Can The Students Be Silenced?

HO,HO,HO...I'm ROPING IN THE DOPES so easily,on this thread,you know the likes of Jon,Iceberg etc.,.....I will start again America and Americans are the MOST VIOLENT PEOPLE IN THE WESTERN WORLD,not in WAR ZONES throughout the World with Weapons supplied by those dealers in DEATH the I can understand your pathetic rebuttle....because I missed the crucial two words "WESTERN WORLD" but let me disect the Horrific Nature of Gun Violence perportrated by Americans ON AMERICANS

1...America has a 4.4% of the Worlds Population YET 45% of Privately Owned GUNS in the WORLD

2...Since December 2012 (Sandy Hook) There have been an incredible 1600 Mass Shootings since....DISGUSTING

3...As for GUN DEATHS per 1 Million of population...Australia leads the way(of course we do) at 1.4 GUN DEATHS,New Zealand are second at 1.6 GUN DEATHS.........The United States is the worst in the WESTERN WORLD at 29.7 GUN DEATHS PER 1 MILLION.

I could go on BUT THERE IS NO NEED...To you Idiots on here I deal in FACTS..........YOUR ARE THE MOST VIOLENT PEOPLE,YOU LIVE BY THE GUN AND DIE BY IT........THE 2nd should be REVOLKED COMPLETELY.........I am theliq,Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure.....I KICK IDIOTS ASS BECAUSE I CAN AND DO.see you around LOSERS IN EVERY WAY

Go kick your own ass fuckhead. You want a statistic? 1600 deaths since 2012? Did someone give you Novocaine to the head to think that you can just stop killing by somehow stripping an entire population of their right to self-protection? Ever occur to you these schools are targets in the first place because THEY CAN'T PROTECT THEMSELVES? HOW MANY NEW deaths will occur from all the people who were not able to defend themselves from violent crime? You think criminals will turn in their guns? Do you think these kids who want to MURDER will just suddenly settle down? Or will they simply find A NEW WAY TO KILL? Maybe with a car, or make a bomb. And what about looking for a CAUSE? No. Never mind that JACKASS. Just kick everyone's doors in and raid their house and take all the guns from peaceful, law-abiding people. There is mental illness out there, and IT IS YOU. You so worried about 1600 kids, why don't you worry about 650,000.

Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

Or better yet, since you say your from down under, the whole world: 7.5 MILLION. Go smoke THAT figure, Fuckhead.

Abortion Statistics - Worldometers
Why don't you Copy the Australian model BIG MOUTH,22 Million Intelligent People....We Won You LOST,now Piss Off,go clean your GUN that's all you are fit for LOSER
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT


Wtf do you do when there's like, a big snake, or croc, or a bunch of Dingos around?
Usually in the main we catch them...........
HO,HO,HO...I'm ROPING IN THE DOPES so easily,on this thread,you know the likes of Jon,Iceberg etc.,.....I will start again America and Americans are the MOST VIOLENT PEOPLE IN THE WESTERN WORLD,not in WAR ZONES throughout the World with Weapons supplied by those dealers in DEATH the I can understand your pathetic rebuttle....because I missed the crucial two words "WESTERN WORLD" but let me disect the Horrific Nature of Gun Violence perportrated by Americans ON AMERICANS

1...America has a 4.4% of the Worlds Population YET 45% of Privately Owned GUNS in the WORLD

2...Since December 2012 (Sandy Hook) There have been an incredible 1600 Mass Shootings since....DISGUSTING

3...As for GUN DEATHS per 1 Million of population...Australia leads the way(of course we do) at 1.4 GUN DEATHS,New Zealand are second at 1.6 GUN DEATHS.........The United States is the worst in the WESTERN WORLD at 29.7 GUN DEATHS PER 1 MILLION.

