Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

I suppose i can’t even get a basic admission like this from the trash of this forum.
I suppose i can’t even get a basic admission like this from the trash of this forum.

Good argument, bro. An even better one would be to put forward particular reasons why you feel that Obama -was- dignified and classy, or perhaps address some of the specific things said in disagreement to your assertion, rather than just dismissing everyone as trash. "Haters gonna hate" isn't a strong rebuttal, despite what 14 year old girls on Jerry Springer have led you to believe.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
Dude he used 'I' more than any President in the last 60 years.

:lol: Link?
I suppose i can’t even get a basic admission like this from the trash of this forum.

Good argument, bro. An even better one would be to put forward particular reasons why you feel that Obama -was- dignified and classy, or perhaps address some of the specific things said in disagreement to your assertion, rather than just dismissing everyone as trash. "Haters gonna hate" isn't a strong rebuttal, despite what 14 year old girls on Jerry Springer have led you to believe.
Well see I am pointing out something so blatantly obvious that it is ridiculous I wouid need to give you examples. You already agree with me. You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it.
I suppose i can’t even get a basic admission like this from the trash of this forum.

Nope, and I woulda been shocked if you did. Basically you're gonna get wordy circumlocutions describing the term "uppity". Like that one about the pronoun "I".
"Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?"

Of course not.

That would require republicans to be honest.

They're incapable of honesty — just like trump.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.

The sleaze ball used the first person so much in his speeches they counted them.

‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular 91 Times in Speech on Immigration

‘I,’ ‘Me’—Obama Uses First-Person Pronoun 117 Times in 1 Speech

But hey, great attempt at revisionist history, I'm sure the academic elite will write it your way.

Here's the problem with merit based immigration (IMHO)
If only the best qualified are allowed to immigrate to the US, then they will compete only for the best, highest paying jobs available. Leaving the menial jobs, the low paying jobs, the back breaking jobs, for the native born.

Is that really what we want?

How good are you at picking lettuce?

Nope. Obama was a total sleeze.

S L E A Z E ?????>??

No, sleeze.

They both mean the same thing.

I suppose i can’t even get a basic admission like this from the trash of this forum.

Great quotes from B.H. maobama.

"If they bring a knife you bring a gun"

"Get in their faces"

Classy, right. LMFAO

I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

I see the Grand ol' Mack-Daddy has all of you Libs totally duped.

I suppose i can’t even get a basic admission like this from the trash of this forum.

Good argument, bro. An even better one would be to put forward particular reasons why you feel that Obama -was- dignified and classy, or perhaps address some of the specific things said in disagreement to your assertion, rather than just dismissing everyone as trash. "Haters gonna hate" isn't a strong rebuttal, despite what 14 year old girls on Jerry Springer have led you to believe.
Well see I am pointing out something so blatantly obvious that it is ridiculous I wouid need to give you examples. You already agree with me. You’re just too much of a pussy to admit it.

Lol, I agree with you? I've spelled out exactly why I disagree right here on this thread, and in my opinion, my reasoning is obvious. Don't go projecting your bullshit on me just because you're too insecure to actually engage in a conversation about your assertions. Sad motherfucker.
Didn't vote for Obama but he is a class act and mature...not so much the republicans their voters and the orange....they are a pile of assholes.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.

Yeah..he had great reading skills.
Bet the Marine Corps would argue with that assessment.

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