Can someone explain why Republicans give much more to charity when liberals are....

And who "backed up" "conservatives give more than liberals"?

I didn't make the claim, so I did not try to back it up. You, however, tried to claim that the reason conservatives out give liberals is that liberals give to charities that are not charities. That just makes you stoopid, even if the claim you do not like is wrong.

I've been though threads like this several times. It's true, conservatives give more to charity. Liberals give to organizations that help people.

Organizations that help people are charities. Here is a list of the 200 largest charities in the United States, why don't you look through it, then come back and admit you are an idiot?

Look at Acorn. Demonized by conservatives. Conservatives screamed "voter fraud" where there wasn't any. There was some problems with voter registration, but conservatives refuse to see that it was Acorn itself that reported the inconsistencies to the authorities.

ACORN? Are you still crying about that? If they did a good job they would still be around. Since they did not, they obviously failed.

Get over it.

Acorn helped helped people get jobs, homes and worked for voter registration.

So do a lot of other places.

Then right wingers went into Acorn, videotaped the workers, then spliced in film from somewhere else of youngsters dressed in pimp and slut outfits. They asked Acorn employees about prostitution but ignored the fact that the employees went directly to the police after those kids left. Still Acorn was brought down.

And left wingers have been attacking the Boy Scouts for years, and calling for boycotts of any business that supports them. Funny thing, the BSA is still around, because they actually do good work, they do not just pretend to.

Then you have such organizations as The National Endowment for the Arts:

About Us

To date, the NEA has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities. The NEA extends its work through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector.

----------------- Do conservatives give much to such organizations? We know the answer to that.

Wow, just when I think you have delved the depths of idiocy, you prove me wrong.

The NEA is a government agency, not a charity. Everybody in the US that pays taxes supports them, even if they do not want to. Since conservatives make up about 40% of the population in the US, my guess is they supply about 40% of the funding. That would work out to around $500 million in 2007.

On the other hand, liberals being only 20% of the population, would have given about half of that.

Want to try again?

A mere 20 colleges and universities received more than $7 billion in 2009. Why would more than a few conservatives give to such organizations when conservative in power are slashing education and are trying to destroy teachers right to bargain?

What are you blathering about now? Did you know that in 2009 one person gave $45 million to just 8 universities? Just off the top of my head, this guy is either a conservative, or he is a criminal. Liberals would be blasting the donation from the roof tops.
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supposed to be so sensitive.

What charities? When? Where?

I give to homeless people on the streets all the time, usually in the form of food, and transportation tickets... I was giving to ASPCA while living in Colorado until I went to Australia two years ago, where I then sponsored a child in Sri Lanka.

What the fuck are you talking about? That is a super broad statement you are making, with absolutely no factual basis to back it up. It is simple hatred that you are spewing. Hatred of liberals. It is disgusting the point to which we feel, as a country, that we are allowed to hate the other side.

Can you even prove that what you are saying is true? That conservatives donate to charity more than liberals? Even if that is true, so what... a dollar given to a charity isn't necessarily the best use of the time and energy that went into making that dollar. They are other forms of charity. For instance, donating your time like building houses for Habitat for Humanity, which I also did in New Orleans after Katrina, or doing after-school programs for kids, which I also did with City Year for an entire year in Boston.

Giving money to a church is probably the only reason the conservative may perceivably donate more. Worth noting, is that if it is in the form of a 'tide,' it is given only with the expectation that God will get it back to you at some later point somehow. That's not really charity. That's an investment.
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supposed to be so sensitive.

What charities? When? Where?

I give to homeless people on the streets all the time, usually in the form of food, and transportation tickets... I was giving to ASPCA while living in Colorado until I went to Australia two years ago, where I then sponsored a child in Sri Lanka.

What the fuck are you talking about? That is a super broad statement you are making, with absolutely no factual basis to back it up. It is simple hatred that you are spewing. Hatred of liberals. It is disgusting the point to which we feel, as a country, that we are allowed to hate the other side.

