Can Bernie beat Trump?

Many of the wealthy elite feel that way. That should tell us something about them.

It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

What's clear is that you can't refute him.
The best news is that after Trump beats Bernie like his first wife and the gop retakes the house and keeps the senate, Bernie will blame it on Bloomberg and every other billionaire

And the DNC for helping Bloomberg steal his victory in exchange for filthy lucre.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

Bernie and 45 are both highly divisive individuals. A Bernie as Candidate hands the Oval Office back to der GroppenFuhrer. I've already taken hits from Sanders Supporters on the DCCM. I cannot and will not work for Sanders. He is no more against the Billionaire's than 45 is. Bernie is Millionaire himself. He mouths empty words and like HRC does not trust the voters. He is in it to for his last hurrah. Hopefully like Spencer Tracy, in a movie by the same name Bernie will be humiliated.
You should never say never but IMHO Bernie Sanders will have a very difficult time unseating Donny if the current economic and social conditions hold.

According to Gallup 90% of Americans say they are satisfied with their personal lives (January 2020), and when Gallup broke that down by different areas of their personal lives (2019) the numbers are equally overwhelmingly positive.
Satisfaction With Personal Life

Given the positive feelings that the vast majority of Americans are showing with the status quo, why would they vote to replace the POTUS with a radical 78 year socialist? I could see this as a possibility if we were back in 2008 in the midst of economic and social turmoil, but now?

What strategy would a Sanders campaign pursue? "I know you think you're satisfied but you're too stupid to know that you shouldn't be" ?

The wildcard factor is of course Donny, being the pompous ass that he is, doing something idiotic to beat himself but barring that or a complete economic or social meltdown, I'd put Comrade Sanders chances of winning a General Election in the slim to very slim category.
You should never say never but IMHO Bernie Sanders will have a very difficult time unseating Donny if the current economic and social conditions hold.

According to Gallup 90% of Americans say they are satisfied with their personal lives (January 2020), and when Gallup broke that down by different areas of their personal lives (2019) the numbers are equally overwhelmingly positive.
Satisfaction With Personal Life

Given the positive feelings that the vast majority of Americans are showing with the status quo, why would they vote to replace the POTUS with a radical 78 year socialist? I could see this as a possibility if we were back in 2008 in the midst of economic and social turmoil, but now?

What strategy would a Sanders campaign pursue? "I know you think you're satisfied but you're too stupid to know that you shouldn't be" ?

The wildcard factor is of course Donny, being the pompous ass that he is, doing something idiotic to beat himself but barring that or a complete economic or social meltdown, I'd put Comrade Sanders chances of winning a General Election in the slim to very slim category.
The number one issue is HC and affordability, and Bernie's plan is to take away your plan and raise your taxes to put you on Medicare. He says you'll save money on copay and deductible … even though Medicare has 20% copays and the prescript coverage has people buying supplemental policies or skipping meds.
And herein lies the problem. I would dare say that many who oppose Trump simply don't like his personality. If questioned, they wouldn't be able to name specific policies with which totally disagree or that have failed. I can name a litany of Bernie policies with which I disagree and that would destroy our country. Most leftists talk about how the country is going downhill under Trump even though virtually every metric shows just the opposite. It is an amazing testament to the power of the left-wing media and the short-sighted, shallow thinking of many voters.

Again, Trump's criminality is the problem here, not his "personality".

He's alienated our allies, enboldened the racists with his racist rhetoric.

You would have been very good in 1940 Germany, saying, "Look how much better Hitler has made things! Winning. Oh, what happened to Goldberg? Never mind."

What criminality? You mean the criminality the left keeps dreaming up? The stuff that was thoroughly investigated? Let me guess, the non-existant Quid Pro Quo. Maybe it was Russian collusion. Heck they are bringing this up again as if Russia would want the US to continue to do well under Trump. As if Russia would not LOVE to see the US get one step closer to Communism and elect a Socialist nut who honeymooned there.

It is his personality. The left are shallow thinkers...always have been. They are sensitive creatures and get their feelings hurt from virtually any comment. Racism and sexism is in EVERYTHING. Same old nonsense.

Yes, the country is doing MUCH better under Trump's leadership, even for the folks that oppose him. Many of them just aren't capable of putting their sensitivities to the side and use a pragmatic appoach.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

I don't know about that. I think Bernie offers a unique challenge to trump, but he has some things in his past that could hurt him badly in the rust belt that trump will exploit. The thing is, trump has now been president for a term. He is no longer Mr. outsider. He is now the republican establishment. His record is poor as a president on every front and I don't think he's going to get any mercy from Sanders who can fight just as nasty as trump can, if not more. This is where the trump lovers underestimate Sanders and over estimate trump. Making up nicknames ain't going to cut it when your policies or lack thereof are getting destroyed out on the stump.

Bernie might be a lot of things, but he is no totalitarian. Trump is and that is what Americans must decide in this election. This country made a serious mistake 4 years ago in thinking that Hillary was going to be a worse choice than trump. The question is: "After we've had 4 years of trump, can we really afford 4 more years of every day chaos, incompetence and authoritarianism?"

