Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

maybe the jury is still out but the stats say otherwise....your chances of living increase with the vaccines
You know what "endemic" means?? Of course get vaxed if you are in a risk group like I am, but others?? I advise yes BUT I don't push it at all; it really IS up to them. If you are vaxed then why is it ANY of your business? EVERYONE is going to get Covid sooner or later. It is the only way vaccines "work"....the hope is you are asymptomatic!!!

this is a white zone and large un vax zone...we were the last county to have covid in everyone flocked here and guess what...we now are riddled with it...vaccines were high at first but young people seem to refuse to take it here..including my son and dil...they do mask up but traveled...
From your link retard.

Delta Variant
The Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19. It might cause more severe illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people.

  • Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19, including this variant.
  • Vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, including against this variant.
  • Fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from this variant appear to be infectious for a shorter period.
  • Get vaccinated and wear masks indoors in public spaces to reduce the spread of this variant.
" risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19, including this variant."

You mean being asymptomatic?? You know how vaccines work???

maybe the jury is still out but the stats say otherwise....your chances of living increase with the vaccines

The vaccines are a great bet for some, an even bet for others and a terrible bet for others

But the govt is so freaking corrupt they want 12-15 yo boys to get the vaccine even though they stand a greater chance of being hospitalized from myocarditis that they contracted from the vaccines than they do from being hospitalized from covid

Imagine that. Imagine being so neurotic you get your 12 yo boy vaccinated when his risk of heart damage from the vaccine is greater than his risk of damage from Covid

I've never seen or imagined anything like this in my country. Never.
What do YOU think we should do about Covid?
I say vaccinate the risk groups and leave it up to the others.............I do RECOMMEND getting the vax unless one has already had Covid. Then the vax would be redundant methinks. However, keep a close eye on treatments; they may in the end be as important as any vax.....also maybe not.

this is a white zone and large un vax zone...we were the last county to have covid in everyone flocked here and guess what...we now are riddled with it...vaccines were high at first but young people seem to refuse to take it here..including my son and dil...they do mask up but traveled...

My county is at 75% vaccination rate and our numbers are up again too. GUESS WHAT. The vaccines are only now protecting against severe illness, and only for a short time. I think they are making the spread WORSE. We were told if we get to the "magic 70%" the spread would lessen. Well, not here, and not anywhere, and nope, that is NOT the fault of the unvaccinated.
Predictable, since those who aren't taking this seriously are keeping it alive and mutating far longer than it needs to be.

We've been warning about that since the first anti-vaxxer appeared.
WRONG!! If people are vaxed then the mutations that survive will take off in the vaxed community eventually. Not much beats surviving it though vax may help survive when you get it.

I say vaccinate the risk groups and leave it up to the others.............I do RECOMMEND getting the vax unless one has already had Covid. Then the vax would be redundant methinks. However, keep a close eye on treatments; they may in the end be as important as any vax.....also maybe not.


I just read that 79% of covid deaths were in obese patients. Is that the group you would vaccinate?
Predictable, since those who aren't taking this seriously are keeping it alive and mutating far longer than it needs to be.

We've been warning about that since the first anti-vaxxer appeared.

Leaky vaccines make viruses mutate. It's the leaky vaccine itself doing this. Ol' Mac
My county is at 75% vaccination rate and our numbers are up again too. GUESS WHAT. The vaccines are only now protecting against severe illness, and only for a short time. I think they are making the spread WORSE. We were told if we get to the "magic 70%" the spread would lessen. Well, not here, and not anywhere, and nope, that is NOT the fault of the unvaccinated.
Hi Sue; EVBERYONE is gonna get it sooner or later. All the vax will do is affect how symptomatic you get. That is not a bad thing. I'm hoping I am relatively symptom free when I get it.

I just read that 79% of covid deaths were in obese patients. Is that the group you would vaccinate?

Yes, another public health failure. It's been 18 months. Think of how much better off some people could have been if they had lost 20, 30 or more pounds.

But nope. Just those stupid, worthless masks and the shots that aren't great either.

What a waste.
I just read that 79% of covid deaths were in obese patients. Is that the group you would vaccinate?
Nope; hypertension (hereditary) and immune challenged. I had some nasty viruses when i was younger; three at once.

Hi Sue; EVBERYONE is gonna get it sooner or later. All the vax will do is affect how symptomatic you get. That is not a bad thing. I'm hoping I am relatively symptom free when I get it.


I agree with that. The virus is endemic. Too many cannot wrap their head around this. In my state, 60% OF THE DEER tested + for antibodies, which meant of course they had covid. THE DEER.

You cannot and will never eradicate a disease like that and all the testing, contact tracing, quarantines we do to control it is nonsense, same as we would ever do for colds, flu, etc. All we can try to do is mitigate severe effects.
Yes, another public health failure. It's been 18 months. Think of how much better off some people could have been if they had lost 20, 30 or more pounds.

But nope. Just those stupid, worthless masks and the shots that aren't great either.

What a waste.
Hi Sue; I an NOT an antivaxer but I am definitely an anti-masker!!! lol

What do YOU think we should do about Covid?
In a way it does not matter anymore. For decades we have promoted and hired people through "equity" as it is out and about now. The emasculation of males in the Western World is brutal. The true warriors of defending a way of living have had their nuts cut off. Social justice must be blended into the fabric of a civilization. What we have now is self extermination.
Hi Sue; I an NOT an antivaxer but I am definitely an anti-masker!!! lol


As ever I find you reasonable. It's remarkable not only around here, but anywhere these days.

If we ever come out of this neuroses we're in now, we're gonna look back on masks the same way we do bloodletting. It SEEMS science-y at the time, but it's really....not. And we should have known better.
I agree with that. The virus is endemic. Too many cannot wrap their head around this. In my state, 60% OF THE DEER tested + for antibodies, which meant of course they had covid. THE DEER.

You cannot and will never eradicate a disease like that and all the testing, contact tracing, quarantines we do to control it is nonsense, same as we would ever do for colds, flu, etc. All we can try to do is mitigate severe effects.
Yes; it would help if Democrats learnt to wash their hand and keep away from us!!!

To me those are the big two though I think vaxing if in a risk group is better than dying...but that may just be me.

ps: I have seen no meaningful data that the vax is more dangerous that the Covid to people in high risk groups.


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