Can you even prove that what you are saying is true? That conservatives donate to charity more than liberals? Even if that is true, so what... a dollar given to a charity isn't necessarily the best use of the time and energy that went into making that dollar. They are other forms of charity. For instance, donating your time like building houses for Habitat for Humanity, which I also did in New Orleans after Katrina, or doing after-school programs for kids, which I also did with City Year for an entire year in Boston.

Giving money to a church is probably the only reason the conservative may perceivably donate more. Worth noting, is that if it is in the form of a 'tide,' it is given only with the expectation that God will get it back to you at some later point somehow. That's not really charity. That's an investment.

Are you referring to 'tithe'? If so, you sure have the meaning messed up.
supposed to be so sensitive.

What charities? When? Where?

I give to homeless people on the streets all the time, usually in the form of food, and transportation tickets... I was giving to ASPCA while living in Colorado until I went to Australia two years ago, where I then sponsored a child in Sri Lanka.

What the fuck are you talking about? That is a super broad statement you are making, with absolutely no factual basis to back it up. It is simple hatred that you are spewing. Hatred of liberals. It is disgusting the point to which we feel, as a country, that we are allowed to hate the other side.

Can you even prove that what you are saying is true? That conservatives donate to charity more than liberals? Even if that is true, so what... a dollar given to a charity isn't necessarily the best use of the time and energy that went into making that dollar. They are other forms of charity. For instance, donating your time like building houses for Habitat for Humanity, which I also did in New Orleans after Katrina, or doing after-school programs for kids, which I also did with City Year for an entire year in Boston.

Giving money to a church is probably the only reason the conservative may perceivably donate more. Worth noting, is that if it is in the form of a 'tide,' it is given only with the expectation that God will get it back to you at some later point somehow. That's not really charity. That's an investment.

Are you referring to 'tithe'? If so, you sure have the meaning messed up.

My old-roommate in Brooklyn (and none of us had or have much money), who is a churchgoer, essentially described it to me as such, and from his perception, seemed to have pretty good luck with it. He would give money, and then start finding money everyday on the ground randomly, or, good things would just 'happen' to him. He found that the more have gave, the better his luck became. Whether this is just perception I don't know, but the point of the story is that, it is his understanding that the more he gives, the more he will recieve. That God is like a giant cosmic ATM machine. That is how many people see it. HOw is my concept messed up? However it was 'meant' to be, doesn't matter. This is how it is sold and how people see it who take part in it.

I understand in olden times it was a tenth of your income, but today, it has taken a more subtle more.
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Can someone explain why Republicans give much more to charity when liberals are....

Sure. Republicans give to churches.

Democrats give to universities and create funds for scholarships. They will will help the disadvantaged to learn skills and get "real" jobs. None of those things are counted as "charity".

Republicans will dig out some old can of creamed corn 5 years old out of the pantry, give it to the church and feel good they "gave" so much. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, TEACH a man to fish and he will feed his family.

It's a difference in philosophy. You can see it in the way Republicans feel helping your fellow American is nasty socialism, but giving him that old, shitty can of creamed corn is "gawdly".

any scholarship registered as a 501(c) is certainly tax deductible under charitable donations. Of course, REAL Liberals would not take any deductions and would send in extra money to the government.
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supposed to be so sensitive.

What charities? When? Where?

I give to homeless people on the streets all the time, usually in the form of food, and transportation tickets... I was giving to ASPCA while living in Colorado until I went to Australia two years ago, where I then sponsored a child in Sri Lanka.

What the fuck are you talking about? That is a super broad statement you are making, with absolutely no factual basis to back it up. It is simple hatred that you are spewing. Hatred of liberals. It is disgusting the point to which we feel, as a country, that we are allowed to hate the other side.

Can you even prove that what you are saying is true? That conservatives donate to charity more than liberals? Even if that is true, so what... a dollar given to a charity isn't necessarily the best use of the time and energy that went into making that dollar. They are other forms of charity. For instance, donating your time like building houses for Habitat for Humanity, which I also did in New Orleans after Katrina, or doing after-school programs for kids, which I also did with City Year for an entire year in Boston.

