Can Trump And Democrats In Congress Work Together For The Country?

Dear dims,

I dont how sick demented neo nazis like you can claim to love america yet hate the majority of Americans purely based on their skin color.... do you sick fucks consider the irish to be people yet?
Also it's not my party that keeps minorities uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. That in itself is evil.

Your party is responsible for education in 30+ states. Do the GOP governors do anything except take credit for whatever works and blame the democrats for anything that doesn’t?
Even liberals run education here.

Of course the liberals do. Somehow, they don’t hold a single state-wide office but seem to run every school in the state.
So are you for vouchers?

I’m for the GOP governors actually taking responsibility for what happens in their states and not blaming everything on an almost non-existent Democratic party.

Depends on what the vouchers do.
When you have one side that wants more government at higher levels, and less freedom for individuals and States, and the other wanting less government at higher levels, and more freedom for individuals and States, then you have a rock/hard place situation.

Certain things there can be no compromise.

Not sure which “side” wants smaller federal government.

The last President to leave the federal government smaller than when he started was….whom?

I'm not saying those sides relate to the Presidency, just general trending. Republicans are more likely to support smaller federal government with more local control of things than Democrats, who mostly prefer federal solutions to what they consider problems.

Okay…true or false. If the States were to decide on gay marriage, we would have a patchwork quilt to where a couple would be married in some states and not considered married in others?

No, because the issue would only be if the State issues a Same Sex Marriage license or not. Under full faith and credit all States would all have to honor marriage licenses issued by other States without question, even SSM ones.

This is already the case in States with differences in age of marriage/consent and cousin marriage degree differences.

My view would be the same about poly marriage as well, as long as the marriage law was changed via legislative action, not judicial fiat.

So a couple from Clemson would have to possibly travel several hundred miles to get married but once they did, South Carolina would honor the marriage? And whatever spousal rights one has in Minnesota, they would enjoy in Clemson?

As for polygamist…whiteout a durable POA, who gets to decide to pull the plug? The 3rd wife or the 8th one?
Also it's not my party that keeps minorities uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. That in itself is evil.

Your party is responsible for education in 30+ states. Do the GOP governors do anything except take credit for whatever works and blame the democrats for anything that doesn’t?
Even liberals run education here.

Of course the liberals do. Somehow, they don’t hold a single state-wide office but seem to run every school in the state.
So are you for vouchers?

I’m for the GOP governors actually taking responsibility for what happens in their states and not blaming everything on an almost non-existent Democratic party.

Depends on what the vouchers do.
Then we need to do away the federal government education system. Let the state's run them. The vouchers would be to get students out of failing schools and into good schools.
great! i love your optimism lets start by listing what those things might be and go from there

I know what Dems and Republicans can agree on. Let me start.

How about lowering that consensual age for sex? No...that won't do either. The Dems have too many groups and lobbyists promoting that.
How about giving The Unborn some rights, any rights at all? Nope Dems will burn down entire towns to fight that.
How about decriminalizing prostitution for minors in California? No...I don't think Conservatives will agree to that either.
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.
How about enforcing the Law with regards to Sanctuary Cities? No, Dems won't go along with that.
Oh, how about making our Nation safer by restricting immigration from Terrorist States, and vetting so called refugees more stringently? No, the Dems won't like that either.
Oh, I know, how about giving local communities more control over Education? No, the Dems won't do that either.
How about reducing our regulatory overhead, and restrictions on businesses and individuals so they can be relieved of costly over regulation and thrive again? No Dems won't go for that because they believe in the fairy tale of global warming.
How about promoting FAIR TRADE? Nope, Not Gonna Do It!
How about making Health Care Competitive and Affordable? Nope Dems won't go for that.

Anyways there is my list of just a few things we can work together with The Dem Party.
It's a good start, don't you think?
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.

Oh, but they would. But don't focus just on the mules carrying it across.

Exactly then how do your propose to stop it? Wait until it crosses the border and gets distributed 100,000 ways to a 10,000 different cities?
If that's the best one can do, of course you don't wave them across, but there could be a lot more heat on the countries supplying this shit to us. Of course, the government should be waging another Nancy-Reagan-type Just Say No / This is your brain--this is your brain on drugs campaign, targeting kids watching their Saturday cartoons and playing their video games online. It can be cool to stay clean. You just gotta convince them.

