Can any CHRISTIAN explain this picture?

I'm a German and I would say if this picture is not a fake then it could show members of the so called KuKluxKlan murdering a black man on reasons of racism. Unfortunatelly you don't tell us the names of this people. The symbol of the terrororganisation KuKluxKlan is a burning cross so I would say this organisation is antichristian. Maybe they like to provocate god. Fighters against god.
They know that. I don't know how the leftists are in Deutchland but here they like to obfuscate as many facts as they can to push their agendas forward. It's much more important for them to destroy Christianity than it is to defeat radical Islam.
... Well Sir, we can talk about Christian individuals who fought racism, but how could a predominately Christian country, whose representatives in government represent them, make the forced enslavement of Blacks based on race the law? What does that say about "Christianity?"

Peace & Blessings to you.

It says first of all: Christian rules are not ruling the world. Experiment by thoughts: If a Christian owns a slave and this slave has a problem with his work - What will happen? His master will help him because he loves his slave. If you would visit both men then you would not be able to find out who's the slave and who's the master. This mechanism not forbids slavery - but it makes slavery inefficient. Slavery - or a slaveholder mentality - is not really a theme of the christian religion - it's theme of political entities.

The slavery in the USA - far away from the homelands - was a phenomenon of colonialism and not of the christian religion. The Arabs caught Africans and sold them to the English and they brought them to America. Nowhere else except in colonialism existed in the christian world such slaves or people who had no rights at all.

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... They know that. I don't know how the leftists are in Deutchland

Confused and confusing

but here they like to obfuscate as many facts as they can to push their agendas forward. It's much more important for them to destroy Christianity than it is to defeat radical Islam.

Christians and Muslims have lots of good relations in Germany. That's not really a problem. Let me say it in this way: Atheists here have often the problem not to be able to see that atheism is "only" a form of belief. They always like to dominate all others - but indeed they are only a part under protection of the freedom of religion - like Christians - like Muslims - like Buddhists - like others. On the other side lots of people here in Germany and in the world too are speaking in the name of god - and are misrespecting the same time elementary rules of serios religions or the human rights. Such people don't believe in god - they are only misusing his name. But only god is able to see directly in every heart - pure heart as well as wrotten heart. Nevertheless everyone is able to see the deeds.


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