Can They Get Any Lower Than This?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
If it's possible to get any lower than protecting Boko Haram, dims will find a way to do it.

They always manage.

Lawsuit Raises Questions About Links Between Boko Haram And Clinton Foundation

At this point, I’d believe she’d be willing to sell virtually anything to make bank.

Via Washington Examiner:

A conservative group is suing the State Department in an effort to find out whether the agency’s refusal to place Boko Haram on the terrorist watch list while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state had anything to do with the fact that a high-level Nigerian official was a major Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the former president.

Citizens United, a conservative nonprofit, brought the case to court after the State Department ignored its request for records about the Chagoury Group, a sprawling Nigerian company headed by a Clinton friend and financial supporter of Clinton causes, Gilbert Chagoury.

Chagoury donated between $1 million and 5 million to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show.

More than 30 days have passed since Citizens United first filed the lawsuit without a response of any kind from the State Department.

David Bossie, president of Citizens United, said it was the first time he’d seen the State Department completely ignore a case against it in federal court.

“These proceedings are important that both sides take them seriously,” Bossie said. “I have no idea what the judge will do, but I believe the judge will order a hearing to find out why the government did not respond.”

“Federal judges, I don’t think, look kindly on people who ignore the court’s workings,” he added.

In January 2010, Chagoury was removed from a private jet and questioned by federal agents for hours because his name had been added to the no-fly list, according to the Center for Public Integrity.

Although he was removed from the list before the U.S. government issued a formal, written apology, it is still unclear why he received that designation in the first place and how he was able to get his name off the no-fly list.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., wrote a letter to Kerry in March raising concerns that Chagoury may have attempted to influence Clinton’s decision about whether to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group.

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While we're listing something our resident dimocraps will ignore, let's have another one, shall we?

We all know, at least the Conservatives in here do, about how the Lying Piece of Shit got Mubarek thrown out of Office in order to install his Muslim Brotherhood replacement, Morsi.

Funny how that works, huh? This whole regime is rife with Mulsim Brotherhood types, including Hitlery's personal assistant (and probable bean-flicker) Uma Abedin, wife of Anthony Let me Show You My Wiener.

BTW, the MB is the parent organization of al Qaeda and ISIS. And this regime is constantly protecting the MB.

Oh well. What else can you expect when you elect the scum of the earth?

We've lost Egypt as an Ally, BTW. And about ten other Countries as well

Egypt Summons U.S. Ambassador To Express Outrage At Obama Regime’s Secret Meetings With The Muslim Brotherhood…

They have every right to be pissed.

(Reuters) – Egypt summoned the U.S. ambassador in Cairo to show displeasure at Muslim Brotherhood figures coming to Washington for a private conference, sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.

One source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said U.S. officials did not intend to meet the group although they had met some Brotherhood figures that came to Washington in January.

The tensions reflect a clash between U.S. diplomats’ desire to deal with the whole political spectrum in Egypt and a fear of alienating Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi who, as army chief, toppled a Muslim Brotherhood-led government in 2013.

The sources declined to say precisely when U.S. Ambassador Stephen Beecroft was call in by the Egyptian government, though one said it was in recent days. Egypt sought the meeting to make clear its unhappiness at U.S. dealings with the Brotherhood.

State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke declined to say whether Beecroft was summoned by the Egyptian authorities or whether U.S. officials would meet Brotherhood figures visiting Washington, telling reporters he was aware of media reports of such a visit but that “I don’t have any meetings to announce.”

He said it continued to be U.S. policy to engage with people from across the political spectrum in Egypt.
If Bill Clinton got away with a bombing campaign against a defenseless European country to deflect criticism from his sexual perversion anything is possible. The sleaze bag Arkansas hick was always consumed with money and he pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for a couple of bucks donated to his library by the wife.
As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post.

But I expect nothing less from cowards.

Don't you scumbags think it's highly suspect that an indigienous supporter of Boko Haram contributes a shitload of money to a SITTING Sec State and then gets taken off the Terror Watch List?

You people are the scum of the earth.