Giving money to a church is probably the only reason the conservative may perceivably donate more. Worth noting, is that if it is in the form of a 'tide,' it is given only with the expectation that God will get it back to you at some later point somehow. That's not really charity. That's an investment.

I appreciate your hard work, but quit kissing your own feet.
supposed to be so sensitive.

How do you know Conservatives give more to charity?

There are a lot of statistics out that that show that to be a fact. But everyone knows, "statistics can lie".

Which is why I pointed out that conservatives tend to give more to churches. They will donate old clothes and furniture and then inflate the price to get a tax break. They give the old stuff out of of the pantry. And they give some money.

Liberals tend to give to organizations "NOT" considered charities that will help people get an education, support day care, battered women's shelters, scholarships and so on.

Conservatives do the same thing, just not so much.

Check out the "Walter Annenberg Foundation". An extremely right wing, conservative foundation that President Obama worked at in Chicago which was set up by a very close friend of President Reagan to improve schools. It's probably where Obama learned so much about Reagan.

Contributions to shelters for women are tax deductible.

Women Shelter Michigan
supposed to be so sensitive.

What charities? When? Where?

I give to homeless people on the streets all the time, usually in the form of food, and transportation tickets... I was giving to ASPCA while living in Colorado until I went to Australia two years ago, where I then sponsored a child in Sri Lanka.

What the fuck are you talking about? That is a super broad statement you are making, with absolutely no factual basis to back it up. It is simple hatred that you are spewing. Hatred of liberals. It is disgusting the point to which we feel, as a country, that we are allowed to hate the other side.

Can you even prove that what you are saying is true? That conservatives donate to charity more than liberals? Even if that is true, so what... a dollar given to a charity isn't necessarily the best use of the time and energy that went into making that dollar. They are other forms of charity. For instance, donating your time like building houses for Habitat for Humanity, which I also did in New Orleans after Katrina, or doing after-school programs for kids, which I also did with City Year for an entire year in Boston.

Giving money to a church is probably the only reason the conservative may perceivably donate more. Worth noting, is that if it is in the form of a 'tide,' it is given only with the expectation that God will get it back to you at some later point somehow. That's not really charity. That's an investment.

I appreciate your hard work, but quit kissing your own feet.

Was does that mean, kissing my own feet?
What charities? When? Where?

I give to homeless people on the streets all the time, usually in the form of food, and transportation tickets... I was giving to ASPCA while living in Colorado until I went to Australia two years ago, where I then sponsored a child in Sri Lanka.

What the fuck are you talking about? That is a super broad statement you are making, with absolutely no factual basis to back it up. It is simple hatred that you are spewing. Hatred of liberals. It is disgusting the point to which we feel, as a country, that we are allowed to hate the other side.

Can you even prove that what you are saying is true? That conservatives donate to charity more than liberals? Even if that is true, so what... a dollar given to a charity isn't necessarily the best use of the time and energy that went into making that dollar. They are other forms of charity. For instance, donating your time like building houses for Habitat for Humanity, which I also did in New Orleans after Katrina, or doing after-school programs for kids, which I also did with City Year for an entire year in Boston.

Giving money to a church is probably the only reason the conservative may perceivably donate more. Worth noting, is that if it is in the form of a 'tide,' it is given only with the expectation that God will get it back to you at some later point somehow. That's not really charity. That's an investment.

Are you referring to 'tithe'? If so, you sure have the meaning messed up.

My old-roommate in Brooklyn (and none of us had or have much money), who is a churchgoer, essentially described it to me as such, and from his perception, seemed to have pretty good luck with it. He would give money, and then start finding money everyday on the ground randomly, or, good things would just 'happen' to him. He found that the more have gave, the better his luck became. Whether this is just perception I don't know, but the point of the story is that, it is his understanding that the more he gives, the more he will recieve. That God is like a giant cosmic ATM machine. That is how many people see it. HOw is my concept messed up? However it was 'meant' to be, doesn't matter. This is how it is sold and how people see it who take part in it.

