CDZ Can anyone explain why racism against white is politically correct in US?

We all sure were getting along better before the Magic Kenyan cheated his way into the white house.....what a shame that one party in America needs to divide in order to win...

I am assuming your “Magic Kenya” remark was designed to offend, but I’ll ignore that for the sake of this discussion.
It seems as if your saying former President Obama won election and then reelection by using unfair, illegal or other unsavory techniques. Then as a result of that degradation of democracy and the Democratic party’s lust for power, our nation has become divided.
Let me invite you to consider that this nation has always been deeply divided. From haves to have-nots, Puritans and non-Puritans, North and South and West, slaves and non-slaves, those welcomed to participate and those discouraged from participating, Protestants and “Papists”, the Irish and everyone else, and yes Republicans and Democrats. So, I think your logic in that regard is a bit flawed.
I agree that politics in its current environment has become about winning and not leading the nation, but surely we all can see that this is not the exclusive property of Reps or Dems. People voted for Roy Moore after finding out the guy is likely guilty of being a pedophile. So what that says is not that those who voted for him are morally corrupt, but instead they believe a pedophile is better than a Democrat. That is a sad statement about where we are as a people.
You could have stopped at the first paragraph...that would have been enough for me to judge you as a kook.....:cuckoo:
If you take offense at my Magic Kenyan remark then maybe you shouldn't vote for people that can not produce their original Birth Certificate.....
We all sure were getting along better before the Magic Kenyan cheated his way into the white house.....what a shame that one party in America needs to divide in order to win...

I am assuming your “Magic Kenya” remark was designed to offend, but I’ll ignore that for the sake of this discussion.
It seems as if your saying former President Obama won election and then reelection by using unfair, illegal or other unsavory techniques. Then as a result of that degradation of democracy and the Democratic party’s lust for power, our nation has become divided.
Let me invite you to consider that this nation has always been deeply divided. From haves to have-nots, Puritans and non-Puritans, North and South and West, slaves and non-slaves, those welcomed to participate and those discouraged from participating, Protestants and “Papists”, the Irish and everyone else, and yes Republicans and Democrats. So, I think your logic in that regard is a bit flawed.
I agree that politics in its current environment has become about winning and not leading the nation, but surely we all can see that this is not the exclusive property of Reps or Dems. People voted for Roy Moore after finding out the guy is likely guilty of being a pedophile. So what that says is not that those who voted for him are morally corrupt, but instead they believe a pedophile is better than a Democrat. That is a sad statement about where we are as a people.
You could have stopped at the first paragraph...that would have been enough for me to judge you as a kook.....:cuckoo:
If you take offense at my Magic Kenyan remark then maybe you shouldn't vote for people that can not produce their original Birth Certificate.....

Or for people who do while you go :lalala: amirite?

How 'bout people that cannot produce their tax returns, after declaring they would?
Can somebody explain to me, why equality among the races to whites mean they're being oppressed and discriminated against?

It does not. YOu are judging us, by assuming we agree with YOUR beliefs, and then judging our positions accordingly.

It is common among liberals, and a sign of any insanely closed mind.
How 'bout people that cannot produce their tax returns, after declaring they would?
Not required by law to be the president of the united states.....but nice try....

Nor is a birth certificate. Even though O'bama did so and you choose to ignore it.

Bang. That was easy.

Now you know why I included the phrase "after declaring they would".
Nor is a birth certificate. Even though O'bama did so and you choose to ignore it.

Bang. That was easy.

Now you know why I included the phrase "after declaring they would".
You must be a US citizen to run for president...and the way the swamp has descended on Trump I don't blame him for keeping his tax returns in the closet....Only a few presidential candidates have ever produced their tax returns...they were polished lifetime public servants with the ability and training to white wash their lives....Trump was a real estate investor from NY....
We all sure were getting along better before the Magic Kenyan cheated his way into the white house.....what a shame that one party in America needs to divide in order to win...