It's like I've been saying all along, people.

It isn't just the scum like Hitlery and The Lying Piece of Shit that are evil -- It's their backers and their voters.

They are truly the scum of the earth.

And the sooner you recognize that, the sooner politics will make sense to you
What is Chagoury's connection to Boko Haram? This has not been established.
If it's possible to get any lower than protecting Boko Haram, dims will find a way to do it.

They always manage.

Lawsuit Raises Questions About Links Between Boko Haram And Clinton Foundation

At this point, I’d believe she’d be willing to sell virtually anything to make bank.

Via Washington Examiner:

A conservative group is suing the State Department in an effort to find out whether the agency’s refusal to place Boko Haram on the terrorist watch list while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state had anything to do with the fact that a high-level Nigerian official was a major Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the former president.

Citizens United, a conservative nonprofit, brought the case to court after the State Department ignored its request for records about the Chagoury Group, a sprawling Nigerian company headed by a Clinton friend and financial supporter of Clinton causes, Gilbert Chagoury.

Chagoury donated between $1 million and 5 million to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show.

More than 30 days have passed since Citizens United first filed the lawsuit without a response of any kind from the State Department.

David Bossie, president of Citizens United, said it was the first time he’d seen the State Department completely ignore a case against it in federal court.

“These proceedings are important that both sides take them seriously,” Bossie said. “I have no idea what the judge will do, but I believe the judge will order a hearing to find out why the government did not respond.”

“Federal judges, I don’t think, look kindly on people who ignore the court’s workings,” he added.

In January 2010, Chagoury was removed from a private jet and questioned by federal agents for hours because his name had been added to the no-fly list, according to the Center for Public Integrity.

Although he was removed from the list before the U.S. government issued a formal, written apology, it is still unclear why he received that designation in the first place and how he was able to get his name off the no-fly list.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., wrote a letter to Kerry in March raising concerns that Chagoury may have attempted to influence Clinton’s decision about whether to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group.

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I know it is hard to believe, but yes they can get lower. Have you seen any liberal express their disgust that gays are being thrown off of roof tops over there? when? What liberal ever started a thread on these boards expressing their disgust with that?

To them, I know this is hard to believe for logical thinkers, but the pathetic hypocrites on the left think it is worse that some baker will not bake a cake and some pizza place will not give them a slice for a gay wedding?

Yes, they are that fucking lost.
What is Chagoury's connection to Boko Haram? This has not been established.
It's a good question.
I could theorize that as someone with extensive business interests in Nigeria he was paying them off to leave his stuff alone. Those payments would mark him as a terrorist supporter and put him on the no fly list. It is not speculation that he was on the no fly list nor that he got off of it somehow. That part is fact. I merely offer a reasonable explanation of those facts.
What is Chagoury's connection to Boko Haram? This has not been established.
It's a good question.
I could theorize that as someone with extensive business interests in Nigeria he was paying them off to leave his stuff alone. Those payments would mark him as a terrorist supporter and put him on the no fly list. It is not speculation that he was on the no fly list nor that he got off of it somehow. That part is fact. I merely offer a reasonable explanation of those facts.
So, basically, someone is connecting dots that may not have any connection at all. They are making correlation-causation fallacies.

Dot A: Chagoury is a Nigerian.

Dot B: Boko Haram is Nigerian.

Dot C: Chagoury donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Dot D: Boko Haram did not get placed on the FTO list until 2013 when they graduated to the big time by killing 160 civilians.

What we don't have is a dot connecting Chagoury to Boko Haram.
I know it is hard to believe, but yes they can get lower. Have you seen any liberal express their disgust that gays are being thrown off of roof tops over there? when? What liberal ever started a thread on these boards expressing their disgust with that?

To them, I know this is hard to believe for logical thinkers, but the pathetic hypocrites on the left think it is worse that some baker will not bake a cake and some pizza place will not give them a slice for a gay wedding?

Yes, they are that fucking lost.

