CDZ Can anyone explain why racism against white is politically correct in US?

Do you feel like you have divulged their identities now that you have answered the question that was asked instead of the one you pretended was asked? the rest of your response is complete make believe

Um, no, clearly their identities were hidden so we don' know what race they were, although they were probably white women since the Po-po never really care when black folks are victims of crime.
The huge majority of those running the country are in fact old white men, raised in a time that both non whites & women were considered to be less in value. with money & power none have been forced to alter their view.
The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.

What were the races of the respective victims?
What does it matter?
It’s a thread about race. And I have little doubt it matters to the victims. So... I’ve answered your question. Your turn. What were the races of the respective victims?
Don't know, don't care. Wouldn't change my opinion on the matter at all.
The huge majority of those running the country are in fact old white men, raised in a time that both non whites & women were considered to be less in value. with money & power none have been forced to alter their view.

I challenge you to support any of that shit.

And assuming that you won't, you didn't because you knew you couldn't. Your excuse is just a rationalization of your intellectual cowardice.
Support what? look at any group photos of the people holding the highest ranking jobs in government. they are old white men.
look up the sign posts for the times late1940 -1960.
notice anything, non white & women 2nd class citizens.
not shit, just FACT.
Support what? look at any group photos of the people holding the highest ranking jobs in government. they are old white men.
look up the sign posts for the times late1940 -1960.
notice anything, non white & women 2nd class citizens.
not shit, just FACT.

Those signs of the 40s to 60s, represented policies that were repealed by a government even more made up of Old White Men, than today, voted into power, by an electorate far whiter than today.

You should be more respectful to white people that fought against racism, when racism fought back.
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.


Only whites can be racist according to the radical left that is supported by Socialists that seek to gain power by dividing US.
Only whites can be racist according to the radical left that is supported by Socialists that seek to gain power by dividing US.

More along the lines, is only whites can be racist because they have the institutional power to enact policies.

Minorities can be prejudiced against whites, but they can't be racist...
The context is different when a member of the dominant race says something about the minority race, than when it happens the other way around.
Oh? I don't think the concept of equality makes any such allowance for reverse discrimination, because it would take away the balance that true equality is. And this theory doesn't fly, either:


^ Voters in America have had enough of the above blatancy ^
Do the math following election day
It may not be what any of us expects

Only whites can be racist according to the radical left that is supported by Socialists that seek to gain power by dividing US.

More along the lines, is only whites can be racist because they have the institutional power to enact policies.

Minorities can be prejudiced against whites, but they can't be racist...

Labeling people by skin color is the root of racism.
I am not even white. I found this pretty strange.

I have not read the other responses here, but will do so time permitting. It was extremely brave of you to acknowledge the double standard our society exercises regarding racism.

The fact that a double standard does exist only strengthens the resolve of white supremacists. The double standard allows the most radical people to be able to recruit. Sometimes all whites want to do is to be heard.

Calling people names, locking them out of social media, ostracizing them, and censoring them is never a productive venture. Virtually all social media tries to kill ideas by banning people that have unpopular ideologies. In the end, the exacerbates the problems and leads to a lot of problems when the disenfranchised fight back the only way they know how.
The explanation is that the Left has adopted a strategy of Identity Politics which first marginalized white Christian males. Now white women are being marginalized. The process is now a "Who is the Biggest Victim" in the Intersectional Minority Sweepstakes. In the end, a rainbow mixed-race gender fluid post-op transgender obese parapalegic dwarf otherkin will win.
The explanation is that the Left has adopted a strategy of Identity Politics which first marginalized white Christian males. Now white women are being marginalized. The process is now a "Who is the Biggest Victim" in the Intersectional Minority Sweepstakes. In the end, a rainbow mixed-race gender fluid post-op transgender obese parapalegic dwarf otherkin will win.

Has it not been the goal of those wanting a One World Government to intermix every race, color, creed, religion, sexual persuasion, religious ideology and economic belief into one integrated society so as to be easily controlled?
Becaue far to many people are under the delusion that racism stems from having money and power and not from hate and ignorance I doubt there are very many racist who are part of the fortune 500 but there are people in every race that are neither rich or powerful that base their views of others based on hate and ignorance.
Is this board also a court of law?
It doesn't have to be. In a discussion, if you make a claim or state a fact, the same rules apply: you have the burden of proof to substantiate that claim. The same as in court, philosophy, argumentation, science, etc.
Is this board also a court of law?
It doesn't have to be. In a discussion, if you make a claim or state a fact, the same rules apply: you have the burden of proof to substantiate that claim. The same as in court, philosophy, argumentation, science, etc.

Unless there is a rule, I'd prefer to state a fact and let it go at that. Let people accept it or reject it. I can tell you everything I throw up into the air will ultimately come down, but proving it??? I'd be the rest of my life doing that.

Most whites, for example, experience racism directed at them. Proving it becomes another issue, but appears to be borne out by the numbers of whites that have become both vocal and politically active over it.

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