I understand in olden times it was a tenth of your income, but today, it has taken a more subtle more.

and Che Guevara is the hero of all the left, because I once met one wearing the image and he told me that is what real liberals believe. So now I know. :eusa_angel:
Are you referring to 'tithe'? If so, you sure have the meaning messed up.

My old-roommate in Brooklyn (and none of us had or have much money), who is a churchgoer, essentially described it to me as such, and from his perception, seemed to have pretty good luck with it. He would give money, and then start finding money everyday on the ground randomly, or, good things would just 'happen' to him. He found that the more have gave, the better his luck became. Whether this is just perception I don't know, but the point of the story is that, it is his understanding that the more he gives, the more he will recieve. That God is like a giant cosmic ATM machine. That is how many people see it. HOw is my concept messed up? However it was 'meant' to be, doesn't matter. This is how it is sold and how people see it who take part in it.

I understand in olden times it was a tenth of your income, but today, it has taken a more subtle more.

and Che Guevara is the hero of all the left, because I once met one wearing the image and he told me that is what real liberals believe. So now I know. :eusa_angel:

This board isn't about what a tithe is. I know what it is now that I just read about it, you know, so who gives a shit? Move on!
My old-roommate in Brooklyn (and none of us had or have much money), who is a churchgoer, essentially described it to me as such, and from his perception, seemed to have pretty good luck with it. He would give money, and then start finding money everyday on the ground randomly, or, good things would just 'happen' to him. He found that the more have gave, the better his luck became. Whether this is just perception I don't know, but the point of the story is that, it is his understanding that the more he gives, the more he will recieve. That God is like a giant cosmic ATM machine. That is how many people see it. HOw is my concept messed up? However it was 'meant' to be, doesn't matter. This is how it is sold and how people see it who take part in it.

I understand in olden times it was a tenth of your income, but today, it has taken a more subtle more.

and Che Guevara is the hero of all the left, because I once met one wearing the image and he told me that is what real liberals believe. So now I know. :eusa_angel:

This board isn't about what a tithe is. I know what it is now that I just read about it, you know, so who gives a shit? Move on!

And yet, while you hadn't a clue, you used your big ole brush so mightily. BTW, you don't need to inform me what the board is or isn't about.
Brutus: do you doubt the claim that Republicans give more to charity?? You should first admit to your liberal ignorance.

Neither do I have any reason to accept an extraordinary claim without extraordinary proof, nor am I liberal, nor am I ignorant.

Liberal is a good thing. The majority of scientists identify as "liberal".

IM laughing..........

Not sure where you get your news from s0n, but right now, everything liberal is on the escalator far as the eye can see. In 24 short months, the landscape has flipped 180*...............I understand, not in the nether regions of the internet where the k00ks can do the makey-uppey thing,.........but everywhere else?

WIN for those not liberal............
Biden donated $25 to the University of Delaware.
They named a urinal freshener after him.
Can someone explain why Republicans give much more to charity when liberals are....

Sure. Republicans give to churches.

Democrats give to universities and create funds for scholarships. They will will help the disadvantaged to learn skills and get "real" jobs. None of those things are counted as "charity".

Republicans will dig out some old can of creamed corn 5 years old out of the pantry, give it to the church and feel good they "gave" so much. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, TEACH a man to fish and he will feed his family.

It's a difference in philosophy. You can see it in the way Republicans feel helping your fellow American is nasty socialism, but giving him that old, shitty can of creamed corn is "gawdly".

Do you have anything to back that up, or is it your typical partisan bullshit?

Why didn't you ask the OP that?

Maybe because the OP is conservative and dean is liberal??

That would make you a partisan hack wouldn't it?
I worked at a not-for-profit as an intern over a summer of college. I must admit I was shocked that Republicans contributed quite a bit more money towards the charity. Oh and this was a non-religious charity, that helped children/teenagers in poverty ridden areas. Could be just that one, but still.

