CDZ Can anyone explain why racism against white is politically correct in US?

The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.

What were the races of the respective victims?
Can anyone explain why racism against white is politically correct in US?
I don’t think that’s accurate but fortunately it won’t be an issue in 100 years or so.

Yes, by then it will be mostly Asians and Indians, who won't give a shit about the sniveling and violent racism, and the Aztlan types and Black Lives Matter thugs will be rubbed out without a second thought or concern long before then; they're the fastest growing demographic, and they don't think much of fake 'minorities'.

Congratulations. lol lol lol
I’m Asian so that’s fine. We’ll probably take Europe too :thup:
Minorities can't be victims. White people own victimhood. Sorry. Better luck next lifetime.
It kind of easy to point the finger and say someone is a racist, mostly it is done by the race baiters. Over the decades some blacks have bought into the BS and some just use it as a PC tool. I for one look at both side as race mongers who use the system for a power tool. People have made millions of dollars keeping it alive.
Got any evidence of this?
Racism against whites is not a myth. It's an agenda, like everything else left wingers run around parroting. These clowns aren't capable of thinking this stuff up on their own.
Its not only a myth its resoundingly stupid myth. In order to practice racism one must control the resources and the systems that govern those resources. Whites own the system. No such thing as racism against whites.
The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.


So they were both tried in the same court with the same judge? And what were their previous records? Guess that doesn't matter to to left wingers.
That would make sense if only this wasnt a consistent pattern of justice in the US and if the SCOTUS had not admitted there is systemic racism inherent against Blacks in the justice system
The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.

You have got to be kidding. The ONLY difference in these two cases is the color of their skin?
  • victim
  • time
  • date
  • jurisdiction
  • record
  • lawyers
  • witnesses
  • jury
  • etc.
If you wish to be taken seriously, by me at least, provide ALL of the FACTS that are the same, and ALL of the FACTS that are different. Then, and ONLY then, will I take your claim seriously enough to check the accuracy of your claim. Then, I will make a determination on whether I find your claim to have any merit. For all I know, these two are alter boys, and have never been accused of cheating on a test in school, much less rape.
The philosophy appears to be, "too bad, payback's a bitch".

Okay. As long as we're not pretending that we're actually trying to heal racial wounds.

Again, healing racial wounds would mean a justice system that treats black folks the same as white folks.

you know, instead of this.

What were the races of the respective victims?
What does it matter?
It’s a thread about race. And I have little doubt it matters to the victims. So... I’ve answered your question. Your turn. What were the races of the respective victims?
This whole convo is not respecting the CDZ guidelines. Your beef with other members is NOT CDZ content. Don't care what cut of beef it is. If you can't do this at a civil level -- leave before you get warned or tossed.

Deleted about 10 or 12 already and a couple warnings.
Ah well, for one I can't post links yet, too new, and for two, I don't see you posting anything in rebuttal of what I've said, so take your own advice and back yours up. You seem to think everybody else is supposed to do your homework for you or something.
Oh no, it's the dreaded "I can't post links here." excuse. Try posting a URL.....I know you can do that. That said, you obviously have no proof. The fact that there have been no rebuttals is NOT proof. What you are attempting to do is shifting the burden of proof.

One way in which one would attempt to shift the burden of proof is by committing a logical fallacy known as the argument from ignorance. It occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proved false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proved true.

New members can not post links until they meet minimum post count. Just FYI.. Should not be an issue.
I can easily explain it...
...White "racism" is fully instituted and fully backed by whites who are liberal....
... it is a creation of white liberals to garner power/wealth for themselves, they view minorites as their army, whenever they need to confiscate something they create a friction between their minority du jour and whites who then blame each other and fight like cats and dogs while they walk away with their spoils.
What were the races of the respective victims?

Wouldn't know, we protect victims' identities..

But to the point.

White kid gets 3 months, black guy gets 15 years...

that's all manner of messed up.
except fords...and who asked for their identities?

Vastaror asked for the race of the women who were victimized, as if that was a factor in what happened. (I suspect they were both white, I couldn't imagine a black guy getting 15 years for raping a black woman.)
Vastaror asked for the race of the women
who were victimized, as if that was a factor in what happened. (I suspect they were both white, I couldn't imagine a black guy getting 15 years for raping a black woman.)
Do you feel like you have divulged their identities now that you have answered the question that was asked instead of the one you pretended was asked? the rest of your response is complete make believe

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