Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

I am a registered democrat----voted for trump on the ANYBODY BUT HELLCAT ticket -----was not happy with Obama's policies----but find him CLASSY AND DIGNIFIED and presidential in demeanor
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
Obama was the perfect con man for gullible Liberals. He knew just what you wanted to hear and how you like to hear it and he gave it to you.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
Dude he used 'I' more than any President in the last 60 years.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

He was classy and dignified when dealing with his ideological fellow travelers or when speaking to his constituents, absolutely. When dealing with those with whom he disagreed, however, he was often petulant, petty, and hostile. He also had a habit of making divisive and often inaccurate assumptions about racial incidents before any evidence had come in.

Basically, he knew how to appear calm and extend his pinky when sipping from a tea cup, had a good handle of expected decorum, but acted like a disgruntled and/or injured child in the face of any adversity whatsoever, so no. . . not someone I would call particularly classy or particularly dignified. He just happened to be passive enough to look dignified and classy when surrounded by supporters and sycophants, and by all accounts, he always generally saw to it that he was in such surroundings as often as possible.
Here's the problem with merit based immigration (IMHO)
If only the best qualified are allowed to immigrate to the US, then they will compete only for the best, highest paying jobs available. Leaving the menial jobs, the low paying jobs, the back breaking jobs, for the native born.

Is that really what we want?

How good are you at picking lettuce?

Nope. Obama was a total sleeze.

S L E A Z E ?????>??

No, sleeze.

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