Can Biden topple Putin like Obama toppled Gaddafi?

Lots of wishful thinking, not much critical thinking. Pigozhin was a drama queen, the 'threat' he posed was never really serious. Pretending that spells doom and gloom for Putin is utterly ridiculous. The whole episode did nothing to change the Ukraine situation, which makes it a non-issue moving forward. Our so-called experts have been wrong at every turn since that clown Biden was sworn in.
Lots of wishful thinking, not much critical thinking. Pigozhin was a drama queen, the 'threat' he posed was never really serious. Pretending that spells doom and gloom for Putin is utterly ridiculous. The whole episode did nothing to change the Ukraine situation, which makes it a non-issue moving forward. Our so-called experts have been wrong at every turn since that clown Biden was sworn in.

You win the thread.
Somewhere in there I think we disagree greatly BUT we haven't seen the end result of all of this yet. I will just say that with Biden's total and complete incompetence in getting out of Afghanistan, encouraging Putin to invade Ukraine, and the subsequent world support for Ukraine and, IF Putin winds up being gone from this, it will have all worked out pretty well for the world. But I don't think Biden should get any medals if his total incompetence leads to Putin being gone.
Afganistan was a shit shot before he arrived... Trump had played all the cards and Biden had only 2500 soldiers in the country when Biden came in...

Stephen Miller had stopped to a trickle the amount American allies allowed into the US.

Biden had a choice, break the deal and send in huge amount troops and prepare for a bloody contest OR leave...
Leave had a cost, Biden knew that but so had staying...

The real question is, why didn't Trump guarantee safe passage for US and US friendlies from Afghanistan from the Taliban?

Putin invaded Ukraine, it was a stupid move which defied logic... He did it and is now paying the price... In fairness we over estimated Putin's logic reasoning... When the war started Russia had $300bn in foreign cash... Even a few days notice would repatriated that money...
Biden is playing the Ukraine war very well so far and Russia is suffering while US and EU have many more hands to play... The biggest problem is that EU is moving to renewables at an increasing rate.. High Oil and Gas prices has made renewables very economical...
EU has become a lot smarter on how to store power..

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