Can Atheists be Moral?

cause is not an origin
Yes it is. What odd language you use....the hallmark of a charlatan...

Normal person: "Gravity causes large objects to become spheroids in space"

Breezewood: " But that is not the origin of spheroidal shape. Metaphysics determines that"


nor is shape pertinent
"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology", eh. Fascinating. I admit, I have little in my toolbox to counter such obvious nonsensical doublespeak, besides mockery of it. It mocks itself, really.
cause is not an origin nor is shape pertinent - nor is water equivalent to physiology.

"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology", eh. Fascinating. I admit, I have little in my toolbox to counter such obvious nonsensical doublespeak, besides mockery of it. It mocks itself, really.

"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology"

no, it is not as there is no single shape for any physiology in existence or has ever existed in part or as a unit ... the "shape" of a water molecule is restricted atomically your comparison between the two simply shows your lack of understanding for what is being discussed -

gravity is a metaphysical force as less understood ... as ff using a blank space, magical to mimic what in fact is explainable if in broad perspective even without yet determined specifics. the same as moral equivalents.

and dodging again the origin of physiology on planet Earth and its spiritual content that keeps it from disappearing.
cause is not an origin
Yes it is. What odd language you use....the hallmark of a charlatan...

Normal person: "Gravity causes large objects to become spheroids in space"

Breezewood: " But that is not the origin of spheroidal shape. Metaphysics determines that"


nor is shape pertinent
"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology", eh. Fascinating. I admit, I have little in my toolbox to counter such obvious nonsensical doublespeak, besides mockery of it. It mocks itself, really.
cause is not an origin nor is shape pertinent - nor is water equivalent to physiology.

"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology", eh. Fascinating. I admit, I have little in my toolbox to counter such obvious nonsensical doublespeak, besides mockery of it. It mocks itself, really.

"Shape" is not pertinent to "physiology"

no, it is not as there is no single shape for any physiology in existence or has ever existed in part or as a unit ... the "shape" of a water molecule is restricted atomically your comparison between the two simply shows your lack of understanding for what is being discussed -

gravity is a metaphysical force as less understood ... as ff using a blank space, magical to mimic what in fact is explainable if in broad perspective even without yet determined specifics. the same as moral equivalents.

and dodging again the origin of physiology on planet Earth and its spiritual content that keeps it from disappearing.
And yet, you have explained nothing, have not a shred of evidence, and cnanot produce a single useful prediction, much less an accurate one. So, for the last time: you are free to slop your veneer of magical horseshit all over hard-earned knowledge (AFTER the fact, as always), but it means absolutely nothing. You could switch your position to "rainbow unicorns making ice cream in the 6th dimension decide physiology", and the result of your magical, meaningless tripe will be the same.
Atheist can be moral, but they place will be Hell.
Plain and simple, unless they do not accept Jesus as their Savior
Your magical spells and chants carry no weight here, shaman.
How’s this for magical?

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The very best you can ever hope for is to suffer without complaint. Something you don’t seem to be able to do.
Atheist can be moral, but they place will be Hell.
Plain and simple, unless they do not accept Jesus as their Savior


Make'em an offer they can't refuse.

You Christian folks need to steal that fatwa thing from islam. Grab a fatwa pen, scratch out a Mafioso style hit and let the believers go hunt down the condemned.
Atheist can be moral, but they place will be Hell.
Plain and simple, unless they do not accept Jesus as their Savior


Make'em an offer they can't refuse.

You Christian folks need to steal that fatwa thing from islam. Grab a fatwa pen, scratch out a Mafioso style hit and let the believers go hunt down the condemned.

I advise you to read the Holy Bible.

Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms

We are most certainly NOT ‘overpopulated.’ Brainless is also without morals.
Yes were are. ....

Nowhere near.

Yes we are.

Insects Are Dying En Masse, Risking 'Catastrophic' Collapse Of Earth's Ecosystems | HuffPost

Vertebrate species, both on land and under the sea, are threatened at a global scale because of human activities.

habitat loss because of intensive agriculture is the top driver of insect population declines. The heavy use of pesticides and climate change are also key contributors.

All these things are happening because there are too many god damn people on this planet.

There is a way we can engineer our way out of this so we don't have to kill every other child

“Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” the review’s co-authors wrote. “The repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least.”
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
There are some Atheist that has been born with the Spirit in them, that they don't know that they have it in them. Abraham didn't know the existence of God until he met with him. But before, Abraham has done what was right. Even though he didn't knew who was God. Moses never knew God. He just heard of Him through the Hebrews. Like on the mount. He told God which god should I tell the Hebrews whom I spoken to? And God responded back, that He is the only One. But Moses done what was right. A righteous person make the right choices of their own free-will. Abraham had left his father's village. To branch off into the wilderness, because God told him so. Things has gotten bad for him. But instead of returning home, where his life was secured. He believed in God, that he didn't even know nothing about. That was credited to him as righteousness.

Romans 2:14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law.
Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms

We are most certainly NOT ‘overpopulated.’ Brainless is also without morals.
Yes were are. ....

Nowhere near.

Yes we are.

Insects Are Dying En Masse, Risking 'Catastrophic' Collapse Of Earth's Ecosystems | HuffPost

Vertebrate species, both on land and under the sea, are threatened at a global scale because of human activities.

habitat loss because of intensive agriculture is the top driver of insect population declines. The heavy use of pesticides and climate change are also key contributors.

All these things are happening because there are too many god damn people on this planet.

There is a way we can engineer our way out of this so we don't have to kill every other child

“Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” the review’s co-authors wrote. “The repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least.”
No, no, no....have you learned nothing from being yelled at by him? If you try to fit 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, your problem isn't that you have too much shit. It's that you don't have a big enough bag. And you are an idiot to say otherwise. Just ask him!
Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms

We are most certainly NOT ‘overpopulated.’ Brainless is also without morals.
Yes were are. ....

Nowhere near.

Yes we are.

Insects Are Dying En Masse, Risking 'Catastrophic' Collapse Of Earth's Ecosystems | HuffPost

Vertebrate species, both on land and under the sea, are threatened at a global scale because of human activities.

habitat loss because of intensive agriculture is the top driver of insect population declines. The heavy use of pesticides and climate change are also key contributors.

All these things are happening because there are too many god damn people on this planet.

There is a way we can engineer our way out of this so we don't have to kill every other child

“Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” the review’s co-authors wrote. “The repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least.”
No, no, no....have you learned nothing from being yelled at by him? If you try to fit 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, your problem isn't that you have too much shit. It's that you don't have a big enough bag. And you are an idiot to say otherwise. Just ask him!
And he believes everything not just can be solved by engineering but will be solved.

Well tell me unkotard what is our solution to all the mass extinction of bees and bugs?

If we have so many humans producing so much methane and pollution from cars and cows, seems to me the solution is to cut the population in half.

I didn’t have any kids. And republican policies are causing the masses to have fewer kids so maybe we can engineer a solution. Plus trump has cut down on immigration.

Young men don’t want to get married and have kids. They want to play Nintendo. The numbers don’t lie. I just hope it’s not too little too late.
Some interesting differences.

Americans are also much more likely to believe that it is necessary to believe in God to be moral, with more than half agreeing. Fewer than one in five agree that it is necessary in Britain, Spain and France.

Americans tend to be identify with their religion before their nationality, with 46% saying they prefer to be known as Christian rather than an American. Only around 1 in 5 Western Europeans identify as Christian over their national identity.

These are the real differences between Americans and Europeans
Well Americans are better people than Europeans so there’s that too. :lol:

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