You live in fairy tale land. Heroin is everywhere. Some stupid commercial on TV is not going to stop the Cravings for Heroin when you are addicted.
The only way to stop it, is from making it unavailable. Stop it cold at the border.

Just say NO? An Addict can't say NO. That is the point of getting someone to try Heroin. It only takes one time to be addicted. The more it is available the more chance your kids have of being offered it.

Do I want a shooting War on Drugs? No, but we are going to have to take more aggressive action than telling a junkie to put down The Needle while it is already in his vein.

Shut it down cold at the border, and stamp out the supply everywhere else if necessary.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.
I know what Dems and Republicans can agree on. Let me start.

How about lowering that consensual age for sex? No...that won't do either. The Dems have too many groups and lobbyists promoting that.
How about giving The Unborn some rights, any rights at all? Nope Dems will burn down entire towns to fight that.
How about decriminalizing prostitution for minors in California? No...I don't think Conservatives will agree to that either.
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.
How about enforcing the Law with regards to Sanctuary Cities? No, Dems won't go along with that.
Oh, how about making our Nation safer by restricting immigration from Terrorist States, and vetting so called refugees more stringently? No, the Dems won't like that either.
Oh, I know, how about giving local communities more control over Education? No, the Dems won't do that either.
How about reducing our regulatory overhead, and restrictions on businesses and individuals so they can be relieved of costly over regulation and thrive again? No Dems won't go for that because they believe in the fairy tale of global warming.
How about promoting FAIR TRADE? Nope, Not Gonna Do It!
How about making Health Care Competitive and Affordable? Nope Dems won't go for that.

Anyways there is my list of just a few things we can work together with The Dem Party.
It's a good start, don't you think?
How about stopping the flow of Heroin coming across the Southern Border. Opioid Addiction now kills more people than car accidents and gun deaths.
No, the Dems won't go for that either.

Oh, but they would. But don't focus just on the mules carrying it across.

Exactly then how do your propose to stop it? Wait until it crosses the border and gets distributed 100,000 ways to a 10,000 different cities?
If that's the best one can do, of course you don't wave them across, but there could be a lot more heat on the countries supplying this shit to us. Of course, the government should be waging another Nancy-Reagan-type Just Say No / This is your brain--this is your brain on drugs campaign, targeting kids watching their Saturday cartoons and playing their video games online. It can be cool to stay clean. You just gotta convince them.

You live in fairy tale land. Heroin is everywhere. Some stupid commercial on TV is not going to stop the Cravings for Heroin when you are addicted.
The only way to stop it, is from making it unavailable. Stop it cold at the border.

Just say NO? An Addict can't say NO. That is the point of getting someone to try Heroin. It only takes one time to be addicted. The more it is available the more chance your kids have of being offered it.

Do I want a shooting War on Drugs? No, but we are going to have to take more aggressive action than telling a junkie to put down The Needle while it is already in his vein.

Shut it down cold at the border, and stamp out the supply everywhere else if necessary.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Compared to you then, that makes me a genius.

I am new here, but I am a 20 year veteran of political blogging and I do my research and I am informed. I am far superior to you in every way.

Lets demonstrate my obvious genius and superiority over you by this by one example:

Looking at your rating and dividing that by your post count, I see you only have a 20% rating.
By Contrast I have 113% rating which means that I have more approvals of my posts than I have actual posts.

Thank you for playing Dummy.

If you mess with an Alpha dog, you are bound to get bit.
Now go rub some butt hurt salve on your wounds.
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I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
The Democratic party needs to be Obliterated until the only ones that are left are true Thomas Payne Liberals.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Compared to you then, that makes me a genius.

I am knew here, but I am a 20 year veteran of political blogging and I do my research and I am informed. I am far superior to you in every way.

Lets demonstrate this by one example

Looking at your rating and dividing that by your post count, I see you only have a 2% rating.
By Contrast I have 113% rating which means that I have more approvals of my posts than I have actual posts.

