Can Atheists be Moral?

Rationalizations of right and wrong can be seen in every single quarrel between two people where each believes they are right and the other is wrong and expects the other one to not only understand it but agree with it.

There is a universal expectation of common decency.

"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

which conservatives fail to meet.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

"Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems. "


You said;

"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

To which I replied;

"which conservatives fail to meet. "

after which you responded;

"Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems. "


We are talking about (your subject, your words) "There is a universal expectation of common decency."

Calling liberals "scumbags, nazis, fascists, commies, dirtbags, liars, cheaters, god haters, christian haters, America haters, terrorist lovers and traitors who are trying to destroy our constitution and country" SIMPLY because we disagree with you on gay rights is NOT COMMON FKN DECENCY!

I call this the HATE and SWITCH routine.

Conservatives are very good at it.....

They'll say "fkn dirt bag liberals are traitors and should be treated like the dirty commy traitors they are"

to which a rational person will respond
"what the fuk?....that was kinda mean...."

and the con will IMMEDIATELY reply; "typical liberal, insult me simply because I DISAGREE with you....."

I expect common decency
I do not get it from conservatives.

I don’t believe I have called you any names at all.
that is not an answer ff -
Of course it is. That's why we see selection produce fusiform shapes in marine animals, for instance. And we know this information is passed by DNA replication and meiosis. It hasn't been a mystery for quite a long time. Feel free to slop on this veneer of metaphysical explains nothing, yields no useful predictions, and it doesn't affect our knowledge in the slightest . that's how we know it's useless nonsense.
Rationalizations of right and wrong can be seen in every single quarrel between two people where each believes they are right and the other is wrong and expects the other one to not only understand it but agree with it.

There is a universal expectation of common decency.

"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

which conservatives fail to meet.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
Rationalizations of right and wrong can be seen in every single quarrel between two people where each believes they are right and the other is wrong and expects the other one to not only understand it but agree with it.

There is a universal expectation of common decency.

"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

which conservatives fail to meet.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
Pfft...he's just another baby boomer fraud who regurgitates old reaganite talking points, until it comes to his own well being. Just another baby boomer thief who would sell out the future but make sure his own entitlements are robust.
"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

which conservatives fail to meet.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
Pfft...he's just another baby boomer fraud who regurgitates old reaganite talking points, until it comes to his own well being. Just another baby boomer thief who would sell out the future but make sure his own entitlements are robust.

It's like going down the rabbit hole with him.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
Pfft...he's just another baby boomer fraud who regurgitates old reaganite talking points, until it comes to his own well being. Just another baby boomer thief who would sell out the future but make sure his own entitlements are robust.

It's like going down the rabbit hole with him.

Well, do yourself and your sanity a favor, and don't ask him for specifics. Unless you enjoy being treated to a bunch of nebulous, equivocating, self-contradictory nonsense.
that is not an answer ff -
Of course it is. That's why we see selection produce fusiform shapes in marine animals, for instance. And we know this information is passed by DNA replication and meiosis. It hasn't been a mystery for quite a long time. Feel free to slop on this veneer of metaphysical explains nothing, yields no useful predictions, and it doesn't affect our knowledge in the slightest . that's how we know it's useless nonsense.
why we see selection ...

you have not answered the origin of physiology, begin by the admission it is not native to planet Earth would be helpful.

your selection is passed from one generation to the next, physiology is incapable of doing that the process is a metaphysical transfer just as the initial life template became a physical manifestation of the metaphysical forces that made it. I refer you to Flora -


that is not their DNA - that is their composite metaphysical being in physical exhibition. provided by their adherence to religious convictions.
your selection is passed from one generation to the next, physiology is incapable of doing that the process is a metaphysical transfer just as the initial life template became a physical manifestation of the metaphysical forces that made it. I refer you to Flora -


that is not their DNA - that is their composite metaphysical being in physical exhibition. provided by their adherence to religious convictions.
Oh well, at least I found out I needn't bother.
you have not answered the origin of physiology,
I absolutely have: selection. Period. Same thing that causes the shape of the water molecule, or the shape of Saturn's rings.

You just don't like the answer, because I can eliminate your entire body of magical nonsense with a one-word, simple explanation that requires no magic, is supported by all of the evidence, and is accepted by the entire scientifici community. You prefer thinking you have outsmarted someone...
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
Pfft...he's just another baby boomer fraud who regurgitates old reaganite talking points, until it comes to his own well being. Just another baby boomer thief who would sell out the future but make sure his own entitlements are robust.

It's like going down the rabbit hole with him.
More rationalizations.

Technically that would fall under dunning effect.
Rationalizations of right and wrong can be seen in every single quarrel between two people where each believes they are right and the other is wrong and expects the other one to not only understand it but agree with it.

There is a universal expectation of common decency.

"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

which conservatives fail to meet.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
I am now convinced of it.
You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
Pfft...he's just another baby boomer fraud who regurgitates old reaganite talking points, until it comes to his own well being. Just another baby boomer thief who would sell out the future but make sure his own entitlements are robust.

It's like going down the rabbit hole with him.

Well, do yourself and your sanity a favor, and don't ask him for specifics. Unless you enjoy being treated to a bunch of nebulous, equivocating, self-contradictory nonsense.
"There is a universal expectation of common decency."

which conservatives fail to meet.
Disagreeing on solutions is not the same thing as disagreeing on problems.

You just come out with slogans.

You could write them on planks, and hang them up in the kitchen.
It’s a common misperception of the left that conservatives don’t care about the poor. That’s not true. We don’t agree with solutions that have been proven to not only not work but make the problem worse.

I’m thinking April was right about you all along.

Oh well. Must be true then. lol.
I am now convinced of it.
I am now convinced of it.

convinced of what ...
you have not answered the origin of physiology,
I absolutely have: selection. Period. Same thing that causes the shape of the water molecule, or the shape of Saturn's rings.

You just don't like the answer, because I can eliminate your entire body of magical nonsense with a one-word, simple explanation that requires no magic, is supported by all of the evidence, and is accepted by the entire scientifici community. You prefer thinking you have outsmarted someone...
Same thing that causes the shape of the water molecule

cause is not an origin nor is shape pertinent - nor is water equivalent to physiology.
cause is not an origin
Yes it is. What odd language you use....the hallmark of a charlatan...

Normal person: "Gravity causes large objects to become spheroids in space"

Breezewood: " But that is not the origin of spheroidal shape. Metaphysics determines that"


nor is shape pertinent
"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology", eh. Fascinating. I admit, I have little in my toolbox to counter such obvious nonsensical doublespeak, besides mockery of it. It mocks itself, really.

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