Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

What if you test negative? I have a paper for that. Not sick, not contagious. Hmmmmmm

Is the paper consistent across the board like vaccine cards are? We already have an issue with some dumb fucks trying to counterfeit those.
Can you even spell science....dumbass.

Cases of reinfection with COVID-19 have been reported, but remain rare.
COVID-19 and Your Health
From your link retard.

Delta Variant
The Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19. It might cause more severe illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people.

  • Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19, including this variant.
  • Vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, including against this variant.
  • Fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from this variant appear to be infectious for a shorter period.
  • Get vaccinated and wear masks indoors in public spaces to reduce the spread of this variant.
Of course you can catch it again. There's a reason you can catch the cold and flu multiple times. It mutates you retard. :lol:

You body is only set to recognize the original strain if you haven't been vaxxed due to the difference in Delta and the original virus.
Then it would not be COVID-19 you moron. You don’t catch the same strain of the flu every time. You’re such a dumbass. Hence you get a new flu vaccine each year. The delta variant is still COVID19. You’re so dumb it hurts. Get a job.
I'm not so sure that people who have had COVID need to be vaccinated if there was some sort of system to document cases and we were absolutely sure that everyone who had COVID walked away with some degree of consistent immunity. However not all cases are the same, not sure how variants play into this in the future, certainly wouldn't want to create a system where people could lie about having COVID either. So, for now the best way is to just get vaccinated.
So you’re not sure is what I gather. To me we all have to catch it and the science shows that vaccines lessen the effects but why do I care when I already had it with full effects?

Hmmmm….I am Living proof that the so called experts were wrong. Telling my antibodies would last 3 mos. they lasted at least 15 and likely I have them and T cell immunity for life. The vaccine was just a cherry on top. News for you leftist. Even if you’re vaccinated you will catch it. Enjoy the ride.
From your link retard.

Delta Variant
The Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19. It might cause more severe illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people.

  • Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus that cause COVID-19, including this variant.
  • Vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, including against this variant.
  • Fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from this variant appear to be infectious for a shorter period.
  • Get vaccinated and wear masks indoors in public spaces to reduce the spread of this variant.
Still COVID-19 and very few if any can catch it twice. You’re an idiot.
So you’re not sure is what I gather. To me we all have to catch it and the science shows that vaccines lessen the effects but why do I care when I already had it with full effects?

No, we don't all have to catch it. I also don't care about you as an individual. Nothing personal but you haven't given me any reason to.

Hmmmm….I am Living proof that the so called experts were wrong. Telling my antibodies would last 3 mos. they lasted at least 15 and likely I have them and T cell immunity for life. The vaccine was just a cherry on top. News for you leftist. Even if you’re vaccinated you will catch it. Enjoy the ride.

You didn't prove anyone wrong. I don't think anyone knew at the time how long antibodies would last including you and we still don't know. There is also no evidence that you have immunity for life. For all I know you're lying about your COVID status. How would I know one way or another?
No, we don't all have to catch it. I also don't care about you as an individual. Nothing personal but you haven't given me any reason to.

You didn't prove anyone wrong. I don't think anyone knew at the time how long antibodies would last including you and we still don't know. There is also no evidence that you have immunity for life. For all I know you're lying about your COVID status. How would I know one way or another?
I have Posted pictures of my COVID19 blood donations and antibodies tests. Problem is Pharma companies make billions via the vaccines and I am living proof that the MDs don’t know. Caught it March 2020 and still in June 2021 I was positive for the antibodies. Red Cross stopped that program. Why? Cause vaccinated people could not donate. Pretty silly as per the Red Cross I helped save 50+ lives during my donation stint. Explain that one, leftist.
Of course you can catch it again. There's a reason you can catch the cold and flu multiple times. It mutates you retard. :lol:

You body is only set to recognize the original strain if you haven't been vaxxed due to the difference in Delta and the original virus.

Actually flu does NOT mutate, and especially not in time frame less than 100 thousand years or so.
What is really happening is there are just hundreds of bugs we collectively call "flu", and they try to guess what family is going to be most likely.
So they often are wrong.

Since the covid vax contains no virus and instead only spike protein that never changes, then the loss of vaccine immunity can NOT possibly due to mutation or variants. The spike proteins have to remain the same or they would not work on the ACE2 receptors any more. These mRNA vaccines simply do not work and are a failure.
Is the paper consistent across the board like vaccine cards are? We already have an issue with some dumb fucks trying to counterfeit those.

It is not and can not be illegal to counterfeit an immunization card.
'What is illegal is to try to bypass a quarantine law like Hawaii has, with a counterfeit vaccination card.
Actual legislation has to be passed before fake vax cards can be illegal.
Actually flu does NOT mutate, and especially not in time frame less than 100 thousand years or so.
What is really happening is there are just hundreds of bugs we collectively call "flu", and they try to guess what family is going to be most likely.
So they often are wrong.

Since the covid vax contains no virus and instead only spike protein that never changes, then the loss of vaccine immunity can NOT possibly due to mutation or variants. The spike proteins have to remain the same or they would not work on the ACE2 receptors any more. These mRNA vaccines simply do not work and are a failure.

Back to this again huh? Semantics.
Well I was donating convalescent plasma and that program ended in June and I did not want to get it during the summer as we traveled and work was busy but to my shock I did not have any side effects. Who knew?
Me neither!
I'm not so sure that people who have had COVID need to be vaccinated if there was some sort of system to document cases and we were absolutely sure that everyone who had COVID walked away with some degree of consistent immunity. However not all cases are the same, not sure how variants play into this in the future, certainly wouldn't want to create a system where people could lie about having COVID either. So, for now the best way is to just get vaccinated.
Far simpler, which is why they are emphasizing the shot.
Thoughts? It's coming.

Vaccine passports are losing out everywhere. UK. Israel. Why? The vaccines are a fat bust

So I would answer by laughing, "Who wants to know?", "When did YOU get vaccinated? Are you sure it's still valid?", "When was your last STD test?" or whatever the moment calls for.

Seriously, something must begin to pierce this neurotically Moral Panic moment.

Humor works

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