Can The Students Be Silenced?

View attachment 180910
Na, Rural and urban people will never see the issue in the same way.
It is pointless to even try, your ideas sound absolutely moronic to me, as do mine to you I am sure. Urban politics will never make any sense to the red areas of the county, just the facts.

You progressives stay in your little blue areas and mind your own business... lol
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle
View attachment 180910
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Sure it is, one man's sport is another families nightmare.
View attachment 180910
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Sure it is, one man's sport is another families nightmare.
People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school. You Musta went to public school… A politically correct one
The Op question is a bit unsettling.
Why would you want to silence the younger generation?
What are you scared of?
Obviously something.

In case you missed it, lackwit, the OP was written by a LEFTIST. Which means WE are not asking "Can we silence them?" The OP question is nothing more than another left-wing circle jerk so that all of you can sit around and wail and gnash your teeth about some apocryphal oppression you're just SURE is coming down the pike, which has actually never crossed our minds.

We neither need nor want to silence them, because their scripted hormonal outbursts have no more relevance to the real world than adolescent obnoxiousness ever does.

The fear is yours, not ours.

So, lets try to understand, me poor ignorant con troll. You do not want to silence the students. You just want to MARGINALIZE them by calling what they say is "their scripted hormonal outbursts". Your words, me stupid con troll. But you fail, as always, to prove your point. If what they say is "scripted", prove it. With a simple impartial source. (You will need to look up the word impartial). Cause you are a con.
Problem is, me lying con, you can not. Because what they say was not scripted. They were, dipshit, shot at and saw their friends killed. You, on the other hand, are just standing around lying. See the difference.
Then, as another effort at marginalizing these kids who were nearly killed, you suggest what they say is simply "adolescent obnoxiousness". Now, those of us with working minds see no such thing in these students, bitch. What you are spouting is simply far right wing efforts to push your drivel. Stupid as it is.
So, we have it. Your right to own an assault rifle is more important in your pitiful little mind than to consider what these kids are saying. You want them to shut up and be puppets of the NRA like you, and your fellow con trolls, are. You are a puppet, me con troll. And what you have to say is just the opinion of an idiot.

The fear is not ours, me ignorant con troll. That you think you have some ability to cause fear in anyone simply proves you do not have a working brain. All you have is the ability to post con talking points. Proving you to be a simple ignorant dipshit
View attachment 180910
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Right. As is any machine gun. Have you always been that stupid, or have you been working at it more recently.
View attachment 180910
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

I know that, and YOU know that, but SOME people can't get past the notion that it's some super-special, extraordinarily evil outlier that has somehow slipped through a loophole to prey on the unsuspecting public.
View attachment 180910
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Right. As is any machine gun. Have you always been that stupid, or have you been working at it more recently.
You obviously have no understanding of firearms, You watch for too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types.
View attachment 180910
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

I know that, and YOU know that, but SOME people can't get past the notion that it's some super-special, extraordinarily evil outlier that has somehow slipped through a loophole to prey on the unsuspecting public.
For some reason progressives think that firearms can kill without an operator/control operator possibly. It must be the public schools they went to… It must be a politically correct thing I cannot understand… LOL
View attachment 180910 You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Sure it is, one man's sport is another families nightmare.

People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school. You Musta went to public school… A politically correct one

You're wrong. The simple possession of a gun changes how a person acts. The changes may not be perceptible, but they can and many times do provide false security to act in a manner they would not without having the gun in their possession.

How many would have been killed or wounded had the mass killers in recent school attacks used a knife, a baseball bat, or chain saw? All of which are easy to buy as are firearms.

In post 509 Rustic makes once claim I which I totally agree with, he claimed, "I don't understand". Clearly he doesn't on most issues.
View attachment 180910
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Right. And the number one choice of nut case killers in mass shootings. Hundreds of adults and KIDS killed every year by nut cases with assault rifles.
But as a sporting rifle, it is a bust. Shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps is their main purpose, And shooting inedible rodents sitting on rocks, or dirt piles. Problem is, those like you who are parroting the drivel of the NRA simply like shooting refrigerators more than saving the lives of people from nut cases who, like yourself, believe that they should have an assault rifle. And a few hundred people including kids is worth their being able to put holes in garbage.
View attachment 180910 You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

I know that, and YOU know that, but SOME people can't get past the notion that it's some super-special, extraordinarily evil outlier that has somehow slipped through a loophole to prey on the unsuspecting public.
For some reason progressives think that firearms can kill without an operator/control operator possibly. It must be the public schools they went to… It must be a politically correct thing I cannot understand… LOL

Sorry, me NRA tool. No progressive believes what you would like to say they do. That would just be you acting as a con troll. We all know that it is people USEING assault rifles that do most of the killings in mass shootings. And relative to what you think is the school of choice of progressives, you have no clue. You have to be smart enough to be capable of entry into a school, which you obviously are not.
1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Sure it is, one man's sport is another families nightmare.

