Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

What liberalism is has not changed.

Only the times in which it is lived.
That is total horse shit.

John Kenneth Galbraith, Senator Patrik Moynahan and JFK would not have supported todays Marxist Democratic Party, not for a second.
Ronald Reagan would not have supported the GOP.

That doesn't change what words mean.
Sure he would have. The party platform is largely unchanged since he left office.

No better definition exists for you treasonous traitor scum, than what I stated. Your link defines patriots, not you liberal scum.
I will make the Founders aware.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
Source? (pretty sure I know)
Try clicking on the link, dumbass.
What link? And why should I?
Because you then don't have to ask someone, dumbfuck.
You must hate living with yourself
Never misquote me.

You said very stupid people annoy you.

I consider you VERY stupid
Most very stupid people do.

Smart people are difficult for stupid people to understand. We don't make any sense to them.

lady, if you plan on voting for either Trump or Hillary this November

You are VERY stupid.
So, I should vote for the person who has 0% chance of winning instead of 50-50?

Yes, you're a smart one alright. That way, you never get anything at all. What a plan.

I'm not voting for either of the most disliked nominees, possibly in history, because of the letter behind their name.

That is what I call stupidity.
What liberalism is has not changed.

Only the times in which it is lived.
That is total horse shit.

John Kenneth Galbraith, Senator Patrik Moynahan and JFK would not have supported todays Marxist Democratic Party, not for a second.
Ronald Reagan would not have supported the GOP.

That doesn't change what words mean.
Sure he would have. The party platform is largely unchanged since he left office.
Not even close. He's spinning in his grave.

And you aren't even running someone with political experience, or even from the GOP no less.
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We have one of the most successful businessmen in the nation running against a political hack who is under indictment and who promises to be a clone of an utterly failed moron of a President and libtards dont understand why the vast majority of us feel like we have won this thing already or why our candidate is winning, lol.

And I pray that none of that ever changes.

Successful businessman? Bankrupt four times and how many failed businesses? A man who professes to be a billionaire who has to scam people out of money from a phony university?
No, four of Trumps LLCs went through debt restructuring, out of hundreds he has started.

But how can you morons be that stupid to not realize he has to be more successful than failed as he has made 10 billion buck in business?

Are you guys trying hard to be that moronic or does it come naturally?

Of course with the exception of Jake Starkey and C Clayton, no one is truly that stupid.

You know he is a successful businessman but you dont care and will lie and slander him because you are a political hack and an ideological whore.

How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam.
STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?

I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something.
Come up with another one like that and people will finally have an answer why humans shouldn't be cloned.

Dear clueless gutless liberal,

You cannot clone someone by buttfucking them in a canoe. Besides, you'd never get anything else done. All your trolling and trashing America and it's deceased veterans would take a backseat to your backdoor.
No one ,in the last year, has made any sense when they talk about Trump. A few posts above some said Trump is for the chain of command.

That's about as sensible as the rest of the drivel I've read from Trumpies.

I can only assume that his supporters don't know anything about him. He makes a few outrageous statements and non-thinkers act as if he's a new messiah. I guess they take him on faith only.
This reminds US of the liberal airheads who say there aren't any instances of Islamization going on. (when there have been THOUSANDS OF THEM), All because THEIR MEDIA TELLS THEM THERE HAVEN'T BEEN, and doesn't report Islamizaiton, so they not only remain ignorant of it, but they remain ignorant of the fact that they're ignorant. That's what happen when you put stock in people for years, who OMIT information from you and lie to you, continually.

Be that as it may, why do you support Trump? Why can none of these rabid Trump supporters tell me why they support him?
Come up with another one like that and people will finally have an answer why humans shouldn't be cloned.

Dear clueless gutless liberal,

You cannot clone someone by buttfucking them in a canoe. Besides, you'd never get anything else done. All your trolling and trashing America and it's deceased veterans would take a backseat to your backdoor.

Dear cowardly, scaredy cat, Republican,

I would explain how all that is true but I would have to bring forbidden subjects into the conversation. I laugh at you and you pitiful attempt to speak in English.
We have one of the most successful businessmen in the nation running against a political hack who is under indictment and who promises to be a clone of an utterly failed moron of a President and libtards dont understand why the vast majority of us feel like we have won this thing already or why our candidate is winning, lol.

And I pray that none of that ever changes.