Thank you for playing Dummy.

He called you 'boy'

That might mean he wants to suck your dick.

You know how these libturds are. Never drop the soap around one
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Compared to you then, that makes me a genius.

I am knew here, but I am a 20 year veteran of political blogging and I do my research and I am informed. I am far superior to you in every way.

Lets demonstrate this by one example

Looking at your rating and dividing that by your post count, I see you only have a 20% rating.
By Contrast I have 113% rating which means that I have more approvals of my posts than I have actual posts.

Thank you for playing Dummy.

He called you 'boy'

That might mean he wants to suck your dick.

You know how these libturds are. Never drop the soap around one
It never ceases to amaze me how consumed they are with man parts, and sexual dysfunctions and sexuality in general. I guess that is what Lefty Trolls do. It's just Lefty being Lefty.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

I wish we'd stop pretending that Trump is doing really anything, making any real decisions or constructing a policy vision.

The man took one look at the stacks of policy binders and protocol books and said fuck that. I can't read all that. I can't even understand what they're talking about.

Smart people are in charge and it's up to Pence and Priebus and the son-in-law to run things and work with Dems.

The downside is Trump is a very loose cannon, a front man who torpedoes bipartisan positive efforts with his idiotic tweets. He's picked a losing fight the the U.S. Intelligence Community. They can and will sink him.

Trump does nothing except go on TV. When he does talk "policy" in a speech, it's like he's reading it for the first time. Notice how the policy talk aways comes in teleprompter speeches. When he's off the cuff he's just riffing red meat for the audience.
You can rest assured that if any Democrat is involved the result will NOT be in the best interests of The United States of America. Only in the best interest of The Democrat Party.
He called you 'boy'

That might mean he wants to suck your dick.

You know how these libturds are. Never drop the soap around one

Admit it, you get hard when I spit in my hand.

A whiff of man ass and you're stiff as a board.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

I wish we'd stop pretending that Trump is doing really anything, making any real decisions or constructing a policy vision.

The man took one look at the stacks of policy binders and protocol books and said fuck that. I can't read all that. I can't even understand what they're talking about.

Smart people are in charge and it's up to Pence and Priebus and the son-in-law to run things and work with Dems.

The downside is Trump is a very loose cannon, a front man who torpedoes bipartisan positive efforts with his idiotic tweets. He's picked a losing fight the the U.S. Intelligence Community. They can and will sink him.

Trump does nothing except go on TV. When he does talk "policy" in a speech, it's like he's reading it for the first time. Notice how the policy talk aways comes in teleprompter speeches. When he's off the cuff he's just riffing red meat for the audience.

That is one of the dumbest, most ignorant, uninformed posts I've ever read in here.

And THAT is saying something.

In 7 Days, Trump will be POTUS. THE most powerful Human Being on The Planet Earth.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH is going to take him down??

Or the Intel Community, which is beholden to him BY LAW?

Trump can make those assholes disappear on a whim. A gnat is more bothersome than those asswipes.

yer delusional
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

I wish we'd stop pretending that Trump is doing really anything, making any real decisions or constructing a policy vision.

The man took one look at the stacks of policy binders and protocol books and said fuck that. I can't read all that. I can't even understand what they're talking about.

Smart people are in charge and it's up to Pence and Priebus and the son-in-law to run things and work with Dems.

The downside is Trump is a very loose cannon, a front man who torpedoes bipartisan positive efforts with his idiotic tweets. He's picked a losing fight the the U.S. Intelligence Community. They can and will sink him.

Trump does nothing except go on TV. When he does talk "policy" in a speech, it's like he's reading it for the first time. Notice how the policy talk aways comes in teleprompter speeches. When he's off the cuff he's just riffing red meat for the audience.

You know such virulent hate and bias hurts you more than it hurts any Trump supporter. See, he is your President now too.

And he picked a losing fight with The Intelligence Community? Really? The same people who said Iraq had WMDs, and Liberals Railed Against and said were entirely unreliable?

The same Intelligence Community that Obama Bin Lying gutted of all INTELLIGENCE and replaced with Idiot Political Sycophants completely crippling our Intelligence Apparatus?

