Can Bernie beat Trump?

I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
I don't think he has a realistic chance of beating Trump. In 2016, when Bernie had the nomination STOLEN from him, he MAY have beaten him. But because of the Hildebeast, we'll never know.
It's actually democrats and they aren't crying socialism. They are outright crying communism.
Your opinion is suspect since as a tRumpling you aren't really allowed to have your own.

View attachment 307720
Why are you defending the rabid moron?

I wasn't defending you...…...but was defending anyone's right to have an opinion especially if it disagreed with yours
I didn't say you were defending me.

Comprehension issues?

Sure you did...……..right when you asked why I was defending 'the rabid moron?'

Comprehension issues of your own????????

But as I also said, I was defending ANYONE's right to have an opinion...…..and that even includes YOU. You do have a right to your opinion and Tipsycatlover has a right to hers and I have a right to mine...…..whether you like it or not.

And since you don't 'get' that point is why I've called YOU The Rabid Moron...…...get it? got it? good!
LOL. Yeah it doesn’t matter what his policies are. As long as he beats Donnie, you’re good with it.

Now that’s really dumb, but typical of a duped Trump hater.

Yes, beating Trump is the ONLY thing that matters. Period. Full Stop. End of story.

I really don't care what the policies are. Most of them won't happen, anyway. Most of the shit Trump advocated didn't happen. Has Mexico paid for that wall yet?

The problem with Trump is that he's made racism acceptable again. That's why he needs to go.
Read this silly boy...

Why? None of that contradicts any of my points.

Two criteria.

1) Can he beat Trump?
2) Can he get things done after elected?

These aren't complicated questions.

Can he beat Trump? Yes. He has the resources, and Wall Street will calm the fuck down when they see a sensible alternative. (As opposed to Commie Bernie or Fauxohountus, who will put them in full alert.) He's the guy Trump pretends to be on TV.

Can he get things done? Yup. He's already proven that as Mayor of New York.
After last night, Bloomberg has a mountain to climb to get any support. He barely made it out of the debate alive. What a beat down.
It's like this...
Bloomberg - if he won I believe we would see an abysmal voter turnout. Minorities and Bernie supporters voting for a $billionaire old white guy who is at least as sexist/misogynist as the Orange Man?? Not happening. - Trump win.

Guy, the problem is, the kind of people who regularly use the word "misogynist" aren't a very big voting block. Most of them will have the good sense to realize that if it's Trump selecting Ruth Bader Ginsberg's replacement instead of Bloomberg, it's going to be really bad for them.

Debates are rarely watched and they don't influence people as much as you think.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
I don't think he has a realistic chance of beating Trump. In 2016, when Bernie had the nomination STOLEN from him, he MAY have beaten him. But because of the Hildebeast, we'll never know.
Bernie's so strong coming out of that last debate that it may be too late for trickery by the DNC. Bloomberg appears to be the only one who can beat him, and he has to recover from the first debate while everyone still pounds on him.

I guess he did get a couple of good jabs in at Bernie, so that might have an effect. What a contrast.

RealClearPolitics - Betting Odds - Democratic Presidential Nomination
FA_Q2 said:
He advocates for governmental control of everything much closer to states like Venezuela.
Have You Ever Seen A 'Socialist'
That Didn't Desire To Be Your Dictator ??
Read this silly boy...

Why? None of that contradicts any of my points.

Two criteria.

1) Can he beat Trump?
2) Can he get things done after elected?

These aren't complicated questions.

Can he beat Trump? Yes. He has the resources, and Wall Street will calm the fuck down when they see a sensible alternative. (As opposed to Commie Bernie or Fauxohountus, who will put them in full alert.) He's the guy Trump pretends to be on TV.

Can he get things done? Yup. He's already proven that as Mayor of New York.
So, you want Wall Street to continue controlling the potus. I don’t.

Joe you claim to be a progressive democrat, but really your a right winger.

Getting things done generally isn’t good for vast majority.
LOL. Yeah it doesn’t matter what his policies are. As long as he beats Donnie, you’re good with it.

Now that’s really dumb, but typical of a duped Trump hater.

Yes, beating Trump is the ONLY thing that matters. Period. Full Stop. End of story.

I really don't care what the policies are. Most of them won't happen, anyway. Most of the shit Trump advocated didn't happen. Has Mexico paid for that wall yet?

The problem with Trump is that he's made racism acceptable again. That's why he needs to go.
Trump’s a racist, but little Mike isn’t? You haven’t examined mike’s record. He’s a racist republican, I guess just like you.
JoeB131 said:
Most of them will have the good sense to realize that if it's Trump selecting Ruth Bader Ginsberg's replacement instead of Bloomberg, it's going to be really bad for them.
Doesn't Occur To The Average Democrat
Unless Media Tells Them
Debates are rarely watched and they don't influence people as much as you think.
Talent Shows
So, you want Wall Street to continue controlling the potus. I don’t.

