Can Bernie beat Trump?

You’re dreaming. The leaders on Wall Street don’t give a shit who wins. They know they always win. You need to realize the potus is not king. And Wall Street fears no one. Just as they compromised Ears and totally controlled him, they figure they can do the same to Bernie.

Well, no, they don't think they can do that with Bernie. That's the problem. And again, they'll do their level best before we get there to get Trump re-elected.
O ran against Wall Street in his first election, then after he won, gave them everything they wanted and more.

You need to understand the mindset of the .1%. They own the government and politicians. They have been running the show for decades. They don’t fear Bernie, but they will easily dupe people like you into thinking that only another corporatist warmonger can win.
If Donnie did stop and frisk, your media would have you screaming out of your mind. Since Mike did it, your media excuses it. You are so predictable.

Donnie would have done it for no other reason than to be a racist prick.

Mike was trying to address a real crime problem. Oh, yeah, and funny thing, the people of New York elected him three times. NEW YORK CITY. Not exactly a place where they wear MAGA hats and love Jesus.
LOL. Do you even think before posting? LMFAO.
Bloomberg is a piece of shit.

However, after last night he is a dead piece of shit.

Again- Bloomberg can buy and sell you, buddy. He can buy and sell Fauxohauntos.

No one ever based their vote on a debate.

You are confused about this.

There are many good people with money and their are a lot of bad people with money.

This Bloomberg shithead is one of the bad people with more money than he has brains. For instance, he is using his money to create pressure to take away our Constitutional rights, That is a real piece of shit.

Just like that rich asshole Steyer, who is a certified Environmental Wacko dipshit, using his money to further this silly destructive man man global warming scam.

At the end of day Mini Mike is just another one of the Democrat clowns trying to screw up this country. However, I will give the Devil his due. As bad as the sonofabitch is (unlike the other Democrat dumbshits) at least he understands that Capitalism made this country great and that Communism sucks.

I don't know what a Moon Bat like you is trying to defend Mini Mike. The Party of Moon Bats is not going to pick a racist White man that is a Capitalist to be their Presidential nominee.
Your opinion is suspect since as a tRumpling you aren't really allowed to have your own.

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Why are you defending the rabid moron?

I wasn't defending you...…...but was defending anyone's right to have an opinion especially if it disagreed with yours
I didn't say you were defending me.

Comprehension issues?

Sure you did...……..right when you asked why I was defending 'the rabid moron?'

Comprehension issues of your own????????

But as I also said, I was defending ANYONE's right to have an opinion...…..and that even includes YOU. You do have a right to your opinion and Tipsycatlover has a right to hers and I have a right to mine...…..whether you like it or not.

And since you don't 'get' that point is why I've called YOU The Rabid Moron...…...get it? got it? good!
Yeah.... Nope.

Off to school with you kiddo. Don't come back until you read well enough to follow a short conversation.
Here you go Lahota. From that bastion of Trumpism … the Wash Post

In each case, according to emails released Monday from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, the requests were directed to Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and confidante, Huma Abedin, who engaged with other top aides and sometimes Clinton herself about how to respond.

The emails show that, in these and similar cases, the donors did not always get what they wanted, particularly when they sought anything more than a meeting.
Yes Hillary sold meetings with the Sec of State. Your point?
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.
2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.
3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.
4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
Sounds like Bloomberg got pounded pretty effectively last night.

I'm no expert on this stuff, but it's pretty clear that the party, in general, thinks Bernie would be beaten pretty handily, and therefore so would democratic socialism for a while.

The party is an absolute mess right now. The nutters have too much influence.
If you think the Ds need to nominate another corporatist warmonger like O or HER, you are mistaken. Why nominate a republican? Essentially resulting in a choice between an R or another R.

The D Party claims to be the progressive party. Shouldn’t they nominate a progressive? Thus giving the American people a real choice.
The party is a fucking mess, so I don't really know what it claims to be at this point.

Remember, the top priority isn't their principles, it's beating Trump.

I'd like to see Bloomberg break off and run Indy.
Please no. There are not many outcomes worse than that.

All that does is ensure the nomination goes to Bernie and, even worse, gives the party someone to point to for Bernie's loss rather than accepting that running a open socialist is a bad idea.

IOW, lets just give Trump another term AND send the only opposition to insanity further down their own insane road. Your entertainment is not worth it :p
Yeah that’s the conventional wisdom. I tend to think Bernie beats Donnie.