I am assuming your “Magic Kenya” remark was designed to offend, but I’ll ignore that for the sake of this discussion.
It seems as if your saying former President Obama won election and then reelection by using unfair, illegal or other unsavory techniques. Then as a result of that degradation of democracy and the Democratic party’s lust for power, our nation has become divided.
Let me invite you to consider that this nation has always been deeply divided. From haves to have-nots, Puritans and non-Puritans, North and South and West, slaves and non-slaves, those welcomed to participate and those discouraged from participating, Protestants and “Papists”, the Irish and everyone else, and yes Republicans and Democrats. So, I think your logic in that regard is a bit flawed.
I agree that politics in its current environment has become about winning and not leading the nation, but surely we all can see that this is not the exclusive property of Reps or Dems. People voted for Roy Moore after finding out the guy is likely guilty of being a pedophile. So what that says is not that those who voted for him are morally corrupt, but instead they believe a pedophile is better than a Democrat. That is a sad statement about where we are as a people.
You could have stopped at the first paragraph...that would have been enough for me to judge you as a kook.....:cuckoo:
If you take offense at my Magic Kenyan remark then maybe you shouldn't vote for people that can not produce their original Birth Certificate.....

I am trying to understand what you are saying, but I am having a difficult time as you are not making any actual points based in evidence. Obama produced his birth certificate and realeased it. Go find it on google. As for your Magic Kenya remark, I am confused how you expect me to take that as anything other than offensive. I am assuming that was, in fact, your intent, to be insulting. As far as me being a kook, if presenting an argument that was based in the history of this nation (I presume you love) makes me kook, I guess we have different dictionaries. Finally, what makes you think I voted for Obama? Is it because I think your attempt at a humorous slight was off the mark?
So let us review, you claimed that somehow Obama acted illegally while being elected president not once but twice. You have backed that claim with calling him names and then calling me names. I do not understand how that gives me any idea why you believe what you believe, and why you think my ideas are crazy. Do you disagree with the history of our nation being rife with conflicts and divisions? I have given you some examples of why I have come to my conclusions. All you have communicated is that you disagree. Please, explain to me where my logic falls short. I am open to being convinced of my own ignorance, but by dismissing my invitation to discuss ideas you’re not really engaging in any way that allows me to conclude much about you or your beliefs.
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.

It’s because of post modernism philosophy. In a nutshell it states that there are infinite number of ways to interpret whatever, text, speech, literature, morals, philosophy, the world, etc. It then takes that a step further and says that since there are an infinite number of interpretations, none is better than other, therefore the use of whatever interpretation you subscribe too is just you playing a power/dominenece game/tactic over someone else. It then splits the world up into different groups of oppressed and oppressor, and states that righteousness is found in fighting for the oppressed groups with whatever interpretation of reality serves that interest. Essentially this is swapping the economics of communism (wealthy vs working class) with the generalized term “power”.

So in the case of racism against whites, they are the oppressor group, they have the power. It is okay to use racism against that power because the only wrong use of interpretation (in this case that interpretation of reality is racism) is when racism is wielded by the “powerful”. Whites claiming that this type of anti-white racism is wrong is in itself wrong because thats an interpretation that the powerful are using to oppress the weak.

I know it sounds unreasonable, but that is the point. “Reason” is just a tool used by the Europeans to gain power
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.


Its cool to fight the power and white folks have the power.

FWIW, I don't think racism against whites is ok. But I do understand the urge to let the underdog get away with more.

So you think racism against everyone is bad, right?
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.


I wouldn't use the algorthms of twitter in 2016 as your benchmark of what is 'politically correct'.

If racism against minorities is taken more seriously than racism against whites, its likely because of the vast power imbalance between the groups. Racism should be taken seriously no matter who is the victim of it.
As a white man in America, I am still shocked at how much I am discriminated against....
I can't even think of a single example.

I think racism is wrong regardless of the race on either side. But here in America- we white men are not really suffering much 'racism'.
We all sure were getting along better before the Magic Kenyan cheated his way into the white house.....what a shame that one party in America needs to divide in order to win...