He is President in 5 Days, and he will clean house of all The Liberal Sycophant Morons Obama Bin Lying installed.

That's called WINNING.
Something apparently you are having a difficult time coming to grips with.

But Sore Losing and Democrat Butt Hurt go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly, so it's no surprise that you have exhausted your supply of tampons and tissues, and are feeling a little bit emotional right now.

BTW, you might want to look in the mirror. That mascara running down your face makes you look like Alice Cooper.
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He called you 'boy'

That might mean he wants to suck your dick.

You know how these libturds are. Never drop the soap around one

Admit it, you get hard when I spit in my hand.

A whiff of man ass and you're stiff as a board.

Prime example of what I said upstream about lefty being obsessed with man parts, sexual dysfunction, and sexuality in general.
I am feeling mighty prophetic today.
out of all the crazy shit on your list this one is just stupid... im not even sure which side your on
How about you do a little research and look up all THE DNC lobbyist groups and organizations which promote lowering the age of consensual sex?
Heck, just go look at California's new Law Legalizing and Decriminalizing Prostitution for Children in California.
Maybe you can start there with your research.

Hey man, it's The Dem Party. It's not my fault they are perverse.

I Report!
You Deride!
decriminalizing child prostitution FOR THE CHILD is supported amnesty international.... fuck you people are stupid

Is Amnesty International A Legislative Body that can create American Law?
All a law like that does is make it more likely a child will become a sex toy for a perverse liberal.
There is no deterrent now for a minor to enter a life of prostitution.

But that's what the law was actually designed to do. Show me one case anywhere in the world where Decriminalizing, Legalizing, and Legitimizing Prostitution led to LESS PROSTITUTION..........
so your saying if a dad pimps out his daughter, the daughter should go to prison? what the fuck is wrong with you? do you think women should be stoned if they are raped too?

If something is illegal, people are less likely to try it or participate in it. You don't raise a child by making everything they may decide to do ok, and legitimate.

So my question is to you, what the fuck is wrong with you, and your philosophy of permissiveness?
Exactly how is legitimizing prostitution, and decriminalizing it, going to reduce the amount of prostitution going on? Especially Child Prostitution?

Lefty Dad to Daughter: "It's ok honey, it is legal for you to be a child prostitute and you can make a lot of money." "It's a legitimate profession, now!"

Gives a whole new meaning to "Working Girl" Literally!

SERIOUSLY? Are you brain dead?

And I am still waiting for my report on the scarcity of Prostitutes in Las Vegas and Amsterdam.
Are you done writing that yet?
Fyi: prostitution is actually NOT legal in Las Vegas.
You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

Compared to you then, that makes me a genius.

I am knew here, but I am a 20 year veteran of political blogging and I do my research and I am informed. I am far superior to you in every way.

Lets demonstrate this by one example

Looking at your rating and dividing that by your post count, I see you only have a 2% rating.
By Contrast I have 113% rating which means that I have more approvals of my posts than I have actual posts.

Thank you for playing Dummy.

He called you 'boy'

That might mean he wants to suck your dick.

You know how these libturds are. Never drop the soap around one
Naah, I just figure he is about twelve years old.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.

If Trump were to offer to resign, I think that a deal can be done.
I know we get caught up in all the negative stuff with politics. But it's healthy to go positive sometimes. How can Trump work with Democrats in Congress on issues like Health Care, Immigration, Taxes, Current Wars, and so on? What kind of deals would you like to see on those issues? You can offer specifics on them if you want. Thanks.
It would be great if there was some consensus, but with opposing views I doubt they will..

Well...there was consensus on health care as Obama adopted the major themes of the republican plan and called it the PPACA.

But..something happened.
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When you have one side that wants more government at higher levels, and less freedom for individuals and States, and the other wanting less government at higher levels, and more freedom for individuals and States, then you have a rock/hard place situation.

Certain things there can be no compromise.

This is the same argument that the founders had. And..the guys who wanted a bit more government won. We are still winning. Slow but sure.

Anarchy isn't our style, guy. And you ought to be thankful for that. You'd get your lunch eaten.

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