Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

In a way it does not matter anymore. For decades we have promoted and hired people through "equity" as it is out and about now. The emasculation of males in the Western World is brutal. The true warriors of defending a way of living have had their nuts cut off. Social justice must be blended into the fabric of a civilization. What we have now is self extermination.
It is true that attempts have been made to emasculate yours truly but one thing the SJWs found out; they're tough!!!!

As ever I find you reasonable. It's remarkable not only around here, but anywhere these days.

If we ever come out of this neuroses we're in now, we're gonna look back on masks the same way we do bloodletting. It SEEMS science-y at the time, but it's really....not. And we should have known better.
You're quite spot on yourself.

In a way it does not matter anymore. For decades we have promoted and hired people through "equity" as it is out and about now. The emasculation of males in the Western World is brutal. The true warriors of defending a way of living have had their nuts cut off. Social justice must be blended into the fabric of a civilization. What we have now is self extermination.

Men in the Western World have not been emasculated.. Its an excuse for the failure of uneducated bully boys.
Leaky vaccines make viruses mutate. It's the leaky vaccine itself doing this. Ol' Mac
In a real sense that is correct but it is quite normal. If a vaccine works on 99% then the 1% that survives will number up and maybe 10% will survive the next time.....hence be more likely to affect you the second time around... or the third or fourth. Similar to bacteria which is why when given a COURSE of antibiotics one should always finish them so there is a complete kill. Viruses work somewhat similarly...but who has a vax that has a 100% kill rate??

The vaxed who are hateful need to get their facts right.

Anyway, the survivors are going to be most of us; I hope I'm one of them.

Men in the Western World have not been emasculated.. Its an excuse for the failure of uneducated bully boys.
Soy boys are emasculated before they even head into combat!!! lmao


Men in the Western World have not been emasculated.. Its an excuse for the failure of uneducated bully boys.
I am expected to defend a woman by Western morals. I get your spout because there is an arrogance to us guys at times. And some are to the limits. But never forget there was a time and it existed that men would attempt to stop a woman from being accosted and worse in a public setting. We fought to protect them. Today it is like they are put on a pedestal of importance in all ways of employment over the men who protect them. Very few have learned the true education of the reality of being taken to the woodshed in a man's world. The Western world is replete with the infection. And in the end we will be "go ph uk urself"! And you will cry for help. Emasculation exists!
I am expected to defend a woman by Western morals. I get your spout because there is an arrogance to us guys at times. And some are to the limits. But never forget there was a time and it existed that men would attempt to stop a woman from being accosted and worse in a public setting. We fought to protect them. Today it is like they are put on a pedestal of importance in all ways of employment over the men who protect them. Very few have learned the true education of the reality of being taken to the woodshed in a man's world. The Western world is replete with the infection. And in the end we will be "go ph uk urself"! And you will cry for help. Emasculation exists!

Men still protect and provide.. Do you think a woman should forego education and/or a career to make you feel more powerful? This isn't a power trip or a competition.. Its a partnership.
I am expected to defend a woman by Western morals. I get your spout because there is an arrogance to us guys at times. And some are to the limits. But never forget there was a time and it existed that men would attempt to stop a woman from being accosted and worse in a public setting. We fought to protect them. Today it is like they are put on a pedestal of importance in all ways of employment over the men who protect them. Very few have learned the true education of the reality of being taken to the woodshed in a man's world. The Western world is replete with the infection. And in the end we will be "go ph uk urself"! And you will cry for help. Emasculation exists!
Personally I think it is more that men just don't give a damn as much as we used to. I remember years ago I opened a door for a sheila and she gave me a diatribe about not assisting her; she wasn't a weak woman or anyone's chattel. I let go of the door. Some time later I found out that, as it was "oversprung", it slammed shut and broke her nose. I was horrified when I found out but I never saw her again; evidently she was a visiting lecturer.

ps; it was at Uni.

btw; it didn't stop me from opening doors for people; just I didn't let them slam. I learnt a valuable lesson.

Men still protect and provide.. Do you think a woman should forego education and/or a career to make you feel more powerful? This isn't a power trip or a competition.. Its a partnership.
Who said they should?

Thoughts? It's coming.
Private businesses have a responsibility to protect their patrons and personnel, of course. None has greeters welcoming in the occasional brash a nd head-strong Typhoid Mary - as a matter of sound business practice as well as of common decency.

The Loser's disgruntled butt barnacles are in a tizzy over what most Americans acknowledge, based upon apolitical public health data, is socially-responsible and patriotic: the imperative to protect our fellow Americans, our loved ones, and ourselves, not by the State requiring the common sense preventative measure, but by mandating a "personal choice."

