Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

So putting security guards in banks suppresses crime so does requiring IDs when you vote.
Just one problem with that analogy: Bank robberies are a problem. In-person voter fraud is not.

Just give it up. You aren't going to be able to turn this into something it isn't. No matter how hard you try.
Responsibility is so suppressive and unfair.
lib 101
I know you think you are being clever and fooling people about your actual motives. you are not. You are embarrassing yourself, dying on hill after the battle is already over. the cat is out of the bag. Maybe you didn't get the memo.
In place requirements and newly hatched ones are not the same things
Another libbie apples to firewood defeated
All requirements were newly hatched at some point…got any other pathetic excuses?
If it is retail and they ask, turn around and leave. Pretty sure other businesses will love to have your money.
There is utterly no option to require a positive response to “are you vaccinated” for any accommodation accessed by the public
Just one problem with that analogy: Bank robberies are a problem. In-person voter fraud is not.

Just give it up. You aren't going to be able to turn this into something it isn't. No matter how hard you try.
We don’t know since IDs aren’t required but they should be. Especially in town elections where one or two votes can make a difference. Too bad you don’t respect honesty. Then again you’re a deranged leftist.
Bla, bla, bla. Ok short bus. You wanna talk Afgan bull shit there are threads on it. Go do it dumb fuck.
Go fuck yourself....Biden voting idiot....everyone is talking about Afghanistan....except the white house and Joe the finger rapist....
Can a store owner ask all female entrants if they want to have sex?
If they say No can he make them leave?
Why not? It’s his private property libbies.
So does natural immunity yet our media refuses to discuss it. Masks work if they are clean and replaced frequently.
Absolutely true about masks needing frequent changing/cleaning to be effective. Another poster (reliable data type poster) recently stated that a mask is effective for about half an hour and then needs changing. I wonder how many people are changing their masks every half an hour?
We don’t know since IDs aren’t required but they should be.
We do know. Not a shred of evince of any significant in person fraud. And the logistics required to pull that off and actually affect an election where even only a few hundred thousand voted are prohibitive and are absurd fantasies.

Again -- and I am sad that I have to repeat this -- that cat is out of the bag. The motivations for these laws have been admitted. No more guessing required. All they need now is to foment a baseless and irrational doubt that our elections are not secure. Oh wait... they thought of that, too. My favorite is when they talk about mail vote fraud for an hour then say, "See, we need Voter ID". They know they are appealing to emotions, not intellect.
Absolutely true about masks needing frequent changing/cleaning to be effective. Another poster (reliable data type poster) recently stated that a mask is effective for about half an hour and then needs changing. I wonder how many people are changing their masks every half an hour?
It could be zero or a billion ... still better to wear a mask then not to wear a mask.
It could be zero or a billion ... still better to wear a mask then not to wear a mask.
Most likely the answer to my hypothetical question would be close to 0, particularly if we are discussing the population at large outside of the medical facilities. I watched a video of an ER surgical nurse gear up and how long it took her to take it all off. She had layers of masks. The video was about a donation the hospital had received to clean the masks but it can only hold 8 to 10 at a time for thorough UV light cleaning. One reason the hospitals were not able to keep up with the volume last year, reportedly, they did not have enough masks nor the expensive UVC systems to clean them effectively to reuse.
You clearly don’t understand this has nothing to do with ‘rights.’

The doctrine of rights and protected liberties concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private entities – such as patrons and businesses open to the general public.

Only government has the potential to violate citizens’ rights, not private persons or entities.
Oh, so Joe really didn’t mean it when he threatened businesses with more than 100 employees with $14,000 fines per person per unvaxed employee, per occurrence? How long before he tries to translate that to businesses letting unvaxed into their stores?

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