Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

We do know. Not a shred of evince of any significant in person fraud. And the logistics required to pull that off and actually affect an election where even only a few hundred thousand voted are prohibitive and are absurd fantasies.

Again -- and I am sad that I have to repeat this -- that cat is out of the bag. The motivations for these laws have been admitted. No more guessing required. All they need now is to foment a baseless and irrational doubt that our elections are not secure. Oh wait... they thought of that, too. My favorite is when they talk about mail vote fraud for an hour then say, "See, we need Voter ID". They know they are appealing to emotions, not intellect.
I can go and vote as my dad tomorrow and no one would know the difference. I can come back later and vote as myself. That is ridiculous and needs to get fixed. Voter ID would fix that. Not sure why you’re against it?
We do know. Not a shred of evince of any significant in person fraud. And the logistics required to pull that off and actually affect an election where even only a few hundred thousand voted are prohibitive and are absurd fantasies.

Again -- and I am sad that I have to repeat this -- that cat is out of the bag. The motivations for these laws have been admitted. No more guessing required. All they need now is to foment a baseless and irrational doubt that our elections are not secure. Oh wait... they thought of that, too. My favorite is when they talk about mail vote fraud for an hour then say, "See, we need Voter ID". They know they are appealing to emotions, not intellect.
In terms of voting by mail, my wife is agnostic so I can vote for her and myself. But in real life she doesn’t want to go and vote. So that’s an extra vote. I refuse To believe I am the only person in such a situation. So please spare me your bullshit data. I am talking real life. And voter fraud has been discovered before and in town elections every vote matters. You’re a deranged leftist with your head up your ass. Luckily you’re wearing a mask.
Knew about what? That you’re a deranged leftist. If natural immunity was reported fairly then those with it would not be forced to get the vaccines

The problem with natural immunity are the health risks. Like dying, or spreading the virus to others or overwhelming our healthcare system or long term health effects or the possibility of creating more contagious or lethal variants of the virus.
The problem with natural immunity are the health risks. Like dying, or spreading the virus to others or overwhelming our healthcare system or long term health effects or the possibility of creating more contagious or lethal variants of the virus.
Nope. If you had the virus you’re all set.
Or dead, or still dealing with long haul Covid, or spreading it to others like a rat. If your vaccinated you're probably not having to deal with any of that.
See you’re wrong. How would the Red Cross allow me to donate for 12 mos if my blood was contaminated and I could spread the virus? You’re a retard.

Thoughts? It's coming.
Why not?
- Do you have to answer?

President Biden's Un-Constitutional edict is causing businesses who hire contractors to fill govt positions to ask their contractors if they are vaccinated. If they refuse to answer the business owners can fire the govt contractors already working and refuse to hire those seeking a job. .

I work in a location in which 3 vaccinated contractors having a meeting all still had to wear masks.

Can they declare 'Customers Must Wear Masks'?
- Sure. If it is their business they can.....doesn't mean you have to do business with them.

HIPAA does not prevent an employer, gym, restaurant, etc... from ASKING if you are vaccinated. It is still your choice to answer or not. If you choose not to answer an employer can consider you to be 'unvaccinated', which could affect your working conditions or if you are hired / get you fired.



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April 2021 and I got COVID in March 2020. Want to see more of my donations? You’re so stupid it hurts. Natural immunity is for life and those who had it don’t spread it.

How do we know natural immunity is for life? And why did you bypass literally everything I said in post #445 and are now going on a rant about you're supposed personal experience with COVID, just one individual. I can think of more than 600k who had a different outcome and thankfully due to the vaccine that number is as low as it is. Is natural immunity reducing deaths? No, of course not.
I know it's illegal to ask WHY you need a support dog or emotional support dog. But to ask if you have been vaxxed and want proof? Slippery slope. cake for a gay couple. Some rules apply, some don't.