No doubt, when people gave donations, they were required to present a voter registration card to verify party affiliation.
The study this perspective is based on is like so many hokey studies, it found what it wanted to find, nothing new there. How could one prove this is valid, and how do people define themselves? It's one of those holier than thou BS perspectives. Feel good with no effort, but excuse yourself from examining who does good?

Religious people, be they conservative or liberal, tend to be more generous on the whole as that is a significant aspect of their life and of their values. Generosity though, runs across any barrier you can make up and tends to be personal rather than ideological. My mom, liberal with the exception of abortion, would give you her last cent.

Consider too that religious conservatives, in a sort of self congratulatory piety, contribute to churches that build huge Babel like edifices where they can sing their own praises. Look at the televangelists and you realize indulgences have returned, but this time they sparkle like a mass celebration of privilege. In the end what has done more good, Social Security or religious offerings which usually include salvation for the giver? When the so called charity monies are used to defeat the rights of other citizens, as they did in proposition 8, or enter into the political sphere, then if that is charity, you can keep your good work.

But Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army do good things, many good things. So while not all is cynical or expectant giving, pretending the charity is not motivated by selfish goals is off base as well.

Personally, with the exception of the religious, all my friends and acquaintances who would classify themselves as conservative are less generous than the more liberal person. This makes sense to them, as they see their position as a reward or as expected. Conservatives rarely mention the hierarchical aspect of their ideology.

My aunt who was a sister of charity, for many years in some of the worst neighborhoods, would tell us that without big business gifts they could not carry on, helping others just has low appeal, helping yourself is another story. "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." Dom Helder Camara
Can someone explain why Republicans give much more to charity when liberals are....

Do they?

News to me.

How does anyone compile this data to know that?

I have given plenty to charity but have never EVER EVER been asked my political affiliation.

supposed to be so sensitive.

first, it was NOT "MUCH MORE". you are stretching the truth (which is a lie)

it was a mere 30% more

and, I contend it was flawed;

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

Who Gives and Who Doesn't?
Putting the Stereotypes to the Test


the first flaw is in the comparison of states; red v blue

there is no such thing as a completely red or blue state. in fact, even the REDDEST states (ala, 49%) can only claim about 50% of the population being "conservative" (look it up)

which means that MUCH of the population in those states is either MODERATE/NOT-conservative or liberal

in fact. MOST of the population of these red states specifically says it is NOT conservative

there is no way of knowing WHO donated at those super markets. And it is logically and factually flawed to automatically assume that the money MUST have been donated by ONLY conservatives.

for all we know the lions share of the money donated in RED states might have come from the MAJORITY who do NOT consider themselves conservative.

i've been involved in various charities for over 10 years. the last charity I was involved with was at a music hall in maine that was being renovated. There were a number of other volunteers....who donated TIME and EFFORT (as opposed to money?)...and they were ALL liberals and democrats.

the ONLY conservative involved was the guy who use to run the sound board...and he charged $400 a night to wokr at these charity events

prior to that I was involved (for 5 years) in a major charity rummage sale (massive!) we collected peoples donations all year long and got them packed and stacked and ready for the big sale. during the year there were about 10 of us collecting, cleaning and stacking. most of us put in 3-5 days a week for 4 -6 hours a day. ALL of us were democrats and liberal except for 1 guy; who was a lazy slob who spent more time yaking about politics than he did working; did a very poor job working, did NOT do the tasks I asked him to do, and he always going to the higher ups and complaining/causing trouble...

during the big sale event (really massive) there were 600-700 volunteers who helped out during the 8 day event. I was in a position of authority and got to know many of the volunteers over the years. it was obvious that MOST of them were NOT conservatives. it's easy to spot the conservative; he is either loudly arguing about politics or causing a problem in one of the departments. Since we only had about 10 people like that we can assume (the way this article assumes that only conservatives donate in red states) that those were the only conservatives

liberals gave MUCH MORE of their time to charities

Tell me if you bought something for 100 bucks and I bought the exact same thing for 70 would you say I saved a mere 30% or would you say you paid much more than I?

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