Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

If they prohibit you then at that point they would likely be guilty of discrimination based on denying equal services due to a question they can ask but you don’t have to answer
You know, all the information to discover you are delusional is available to you.
How do they suppress it?
Any added obstacle will suppress turnout. That's the theory of the people pushing the new Voter ID laws. So, maybe take it up with them...?

If you want to find them, they are the same people trying to reduce polling places, trying to make mail voting harder, and trying to gut the Voting Rights Act. But I am sure that's ALL just coincidence, and they are nobly fighting a voter fraud problem that does not actually exist.

Such an obvious con. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to defend it. It is what it is.
It is just bizarre.

My father worked for the State Department. When we posted to different countries there were mandatory shots. In India, we had to show our smallpox vaccination scar as proof. I was vaccinated for smallpox, polio, diptheria, and a bunch of other childhood diseases required for school at the time. I recently got a booster for tetanus, and a flu shot (in part because I am around high risk people). And yes, my parents had show verification of it. My friend is a nurse. Her employment has always required certain vaccines that change as recommendations change. And yes, she had show verification of it. I have never seen such a bunch of babies and boobs screaming about “muh freedoms” and “tyranny” as these of a simple and temporary mask requirement or a vaccine requirement that is no different than we’ve done in the past. And yet this same boobs have no problems tearing masks off others, putting children teachers at senseless risk, and passing legislation chipping away real rights and freedoms.

This is Idiocracy in action.
It is bizarre and idiotic.

The Trump Cult follows this weird blend of anti-vax conspiracy theories and lies, a misguided belief that they’re being ‘defiant’ and ‘non-conformist,’ and wrongheaded dogma about ‘freedom’ and ‘personal liberty’ where neither apply to private businesses and the courts have long held that government requiring citizens to be vaccinated is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner ‘violating’ citizens’ rights.
So, this is really what you libs wanted all along…punish people for not bowing to your dictates.
This is a lie.

No one is being ‘punished’ – private businesses are at liberty to require patrons to be vaccinated, those who object to such a policy are at liberty to go somewhere else.

This has nothing to do with ‘liberals’; this isn’t government, it’s private property rights.
You really don’t understand rights do you?
You clearly don’t understand this has nothing to do with ‘rights.’

The doctrine of rights and protected liberties concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private entities – such as patrons and businesses open to the general public.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens’ rights, not private persons or entities.
100% I did and I donated units of blood and platelets to help others. I posted Pics off my Red Cross app and emails from hospitals who receive my by plasma. You dismiss because it doesn’t fit your narrative. Only but in this convo is you.

Whether your story is true or not doesn't have any effect on the narrative. Vaccines work, masks work.
Any added obstacle will suppress turnout. That's the theory of the people pushing the new Voter ID laws. So, maybe take it up with them...?

If you want to find them, they are the same people trying to reduce polling places, trying to make mail voting harder, and trying to gut the Voting Rights Act. But I am sure that's ALL just coincidence, and they are nobly fighting a voter fraud problem that does not actually exist.

Such an obvious con. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to defend it. It is what it is.
Responsibility is so suppressive and unfair.
lib 101
Nothing - it's just a 'hoax.'
You all have abused this word also. A hoax does not mean it is non existent. It means the response has been greatly exaggerated. One example is the ongoing treatment of “ worst case” as If it’s “most likely” Another example is liberals clinging to the old CDC death count when the CDC itself greatly decreased their own tally months ago.
Any added obstacle will suppress turnout. That's the theory of the people pushing the new Voter ID laws. So, maybe take it up with them...?

If you want to find them, they are the same people trying to reduce polling places, trying to make mail voting harder, and trying to gut the Voting Rights Act. But I am sure that's ALL just coincidence, and they are nobly fighting a voter fraud problem that does not actually exist.

Such an obvious con. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to defend it. It is what it is.
So putting security guards in banks suppresses crime so does requiring IDs when you vote. Last warning. Cut the shit with your personal attacks. Or our civility is done.
Lol, ya we should worry about 12000 miles away and not about right here at home. That makes sense. Hilarious
Call the gold star families and refer to it as hilarious you uncaring fool....and if you think we are still safe at home think again funny boy....
Thoughts? It's coming.
The store owner is free to do so and you are free to not answer him and he is free to deny you entrance. Considering how silly this is, I can believe there are 42 screens of replies. A store owner can not discriminately against protected classes but the unvaccinated are not a protected class. Thus the store owner is free to bar entrance.
He is free to do so and you are free to not answer him and he is free to deny you entrance. Considering how silly this is, I can believe there are 42 screens of replies A store owner can not discriminately against protect classes but the unvaccinated are not a protected class. Otherwise the store owner is free to bar entrance for whatever reason.
Like not wearing a shirt and shoes… where is the outrage about rights?
He is free to do so and you are free to not answer him and he is free to deny you entrance. Considering how silly this is, I can believe there are 42 screens of replies. A store owner can not discriminately against protected classes but the unvaccinated are not a protected class. Otherwise the store owner is free to bar entrance for whatever reason.
Completely incorrect
The liberal mythology that a store owner or private property owner can “Do what they want” is light years from factual

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