If I am asked, I would tell them it's none of their business. If they tell me to prove it one way or another, I would just walk out. This is retail, though. Drs office? Dunno.
Businesses are struggling enough right now. Not sure it is in their best interest to try and alienate 40% of their potential customers. If they choose to do this, there are plenty of other businesses that would love my money. Speak with the wallet.
I can go and vote as my dad tomorrow and no one would know the difference. I can come back later and vote as myself. That is ridiculous and needs to get fixed. Voter ID would fix that. Not sure why you’re against it?
We all know the "true" reason the left is against voter IDs. It restricts the ability to cheat, and that worries them. And their racist tones that blacks, and other minorities, are not bright enough to get an ID is an insult. BTW...I had someone vote as me, and I lost my right to vote. It was a local election, but there it was...a signature right next to my name. And before anyone ask, yes they signed my name.
How do we know natural immunity is for life? And why did you bypass literally everything I said in post #445 and are now going on a rant about you're supposed personal experience with COVID, just one individual. I can think of more than 600k who had a different outcome and thankfully due to the vaccine that number is as low as it is. Is natural immunity reducing deaths? No, of course not.
They were unhealthy and COVID19 just sped up their demise. Billions have had it and 99.6% survived. If you had the virus and no longer have it then you’re not a threat. If you get the vaccine but never had the virus you’re still a threat.
We all know the "true" reason the left is against voter IDs. It restricts the ability to cheat, and that worries them. And their racist tones that blacks, and other minorities, are not bright enough to get an ID is an insult. BTW...I had someone vote as me, and I lost my right to vote. It was a local election, but there it was...a signature right next to my name. And before anyone ask, yes they signed my name.
I believe you’re correct.
They were unhealthy and COVID19 just sped up their demise.

Many people don't know what their health status is and that can change month to month, year to year. In the United States obesity is very common and I see many, many anti-vaxxers who appear unhealthy and overweight. Covid can take them out in a month where many would live for decades longer. Leaving behind pain, grief and sometimes clogging up our healthcare system where others, more responsible people have to hold off on their own medical treatments.

Billions have had it

Billions have not had it, not even close.

and 99.6% survived. If you had the virus and no longer have it then you’re not a threat. If you get the vaccine but never had the virus you’re still a threat.

Again, with that almost 700k what seem like expendable lives in your book being the big difference here. Not to mention what COVID does to many who survive and are left with even more health problems.
Many people don't know what their health status is and that can change month to month, year to year. In the United States obesity is very common and I see many, many anti-vaxxers who appear unhealthy and overweight. Covid can take them out in a month where many would live for decades longer. Leaving behind pain, grief and sometimes clogging up our healthcare system where others, more responsible people have to hold off on their own medical treatments.

Billions have not had it, not even close.

Again, with that almost 700k what seem like expendable lives in your book being the big difference here. Not to mention what COVID does to many who survive and are left with even more health problems.

So 33%…over the world pop of 8bn? Yeah, billions. And how many would have died anyway? If you’re healthy you don’t die. 99.6% survival rate. Maybe the Govt should promote a healthy lifestyle? We are the fattest developed country so of course we have more underlying conditions. Kids don’t really die from it unless a really rare circumstance. Why? They are skinnier and healthier. You’re such a coward. I helped Save people as you lay under your bed.

So 33%…over the world pop of 8bn? Yeah, billions. And how many would have died anyway? If you’re healthy you don’t die. 99.6% survival rate. Maybe the Govt should promote a healthy lifestyle? We are the fattest developed country so of course we have more underlying conditions. Kids don’t really die from it unless a really rare circumstance. Why? They are skinnier and healthier. You’re such a coward. I helped Save people as you lay under your bed.

Oh, Ok. So you're going to extrapolate that what happens in the United States is the same around the world? The largest country with the most documented case of COVID somehow automatically equates to the rest of the world? Doesn't work that way and your study doesn't say so either.

How come you picked a study that doesn't look into unreported COVID deaths? How does 900k people dying in the United States as of May 2021 sound to you?


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