I am assuming your “Magic Kenya” remark was designed to offend, but I’ll ignore that for the sake of this discussion.
It seems as if your saying former President Obama won election and then reelection by using unfair, illegal or other unsavory techniques. Then as a result of that degradation of democracy and the Democratic party’s lust for power, our nation has become divided.
Let me invite you to consider that this nation has always been deeply divided. From haves to have-nots, Puritans and non-Puritans, North and South and West, slaves and non-slaves, those welcomed to participate and those discouraged from participating, Protestants and “Papists”, the Irish and everyone else, and yes Republicans and Democrats. So, I think your logic in that regard is a bit flawed.
I agree that politics in its current environment has become about winning and not leading the nation, but surely we all can see that this is not the exclusive property of Reps or Dems. People voted for Roy Moore after finding out the guy is likely guilty of being a pedophile. So what that says is not that those who voted for him are morally corrupt, but instead they believe a pedophile is better than a Democrat. That is a sad statement about where we are as a people.
You could have stopped at the first paragraph...that would have been enough for me to judge you as a kook.....:cuckoo:
If you take offense at my Magic Kenyan remark then maybe you shouldn't vote for people that can not produce their original Birth Certificate.....
It kind of easy to point the finger and say someone is a racist, mostly it is done by the race baiters. Over the decades some blacks have bought into the BS and some just use it as a PC tool. I for one look at both side as race mongers who use the system for a power tool. People have made millions of dollars keeping it alive.
There is zero, none.. some one threw out this bone, God only knows why a white man would support a concept that say's he is less of a man because he is white.
It’s bc whites are the majority—that’s what it all stems from. I don’t know how lefties will justify their racism against whites once we’re no longer the majority.
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.

It’s because of post modernism philosophy. In a nutshell it states that there are infinite number of ways to interpret whatever, text, speech, literature, morals, philosophy, the world, etc. It then takes that a step further and says that since there are an infinite number of interpretations, none is better than other, therefore the use of whatever interpretation you subscribe too is just you playing a power/dominenece game/tactic over someone else. It then splits the world up into different groups of oppressed and oppressor, and states that righteousness is found in fighting for the oppressed groups with whatever interpretation of reality serves that interest. Essentially this is swapping the economics of communism (wealthy vs working class) with the generalized term “power”.

So in the case of racism against whites, they are the oppressor group, they have the power. It is okay to use racism against that power because the only wrong use of interpretation (in this case that interpretation of reality is racism) is when racism is wielded by the “powerful”. Whites claiming that this type of anti-white racism is wrong is in itself wrong because thats an interpretation that the powerful are using to oppress the weak.

I know it sounds unreasonable, but that is the point. “Reason” is just a tool used by the Europeans to gain power
Excellent description. I couldn't have said it better myself. It's not about racism, sexism, elitism, or any other "ism" you can think of. It's about dismantling "reason". That is why math, of all things, has been labeled "racist". It's based in reason, and therefore must be destroyed.
it does bring up another question: How will we know when people of color are no longer being dominated by a culture that is organized in ways to put them at a distinct disadvantage. Is that shift/evolution even possible?

Racism is not just about selecting one race above another or denigrating one beneath another. It is a system that anyone who has benefited from has participated in and to some extent condoned.
Heir-Conditioned Ethics

"Racism" is an illegitimate word, because we are not allowed to distinguish between good racism based on the target race's inferior performance and bad racism, which uses no criteria to judge another race except that they are not one's own race. It is an irrationally slanted word made up by a powerful group that hates and fears all other White people. That clique believes it has inherited superior genes and has evolved into a separate race that is mentally and morally superior to the rest of us.
As a white man in America, I am still shocked at how much I am discriminated against....
I can't even think of a single example.

I think racism is wrong regardless of the race on either side. But here in America- we white men are not really suffering much 'racism'.

In a specific case I could argue affirmative action can come up and keep a white guy out of a job.

The larger problem is the company hired 1,000 white guys and no black guys and the government caught them though.
And I would disagree if people say white is "dominant" race. If racism against a group is fine while racism against another group is not, then they're not dominant. They're oppressed.
I meant to say dominant society.

Perhaps a distinction w/o a difference, but still.

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