How do you figure? A general election ain't a Democrat primary. It's all about broad-based appeal to a wide variety of people, and I don't see that describing Bernie in any way.
Polls have him beating Trump. Bernie would win the popular vote either way

Oh, PLEASE keep telling yourself that.
I dont need to. The polls are saying it for me.

Yeah, because the polls have given you such good guidance in the last few elections.

Like I said, you just keep doing what you're doing and charging ahead confidently. Do not let me or anyone else stop you from believing Bernie's your savior.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
I think you're wrong, and Bernie can beat tRump. It seems to me like it's finally time for his ideas to get a shot. Yes, the tRumplings are already crying "socialism" the same way religious fanatics cried "heresy" during the Inquisition but it doesn't seem to have the impact it had last time around. The electorate is changing, responding to four years racism, Russians, and ineptitude. The people are sick of tRump.

I agree that the electorate is changing - but Bernie is too far left for this time. America isn't there yet.
I think we are, or at least enough of us are.

By all means, run him and let's see. :D
I'm all in.

And I'm glad to hear it. I can't think of anyone's shock, outrage, and misery I will enjoy more than yours when he fails.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

Sanders could beat Trump, depends on the economy at the time and also many Sanders supporters voted for Trump in 2016. Also in 2016, Sanders polled better than Clinton when matched against Trump.
For those Bernie supporters that think Socialism would be great. Seek out many Chinese that fled mainland China and ask them what they think of Socialism. They will get an earful and it isn't good.

As my son pointed out yesterday, that never helps because socialists always tell themselves, "They just weren't doing it correctly. It just needs US to be in charge, because WE are smart enough to do socialism right."
Sounds like Bloomberg got pounded pretty effectively last night.

I'm no expert on this stuff, but it's pretty clear that the party, in general, thinks Bernie would be beaten pretty handily, and therefore so would democratic socialism for a while.

The party is an absolute mess right now. The nutters have too much influence.
If you think the Ds need to nominate another corporatist warmonger like O or HER, you are mistaken. Why nominate a republican? Essentially resulting in a choice between an R or another R.

The D Party claims to be the progressive party. Shouldn’t they nominate a progressive? Thus giving the American people a real choice.
The party is a fucking mess, so I don't really know what it claims to be at this point.

Remember, the top priority isn't their principles, it's beating Trump.

I'd like to see Bloomberg break off and run Indy.
Please no. There are not many outcomes worse than that.

All that does is ensure the nomination goes to Bernie and, even worse, gives the party someone to point to for Bernie's loss rather than accepting that running a open socialist is a bad idea.

IOW, lets just give Trump another term AND send the only opposition to insanity further down their own insane road. Your entertainment is not worth it :p
Yeah that’s the conventional wisdom. I tend to think Bernie beats Donnie.

How do you figure? A general election ain't a Democrat primary. It's all about broad-based appeal to a wide variety of people, and I don't see that describing Bernie in any way.
That’s right. Bernie just might achieve a broad base and win the general.
Many of the wealthy elite feel that way. That should tell us something about them.

It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
The best news is that after Trump beats Bernie like his first wife and the gop retakes the house and keeps the senate, Bernie will blame it on Bloomberg and every other billionaire
If you think the Ds need to nominate another corporatist warmonger like O or HER, you are mistaken. Why nominate a republican? Essentially resulting in a choice between an R or another R.

The D Party claims to be the progressive party. Shouldn’t they nominate a progressive? Thus giving the American people a real choice.
The party is a fucking mess, so I don't really know what it claims to be at this point.

Remember, the top priority isn't their principles, it's beating Trump.

I'd like to see Bloomberg break off and run Indy.
Please no. There are not many outcomes worse than that.

All that does is ensure the nomination goes to Bernie and, even worse, gives the party someone to point to for Bernie's loss rather than accepting that running a open socialist is a bad idea.

IOW, lets just give Trump another term AND send the only opposition to insanity further down their own insane road. Your entertainment is not worth it :p
Yeah that’s the conventional wisdom. I tend to think Bernie beats Donnie.

How do you figure? A general election ain't a Democrat primary. It's all about broad-based appeal to a wide variety of people, and I don't see that describing Bernie in any way.
That’s right. Bernie just might achieve a broad base and win the general.

WHAT'S right? I said "broad-based appeal" DOESN'T describe Bernie, so what the fuck are you agreeing with, exactly?

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