Of all the liberal stupidity I regularly see, this is one of best ways to illustrate just how vapid they are:


I suggest everyone retarded enough to put these sorts of stickers on their stupid priuses, should go "coexist" with these poor misunderstood "freedom fighters". Don't forget to enlighten them about evolution, make sure you highlight the part of how they came from monkeys. Then expose them to liberal lifestyle "choices" like LGBT love and veganism. Educate them on animal rights and how women should be able to drive, vote and maintain custody of children after a divorce. Encourage them to destroy their guns or register them with the government.

Get back to me with your results.

Here's my bumper sticker:

So, basically, someone is connecting dots that may not have any connection at all. They are making correlation-causation fallacies.

Dot A: Chagoury is a Nigerian.

Dot B: Boko Haram is Nigerian.

Dot C: Chagoury donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Dot D: Boko Haram did not get placed on the FTO list until 2013 when they graduated to the big time by killing 160 civilians.

What we don't have is a dot connecting Chagoury to Boko Haram.

As usual, being a dishonest dimocrap dirtbag, you leave out the most important 'dot' of all.......

The fact that the State Department has completely and ILLEGALLY ignored a FOIA request.

dimocraps are scum


Meanwhile, this may be one way to get rid of some our most obnoxious dimocraps in here......

Join ISIS, boys. Maybe you can get laid over there...... (i doubt it)

UN Envoy: ISIS Slave Markets Sell Girls For “As Little As A Pack Of Cigarettes”…

Via Guardian:

Teenage girls abducted by Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria are being sold in slave markets “for as little as a pack of cigarettes”, the UN envoy on sexual violence said on Monday.

Zainab Bangura visited Iraq and Syria in April, and has since been working on an action plan to address the horrific sexual violence being waged by Isis fighters.

“This is a war that is being fought on the bodies of women,” Bangura said.

The UN envoy spoke to women and girls who had escaped from captivity in Isis-controlled areas, met with local religious and political leaders and visited refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

Jihadists continued to run slave markets for girls abducted during fresh offensives, but there were no figures on the numbers enslaved by the fighters, she said.

“They kidnap and abduct women when they take areas so they have – I don’t want to call it a fresh supply – but they have new girls,” she said.

Girls are sold for “as little as a pack of cigarettes” or for several hundred or thousand dollars, she said.

Bangura described the ordeal of several teenage girls, many of whom were part of the Yazidi minority targeted by the jihadists.

“Some were taken, locked up in a room – over 100 of them in a small house – stripped naked and washed.”

Bangura gave the account of a 15-year-old girl who was sold to an Isis leader, a sheikh aged in his 50s, who showed her a gun and a stick and asked her “tell me what you want”.

“She said ‘the gun’ and he replied: ‘I didn’t buy you so that you could kill yourself’,” before raping her, Bangura said.

Abducting girls has become a key part of the Isis strategy to recruit foreign fighters who have been travelling to Iraq and Syria in record numbers over the last 18 months.

“This is how they attract young men: we have women waiting for you, virgins that you can marry,” Bangura said. “The foreign fighters are the backbone of the fighting.”

A recent UN report said close to 25,000 foreign fighters from more than 100 countries were involved in conflicts worldwide, with the largest influx by far into Syria and Iraq.
Just another example of how low dimocraps are --

But they just care oh so much........ :rofl:

Hillary’s ‘No Ceilings’ Project Accepted $5 Million From Sex Abuser

Well, she lives with one, so maybe she saw no problem there…

Via Daily Caller:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s “No Ceilings” women’s empowerment project at the Clinton Foundation accepted a $5 million commitment last December from a Swiss billionaire even as his lawyers were fighting in federal court to hide his darkest secret — a long record of sexually abusing women.

The No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is needed, according to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, because “even today, persistent stereotypes and barriers keep women from equal access, representation, and compensation in our communities and around the world.”

Hansjorg Wyss, a generous donor to major liberal groups like the Center for American Progress and longtime financial patron of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta, also launched a “Women’s Equality Program” at his $2.1 billion Wyss Foundation. His net worth is estimated at $6.1 billion.

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