ushered into the sewer of political correctness by Barack Obama, the country had no stomach for Hillary Clinton who is without a doubt the Ma Barker of the Clinton criminal enterprise. Her arrogance was so engrained after decades of escaping prosecution that she thumbed her nose at national security protocol and then brazenly destroyed evidence of her misdeeds.

She was able to pull this off because the Clintons’ and their minions are probably the most powerful organized political crime syndicate in the history of the United States-so powerful that they have control of the FBI and Department of Justice which would normally be there to protect citizens by investigating and prosecuting high crimes that the Clinton family regards as just another day at the office.

It’s not just that the FBI’s James Comey was a bag man for the Clinton’s when he wrote her exoneration months before interrogating her or Loretta Lynch instructing Comey to call Hillary’s alleged crimes a “matter” Or her tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton that caused Comey to cover his backside. The discredited Fusion GPS documents presented to a FISA Court that set off the Mueller investigation is blatant proof of malfeasance. The original documents requested by Devin Nunes that launched the absurd investigation into Trump’s Russian collusion are not being turned over and that’s a telling development.

The real crime family is the US political establishment comprised of both Republicans and Democrats. They’ve been selling us out to globalization for at least a generation. The fact that they underestimated the intellect of the American voter leading to Donald Trump’s White House win has thrown them right off the rails. A Banzai charge of impeachment is the last chance for the rats that have been sailing the ship to avoid leaving it and if enough Democratic House seats are won it’s coming.

Trump is an outsider that won’t “play ball” so impeachment is their only option.

Are. The plural form of is. Learn it.

He's probably going to face impeachment. He's dirty. Not sure it's the best thing, but it will probably be what happens.

I'd rather he resign in disgrace. But that would require that he takes a sober look at the situation and that he has some sense of shame. He won't and he doesn't. He will make it as difficult as possible.
Just take a sampling of the trump cult on this forum. They range from white supremacists to hard core racists.


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