I could go on BUT THERE IS NO NEED...To you Idiots on here I deal in FACTS..........YOUR ARE THE MOST VIOLENT PEOPLE,YOU LIVE BY THE GUN AND DIE BY IT........THE 2nd should be REVOLKED COMPLETELY.........I am theliq,Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure.....I KICK IDIOTS ASS BECAUSE I CAN AND DO.see you around LOSERS IN EVERY WAY

Go kick your own ass fuckhead. You want a statistic? 1600 deaths since 2012? Did someone give you Novocaine to the head to think that you can just stop killing by somehow stripping an entire population of their right to self-protection? Ever occur to you these schools are targets in the first place because THEY CAN'T PROTECT THEMSELVES? HOW MANY NEW deaths will occur from all the people who were not able to defend themselves from violent crime? You think criminals will turn in their guns? Do you think these kids who want to MURDER will just suddenly settle down? Or will they simply find A NEW WAY TO KILL? Maybe with a car, or make a bomb. And what about looking for a CAUSE? No. Never mind that JACKASS. Just kick everyone's doors in and raid their house and take all the guns from peaceful, law-abiding people. There is mental illness out there, and IT IS YOU. You so worried about 1600 kids, why don't you worry about 650,000.

Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

Or better yet, since you say your from down under, the whole world: 7.5 MILLION. Go smoke THAT figure, Fuckhead.

Abortion Statistics - Worldometers
Why don't you Copy the Australian model BIG MOUTH,22 Million Intelligent People....We Won You LOST,now Piss Off,go clean your GUN that's all you are fit for LOSER
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT
Cry me a river... lol
Cry Tough,because you know you are weak...and so do we.....O Yeah
Go kick your own ass fuckhead. You want a statistic? 1600 deaths since 2012? Did someone give you Novocaine to the head to think that you can just stop killing by somehow stripping an entire population of their right to self-protection? Ever occur to you these schools are targets in the first place because THEY CAN'T PROTECT THEMSELVES? HOW MANY NEW deaths will occur from all the people who were not able to defend themselves from violent crime? You think criminals will turn in their guns? Do you think these kids who want to MURDER will just suddenly settle down? Or will they simply find A NEW WAY TO KILL? Maybe with a car, or make a bomb. And what about looking for a CAUSE? No. Never mind that JACKASS. Just kick everyone's doors in and raid their house and take all the guns from peaceful, law-abiding people. There is mental illness out there, and IT IS YOU. You so worried about 1600 kids, why don't you worry about 650,000.

Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

Or better yet, since you say your from down under, the whole world: 7.5 MILLION. Go smoke THAT figure, Fuckhead.

Abortion Statistics - Worldometers
Why don't you Copy the Australian model BIG MOUTH,22 Million Intelligent People....We Won You LOST,now Piss Off,go clean your GUN that's all you are fit for LOSER
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT


Wtf do you do when there's like, a big snake, or croc, or a bunch of Dingos around?
Usually in the main we catch them........... build alligator..err.. croc traps, is that right? Oh, I do know how to do this..what about Dingos and snakes?
Go kick your own ass fuckhead. You want a statistic? 1600 deaths since 2012? Did someone give you Novocaine to the head to think that you can just stop killing by somehow stripping an entire population of their right to self-protection? Ever occur to you these schools are targets in the first place because THEY CAN'T PROTECT THEMSELVES? HOW MANY NEW deaths will occur from all the people who were not able to defend themselves from violent crime? You think criminals will turn in their guns? Do you think these kids who want to MURDER will just suddenly settle down? Or will they simply find A NEW WAY TO KILL? Maybe with a car, or make a bomb. And what about looking for a CAUSE? No. Never mind that JACKASS. Just kick everyone's doors in and raid their house and take all the guns from peaceful, law-abiding people. There is mental illness out there, and IT IS YOU. You so worried about 1600 kids, why don't you worry about 650,000.

Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

Or better yet, since you say your from down under, the whole world: 7.5 MILLION. Go smoke THAT figure, Fuckhead.