People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school. You Musta went to public school… A politically correct one

You're wrong. The simple possession of a gun changes how a person acts. The changes may not be perceptible, but they can and many times do provide false security to act in a manner they would not without having the gun in their possession.

How many would have been killed or wounded had the mass killers in recent school attacks used a knife, a baseball bat, or chain saw? All of which are easy to buy as are firearms.

In post 509 Rustic makes once claim I which I totally agree with, he claimed, "I don't understand". Clearly he doesn't on most issues.
Bombs and vehicles are more effective for killing a mass of people every time, that’s why the Terrorists prefer them in the Middle East...

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


Unfortunately, people such as the OP are completely fooled by this astroturf operation.
View attachment 180910
Thanks for admitting you're looking forward to the next school massacre.
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle
Bullshit. An animal killed by one would be torn apart and worthless to eat.
View attachment 180910
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Right. And the number one choice of nut case killers in mass shootings. Hundreds of adults and KIDS killed every year by nut cases with assault rifles.
But as a sporting rifle, it is a bust. Shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps is their main purpose, And shooting inedible rodents sitting on rocks, or dirt piles. Problem is, those like you who are parroting the drivel of the NRA simply like shooting refrigerators more than saving the lives of people from nut cases who, like yourself, believe that they should have an assault rifle. And a few hundred people including kids is worth their being able to put holes in garbage.
You don’t understand firearms, it’s obvious. An ar15 is just a sporting rifle nothing more nothing less. You need to pick a scarier boogie man.
The NRA is not pro gun enough this country needs to be better armed
1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

I know that, and YOU know that, but SOME people can't get past the notion that it's some super-special, extraordinarily evil outlier that has somehow slipped through a loophole to prey on the unsuspecting public.
For some reason progressives think that firearms can kill without an operator/control operator possibly. It must be the public schools they went to… It must be a politically correct thing I cannot understand… LOL

Sorry, me NRA tool. No progressive believes what you would like to say they do. That would just be you acting as a con troll. We all know that it is people USEING assault rifles that do most of the killings in mass shootings. And relative to what you think is the school of choice of progressives, you have no clue. You have to be smart enough to be capable of entry into a school, which you obviously are not.
There are millions of AR15 sporting rifles in this country a fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction of them are used by people in violent acts... tops
We have much bigger fish to fry… Take your pick. Dolt
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
View attachment 180910
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle
Bullshit. An animal killed by one would be torn apart and worthless to eat.
Not in the least, many consider the .223/5.56 too small for deer...
You don’t want to eat prairie dogs and the like anyways, they carry the Black Plague.
View attachment 180910
You keep your gun free zones, dead kids/people are your trophies to show for them.
Rural areas have better preventive ideas...
South Dakota Attorney General
You quickly hop on the warm bodies and politicize the tragedies.
There is no reason under the sun where any citizen should own AR-15's. None whatever.
Plus the 2nd amendment doesn't give you the right to own one either.
Every solution you idiots come up with is endorsed by the terrorist organization, the NRA because it improves their profit margins.
You're part of the problem not even close to the solution.
The #ENOUGH movement has legs. They're here to stay.

1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Right. And the number one choice of nut case killers in mass shootings. Hundreds of adults and KIDS killed every year by nut cases with assault rifles.
But as a sporting rifle, it is a bust. Shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps is their main purpose, And shooting inedible rodents sitting on rocks, or dirt piles. Problem is, those like you who are parroting the drivel of the NRA simply like shooting refrigerators more than saving the lives of people from nut cases who, like yourself, believe that they should have an assault rifle. And a few hundred people including kids is worth their being able to put holes in garbage.

How many people are killed in Chicago every year and what is the dominantly used weapon?
"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

Sure it is, one man's sport is another families nightmare.

People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school. You Musta went to public school… A politically correct one

You're wrong. The simple possession of a gun changes how a person acts. The changes may not be perceptible, but they can and many times do provide false security to act in a manner they would not without having the gun in their possession.

How many would have been killed or wounded had the mass killers in recent school attacks used a knife, a baseball bat, or chain saw? All of which are easy to buy as are firearms.

In post 509 Rustic makes once claim I which I totally agree with, he claimed, "I don't understand". Clearly he doesn't on most issues.
Bombs and vehicles are more effective for killing a mass of people every time, that’s why the Terrorists prefer them in the Middle East...

Kinda hard to build a bomb and even more difficult to drive a car down the hallway in a school. As I've posted you seem not to be able to see things as they are, i.e. define a problem and seek a solution. You'd rather spin an issue to conform to your biases. In short, you are a 21st Century Callous Conservative.

Years ago when protests were a daily even at San Francisco St. U. an amateur bomber tried to plant a bomb in one of the buildings, he succeeded in blowing off his own hand.

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