Successful businessman? Bankrupt four times and how many failed businesses? A man who professes to be a billionaire who has to scam people out of money from a phony university?
No, four of Trumps LLCs went through debt restructuring, out of hundreds he has started.

But how can you morons be that stupid to not realize he has to be more successful than failed as he has made 10 billion buck in business?

Are you guys trying hard to be that moronic or does it come naturally?

Of course with the exception of Jake Starkey and C Clayton, no one is truly that stupid.

You know he is a successful businessman but you dont care and will lie and slander him because you are a political hack and an ideological whore.

How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam.
STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?

I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something.
Didn't see it, can you link it? And how do they reveal net worth? It doesn't add up.
No one ,in the last year, has made any sense when they talk about Trump. A few posts above some said Trump is for the chain of command.

That's about as sensible as the rest of the drivel I've read from Trumpies.

I can only assume that his supporters don't know anything about him. He makes a few outrageous statements and non-thinkers act as if he's a new messiah. I guess they take him on faith only.
This reminds US of the liberal airheads who say there aren't any instances of Islamization going on. (when there have been THOUSANDS OF THEM), All because THEIR MEDIA TELLS THEM THERE HAVEN'T BEEN, and doesn't report Islamizaiton, so they not only remain ignorant of it, but they remain ignorant of the fact that they're ignorant. That's what happen when you put stock in people for years, who OMIT information from you and lie to you, continually.

Be that as it may, why do you support Trump? Why can none of these rabid Trump supporters tell me why they support him?

It's been told to your sorry lying ass countless times, but you choose to ignore it and continue with gulping, bloviating, farting, carping, twisting, smoking, and pole dancing.
American nationalism.
No one ,in the last year, has made any sense when they talk about Trump. A few posts above some said Trump is for the chain of command.

That's about as sensible as the rest of the drivel I've read from Trumpies.

I can only assume that his supporters don't know anything about him. He makes a few outrageous statements and non-thinkers act as if he's a new messiah. I guess they take him on faith only.
This reminds US of the liberal airheads who say there aren't any instances of Islamization going on. (when there have been THOUSANDS OF THEM), All because THEIR MEDIA TELLS THEM THERE HAVEN'T BEEN, and doesn't report Islamizaiton, so they not only remain ignorant of it, but they remain ignorant of the fact that they're ignorant. That's what happen when you put stock in people for years, who OMIT information from you and lie to you, continually.

Be that as it may, why do you support Trump? Why can none of these rabid Trump supporters tell me why they support him?
Probably because you are using terms like rabid to describe them. You're just a dumbfuck on the internet. Nobody owes you anything.
Come up with another one like that and people will finally have an answer why humans shouldn't be cloned.

Dear clueless gutless liberal,

You cannot clone someone by buttfucking them in a canoe. Besides, you'd never get anything else done. All your trolling and trashing America and it's deceased veterans would take a backseat to your backdoor.

Dear cowardly, scaredy cat, Republican,

I would explain how all that is true but I would have to bring forbidden subjects into the conversation. I laugh at you and you pitiful attempt to speak in English.

The only way you can talk is because the hillbilly is in your ass not your mouth.
Successful businessman? Bankrupt four times and how many failed businesses? A man who professes to be a billionaire who has to scam people out of money from a phony university?
No, four of Trumps LLCs went through debt restructuring, out of hundreds he has started.

But how can you morons be that stupid to not realize he has to be more successful than failed as he has made 10 billion buck in business?

Are you guys trying hard to be that moronic or does it come naturally?

Of course with the exception of Jake Starkey and C Clayton, no one is truly that stupid.

You know he is a successful businessman but you dont care and will lie and slander him because you are a political hack and an ideological whore.

How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam.
STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?

I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something.
Didn't see it, can you link it? And how do they reveal net worth? It doesn't add up.

I don't want to look it up but this article about covers it:

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.” Trump’s Tax Returns
Come up with another one like that and people will finally have an answer why humans shouldn't be cloned.

Dear clueless gutless liberal,

You cannot clone someone by buttfucking them in a canoe. Besides, you'd never get anything else done. All your trolling and trashing America and it's deceased veterans would take a backseat to your backdoor.

Dear cowardly, scaredy cat, Republican,

I would explain how all that is true but I would have to bring forbidden subjects into the conversation. I laugh at you and you pitiful attempt to speak in English.

The only way you can talk is because the hillbilly is in your ass not your mouth.

English classes are available at your local Junior College, I suggest you sign up tomorrow.

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