Abortion Statistics - Worldometers
Why don't you Copy the Australian model BIG MOUTH,22 Million Intelligent People....We Won You LOST,now Piss Off,go clean your GUN that's all you are fit for LOSER
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT
Cry me a river... lol
Cry Tough,because you know you are weak...and so do we.....O Yeah
We have much bigger fish to fry in this country, firearm violence is the least of our worries. Lol
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
To answer the op question, no. Hell no.
When you're on the wrong side of an AR-15 you don't easily forget that.
Now students from all over the country are joining the Parkland survivors.
Degrees in gender studies dont boi.

They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.

Never had the need for college.
I retired at 46.

So you say. As a con troll, you never see the value in learning. Which keeps you ignorant. But then, maybe you are simply a congenital idiot. Which is a good deal for you. If it is congenital, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

Life is very good me boi.
View attachment 180643
View attachment 180644
View attachment 180645
Key West boat, nice.

I have a cousin (that I love) that has one.

Shiet, he had me, him , and his 2 big ol' boys stand on 1 side to prove a point. I was like "Oh no!"
The boat did not capsize. They are great boats.

It's the driest boat I've ever owned.
It'll handle 2 to 3 ft like it wasn't even there at 35 knots!
Has enough range so we can go 65 miles offshore,troll for hours,and have more than enough to get back.
This country needs to be better armed
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Why don't you Copy the Australian model BIG MOUTH,22 Million Intelligent People....We Won You LOST,now Piss Off,go clean your GUN that's all you are fit for LOSER
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT
Cry me a river... lol
Cry Tough,because you know you are weak...and so do we.....O Yeah
We have much bigger fish to fry in this country, firearm violence is the least of our worries. Lol
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
So it appears because you take NO HEED IN THE DISGUSTING STATISTIC OF 1600 MASS SHOOTINGS SINCE Windy Hook(May they rest in Peace) in 2012,that's real time.

You are all hopeless
View attachment 180909
This country needs to be better armed
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT
Cry me a river... lol
Cry Tough,because you know you are weak...and so do we.....O Yeah
We have much bigger fish to fry in this country, firearm violence is the least of our worries. Lol
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
So it appears because you take NO HEED IN THE DISGUSTING STATISTIC OF 1600 MASS SHOOTINGS SINCE Windy Hook(May they rest in Peace) in 2012,that's real time.

You are all hopeless
Like I said, cry me river... then mind your own business. Lol
View attachment 180909
This country needs to be better armed
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
To answer the op question, no. Hell no.
When you're on the wrong side of an AR-15 you don't easily forget that.
Now students from all over the country are joining the Parkland survivors.
Gun free zones are to blame for most all of the mass shootings, dead kids/people are the proof.
Mind your own business
No,when Morons are running SHIT we have are say,and if that means we have to give our Bigger Cousins a BLOOD be it,we don't accept BULLSHIT from anyone,including you....GOT IT
Cry me a river... lol
Cry Tough,because you know you are weak...and so do we.....O Yeah
We have much bigger fish to fry in this country, firearm violence is the least of our worries. Lol
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
So it appears because you take NO HEED IN THE DISGUSTING STATISTIC OF 1600 MASS SHOOTINGS SINCE Windy Hook(May they rest in Peace) in 2012,that's real time.

You are all hopeless

Lol ...windy hook?
1600 mass shootings? Double LOL.
View attachment 180909
This country needs to be better armed
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
View attachment 180909
This country needs to be better armed
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.
View attachment 180910
View attachment 180909
This country needs to be better armed
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.
I’m going to donate an ar15 to the next charity in honor to your screen name... Reasonable
Sturgis PAL - Sturgis Police Athletic League
View attachment 180910
View attachment 180909 Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Try again. You failed the first time.
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.
I’m going to donate an ar15 to the next charity in honor to your screen name... Reasonable
Sturgis PAL - Sturgis Police Athletic League
Of course you have one. You small dick wonders need to overcompensate.
View attachment 180910
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.
I’m going to donate an ar15 to the next charity in honor to your screen name... Reasonable
Sturgis PAL - Sturgis Police Athletic League
Of course you have one. You small dick wonders need to overcompensate.
Well, I sell firearms and ammo for a living. They always do very well at raffles auctions and the like.
Up here we are not the least bit scared of firearms, because they are harmless. LOL

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