Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

He lied about the deaths of 4 Americans, then hopped on air force one to go to Vegas. No class or dignity in that.
"Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?"

Of course not.

That would require republicans to be honest.

They're incapable of honesty — just like trump.
Obama was a complete failure, and liberals voted him in twice. I didn't like Clinton, but he did do some good things. I can't even think of one good thing Obama did for America. I mean first thing he did was to go on an apology tour, for American greatness.
Humm, well, Obama was not judged by the same draconian standard that Trump is being judged by. For example, we know that Obama would often use the worst profanity in meetings, as would Biden, but you never heard about that on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, etc., etc.

That said, I will acknowledge that Obama's public behavior was more presidential than Trump's has been so far.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
Dude he used 'I' more than any President in the last 60 years.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
Dude he used 'I' more than any President in the last 60 years.

No no, I asked him for a link on that and he uh.... he uh....

okay, he ran away.
The difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama was more subtle and Passive-Aggressive in the way he attacked people where as Trump is direct and straight to the point. Being passive -aggressive doesn't mean you have class or dignity it means you are better at hiding what you really think and how you feel about people.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

ROFLMFAO, damned chicago gutter trash community organizer.

Class????????:disagree: pot smoke'n, coke snort'n puke :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


And what was Booooosh the dumber, other than being from Texas and Maine?

Deflecting already, who'd have thunk, LMAO.


So your saying that W's drug issues were ok but O's all bad. Noted hack.

What drug issues do you speak of? Any link to your assertion?
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.

Yeah..he had great reading skills.
Bet the Marine Corps would argue with that assessment.

Only the Corpsmen. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.

Yeah..he had great reading skills.
Bet the Marine Corps would argue with that assessment.

Only the Corpsmen. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah the Corpse men should be upset.
I am a registered democrat----voted for trump on the ANYBODY BUT HELLCAT ticket -----was not happy with Obama's policies----but find him CLASSY AND DIGNIFIED and presidential in demeanor
Yes, grabbing your junk is the most classy, presidential and dignified thing you can possibly do during the national anthem.


I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

In light of the latest information being released on the Trump Dossier and who actually colluded, I'd say things are not looking good. So the idea of Obama having any class or dignity....not even a smidgen.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.

The best part in the title of this thread is "regardless of his policies."

Being classy and dignified is great if you are a waiter in a high class restaurant, but it has little to do with being a President.

We don't need a leader that's classy and dignified, we need a leader that actually wants to do the job, take charge when necessary, be strong and take no shit from anybody especially our enemies.

So I'm sorry, being a good US President is all about policies; policies that DumBama never negotiated on. It was his way or the highway.

Classy? I'll give you that one, but dignity is something I wouldn't associate DumBama with.


Humm, well, Obama was not judged by the same draconian standard that Trump is being judged by. For example, we know that Obama would often use the worst profanity in meetings, as would Biden, but you never heard about that on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, etc., etc.

That said, I will acknowledge that Obama's public behavior was more presidential than Trump's has been so far.
And his behavior remains so. Since Trump's election, Obama has remained relatively silent in spite of relentless attacks from Trump long after the election. During a recent interview with David Letterman, Obama was given an opportunity to lash back at Trump but he wisely passed. However, he did give the commander and chief a veiled message, "One of the things that Michelle figured out, in some ways faster than I did, was part of your ability to lead the country doesn't have to do with legislation, doesn't have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness."

Although Obama certainly had his faults, it's refreshing to hear from a president who knows how to say "we" instead of "I", who can make his point without hateful and vulgar language, and knows the difference between statements of policy and campaign rhetoric.
Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?


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