If you fear that Pfizer or Moderna is injecting the populace with Soros juice or some such potion - every American has the personal option of being tested to insure one is not a spreader of a lethal disease rather than being inoculated against it.

Such freedom cannot be honestly admitted by some radicals, of course, They need to lie and rave that the clear personal choice that exists under the Administration's policy does not exist. They are a small but loud faction - Most Republicans have already gotten vaccinated.

The reality is that responsible businesses (such as United Airlines, Disney, Tyson Foods — and even Fox News) already safeguard their workers, and most Americans willingly embracing the enlightened medical practice. The fake propaganda distorts that reality to wee wee up a chronically-pissy fan base. Goons attacking Congress is only the tip of the manureberg.

Nutjobs screeching that they should not be required to pass through a metal detector before entering an elementary school to insure the safety of those within may call it onerous and intrusive, of course. It's a security measure that doesn't exempt you because you insist that you are "special" and should be licensed to mince around anywhere, flaunting your big, big shooty if you are emotionally dependent upon one.

Afraid the life-saving little prick might hurt? No problem. Get tested weekly, and your fellow Americans will laud your doing your patriotic duty.

It's your choice. No one is making you behave responsibly.

... and, Thank You for not smoking.
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It is just bizarre.

My father worked for the State Department. When we posted to different countries there were mandatory shots. In India, we had to show our smallpox vaccination scar as proof. I was vaccinated for smallpox, polio, diptheria, and a bunch of other childhood diseases required for school at the time. I recently got a booster for tetanus, and a flu shot (in part because I am around high risk people). And yes, my parents had show verification of it. My friend is a nurse. Her employment has always required certain vaccines that change as recommendations change. And yes, she had show verification of it. I have never seen such a bunch of babies and boobs screaming about “muh freedoms” and “tyranny” as these of a simple and temporary mask requirement or a vaccine requirement that is no different than we’ve done in the past. And yet this same boobs have no problems tearing masks off others, putting children teachers at senseless risk, and passing legislation chipping away real rights and freedoms.

This is Idiocracy in action.
It is just bizarre.

My father worked for the State Department. When we posted to different countries there were mandatory shots. In India, we had to show our smallpox vaccination scar as proof. I was vaccinated for smallpox, polio, diptheria, and a bunch of other childhood diseases required for school at the time. I recently got a booster for tetanus, and a flu shot (in part because I am around high risk people). And yes, my parents had show verification of it. My friend is a nurse. Her employment has always required certain vaccines that change as recommendations change. And yes, she had show verification of it. I have never seen such a bunch of babies and boobs screaming about “muh freedoms” and “tyranny” as these of a simple and temporary mask requirement or a vaccine requirement that is no different than we’ve done in the past. And yet this same boobs have no problems tearing masks off others, putting children teachers at senseless risk, and passing legislation chipping away real rights and freedoms.

This is Idiocracy in action.
Irrational, ideologically-driven dogma is an emotional matter, often impervious to rationally-considered empirical data.

Consider the correspondence between states with high and low rates of vaccination and the level of infection:

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Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 9.06.06 AM.png

The contempt for overwhelmed caregivers is enormous.​
I have Posted pictures of my COVID19 blood donations and antibodies tests. Problem is Pharma companies make billions via the vaccines and I am living proof that the MDs don’t know. Caught it March 2020 and still in June 2021 I was positive for the antibodies. Red Cross stopped that program. Why? Cause vaccinated people could not donate. Pretty silly as per the Red Cross I helped save 50+ lives during my donation stint. Explain that one, leftist.
Sure, whatever you say.
It is not and can not be illegal to counterfeit an immunization card.
'What is illegal is to try to bypass a quarantine law like Hawaii has, with a counterfeit vaccination card.
Actual legislation has to be passed before fake vax cards can be illegal.
Seems like selling counterfeit vaccination cards is a crime.

If I am asked, I would tell them it's none of their business. If they tell me to prove it one way or another, I would just walk out.
Americans being given a personal choice between vaccination and testing to ensure the safety of others is hardly onerous.

Consider refusing to pass through a metal detector before being allowed to board a commercial airline flight, claiming that anyone who cooperates is being zapped with heinous "reasonability rays."

Of course, one is always free to demur and walk away. Or strut, even.
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From your link retard.

Delta Variant
The Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19. It might cause more severe illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people.

  • Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19, including this variant.
  • Vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, including against this variant.
  • Fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from this variant appear to be infectious for a shorter period.
  • Get vaccinated and wear masks indoors in public spaces to reduce the spread of this variant.
You said COVID was easier to catch dumbass.

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