Joe you claim to be a progressive democrat, but really your a right winger.

Getting things done generally isn’t good for vast majority.

I'm a realist.

Three scenarios.

Bernie gets the nomination, and all the sensible people in Wall Street who hate Trump, will throw everything they have at Bernie. Trump wins and we slip further into fascism. A recession hits, and Trump has no idea how to deal with it.

Bernie gets the nomination... by some miracle he wins, and the people on Wall Street yank all their money out of the market and move it overseas. The market collapses, people like me who still have some money stuck in 401K's and pensions take a bath. Republicans retake Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024.

Bloomberg gets the nomination. Wall Street sits this one out, and we have a debate on whether or not throwing kids into cages and crazy governing by tweet is a good idea or not. Bloomberg wins. We get some progressive things in. Not the crazy stuff Bernie was proposing. If a recession hits' I have a lot more confidence in Mike than I do Donnie or Bernie.
Trump’s a racist, but little Mike isn’t? You haven’t examined mike’s record. He’s a racist republican, I guess just like you.

I've looked at Mike's record. Yes, Stop and Frisk was bad, but the iniatives he took for economic development and police reform helped a lot of people of color. It's why he WON THREE TERMS in NYC.
Stop and Frisk was the only thing Mini-Mike was good at. And it protected Blacks and Browns more than Whitey. If Mini-Mike did not apologize for doing the obvious, common sense thing, he would be less of a laughing stock, little frog-faced midget than he is now. And Crazy Bernie obviously has no chance.

Sleepy Joe Biden is literally the dems only possibility or that little gay guy, Butt-edge-edge who can at least memorize one liners.
So, you want Wall Street to continue controlling the potus. I don’t.

Joe you claim to be a progressive democrat, but really your a right winger.

Getting things done generally isn’t good for vast majority.

I'm a realist.

Three scenarios.

Bernie gets the nomination, and all the sensible people in Wall Street who hate Trump, will throw everything they have at Bernie. Trump wins and we slip further into fascism. A recession hits, and Trump has no idea how to deal with it.

Bernie gets the nomination... by some miracle he wins, and the people on Wall Street yank all their money out of the market and move it overseas. The market collapses, people like me who still have some money stuck in 401K's and pensions take a bath. Republicans retake Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024.

Bloomberg gets the nomination. Wall Street sits this one out, and we have a debate on whether or not throwing kids into cages and crazy governing by tweet is a good idea or not. Bloomberg wins. We get some progressive things in. Not the crazy stuff Bernie was proposing. If a recession hits' I have a lot more confidence in Mike than I do Donnie or Bernie.
You’re dreaming. The leaders on Wall Street don’t give a shit who wins. They know they always win. You need to realize the potus is not king. And Wall Street fears no one. Just as they compromised Ears and totally controlled him, they figure they can do the same to Bernie.
You’re dreaming. The leaders on Wall Street don’t give a shit who wins. They know they always win. You need to realize the potus is not king. And Wall Street fears no one. Just as they compromised Ears and totally controlled him, they figure they can do the same to Bernie.

Well, no, they don't think they can do that with Bernie. That's the problem. And again, they'll do their level best before we get there to get Trump re-elected.
Trump’s a racist, but little Mike isn’t? You haven’t examined mike’s record. He’s a racist republican, I guess just like you.

I've looked at Mike's record. Yes, Stop and Frisk was bad, but the iniatives he took for economic development and police reform helped a lot of people of color. It's why he WON THREE TERMS in NYC.
If Donnie did stop and frisk, your media would have you screaming out of your mind. Since Mike did it, your media excuses it. You are so predictable.
Yup, I foolishly cashed out all mutual funds when President Trump was elected because I figured Wall Street Deep State would take revenge on the economy via stocks to undermine President Trump's economic agenda. Big mistake. :p
If Donnie did stop and frisk, your media would have you screaming out of your mind. Since Mike did it, your media excuses it. You are so predictable.

Donnie would have done it for no other reason than to be a racist prick.

Mike was trying to address a real crime problem. Oh, yeah, and funny thing, the people of New York elected him three times. NEW YORK CITY. Not exactly a place where they wear MAGA hats and love Jesus.
LuckyDuck said:
For those Bernie supporters that think Socialism would be great. Seek out many Chinese that fled mainland China and ask them what they think of Socialism. They will get an earful and it isn't good.
That Wasn't 'Real' Socialism
That Was Mao...
That Wasn't 'Real' Socialism
That Was Lenin And Stalin...
That Wasn't 'Real' Socialism
That Was Pol Pot...
That Wasn't 'Real' Socialism
That Was Robespierre...

hugo danny glover.jpg

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