DO WE WANT A PRESIDENT THAT WILL SIC THE POLICE ON YOU JUST BECAUSE HE BELIEVES YOU OPPOSE HIM? Because you can talk all the crazy you want about socialism, but socialism is an economic system that can be run in a democratic political system. But running a capitalist economy in totalitarian political system always fails.
Many of the wealthy elite feel that way. That should tell us something about them.

It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.
Many of the wealthy elite feel that way. That should tell us something about them.

It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

What's clear is that you can't refute him.
Refute what?
The party is a fucking mess, so I don't really know what it claims to be at this point.

Remember, the top priority isn't their principles, it's beating Trump.

I'd like to see Bloomberg break off and run Indy.
Please no. There are not many outcomes worse than that.

All that does is ensure the nomination goes to Bernie and, even worse, gives the party someone to point to for Bernie's loss rather than accepting that running a open socialist is a bad idea.

IOW, lets just give Trump another term AND send the only opposition to insanity further down their own insane road. Your entertainment is not worth it :p
Yeah that’s the conventional wisdom. I tend to think Bernie beats Donnie.

How do you figure? A general election ain't a Democrat primary. It's all about broad-based appeal to a wide variety of people, and I don't see that describing Bernie in any way.
That’s right. Bernie just might achieve a broad base and win the general.

WHAT'S right? I said "broad-based appeal" DOESN'T describe Bernie, so what the fuck are you agreeing with, exactly?
Silly. I suppose you think Donnie has a broad base of support, but Bernie doesn’t. What makes you think this?
Many of the wealthy elite feel that way. That should tell us something about them.

It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
Many of the wealthy elite feel that way. That should tell us something about them.

It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.
The GOP has totally trivialized and diluted the word "socialist" by comically over-using it, just as the Left has with "racism".

Now, neither word scares their opponents any more. Too funny.

The zillionth example of how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
It tells us that at least they are not self destructive like you are.

Then again, you only have your mother's basement to lose.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.

What we do know is what Bernie has laid out. Whatever you want to call it, he refers to it as Democratic Socialism. It will destroy our economy. That is pretty much anybody needs to know.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

Maybe Lady gaga can help?
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.

What we do know is what Bernie has laid out. Whatever you want to call it, he refers to it as Democratic Socialism. It will destroy our economy. That is pretty much anybody needs to know.

Democratic socialism is defined as having a socialist economy in which the means of production are socially and collectively owned or controlled, alongside a democratic political system of government. Democratic socialism rejects self-described socialist states just as it rejects Marxism–Leninism.

Sounds so very American, and not at all communist.
Delusional. You clearly aren’t informed.

Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.

What we do know is what Bernie has laid out. Whatever you want to call it, he refers to it as Democratic Socialism. It will destroy our economy. That is pretty much anybody needs to know.
You do understand how our government works right? If Bernie is elected, he will have to get congress to pass his agenda. This is not socialism. It’s how a republic works.
Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.

What we do know is what Bernie has laid out. Whatever you want to call it, he refers to it as Democratic Socialism. It will destroy our economy. That is pretty much anybody needs to know.
You do understand how our government works right? If Bernie is elected, he will have to get congress to pass his agenda. This is not socialism. It’s how a republic works.

"The best part about my candidate is that he won't get his will through."

One hell of a sales pitch right there. If you didn't vote for a socialist you would not have this problem.
Hillary already said it to Bernie in 2016, they are basement dwellers. He agreed and endorsed Hillary.

I recommend getting a job, easier than ever in Trump economy.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.

What we do know is what Bernie has laid out. Whatever you want to call it, he refers to it as Democratic Socialism. It will destroy our economy. That is pretty much anybody needs to know.
You do understand how our government works right? If Bernie is elected, he will have to get congress to pass his agenda. This is not socialism. It’s how a republic works.

Yes, I fully understand how it works, but why on earth would I want 1/3 of our government to be controlled by a nut who is either too stupid to realize that his policies will destroy our country or that is his goal? The president has veto power, which is powerful. If enough AOC types get elected into Congress, our country would go in the crapper and fast. Not sure why people can't understand this.
I don’t need a job. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you, I care about Americans who aren’t as fortunate as I am.

If you care about Americans, you don't vote for a socialist.

It's simple as that. Socialism is anti-American.
I know you don’t understand the meaning of socialism. Please get informed before posting.

What we do know is what Bernie has laid out. Whatever you want to call it, he refers to it as Democratic Socialism. It will destroy our economy. That is pretty much anybody needs to know.
You do understand how our government works right? If Bernie is elected, he will have to get congress to pass his agenda. This is not socialism. It’s how a republic works.

Yes, I fully understand how it works, but why on earth would I want 1/3 of our government to be controlled by a nut who is either too stupid to realize that his policies will destroy our country or that is his goal? The president has veto power, which is powerful. If enough AOC types get elected into Congress, our country would go in the crapper and fast. Not sure why people can't understand this.
You have been brainwashed. Bernie is not a nut. Stop mimicking those on the left who hate Donnie.

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