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Can Trump win the general election?

You can't handle a little criticism. Stern doesn't spend much time on politics. He's a fiscal conservative social liberal....just what many "moderate" republicans claim to be. But..he's an excellent judge of character. There are few people in this nation who can sniff out bullshit as well as Stern can.

The idea that you can't handle him saying that people who vote republican are idiots is awesomely funny.

No, I can handle criticism, but not personal insults. That's where I draw the line. I always knew he was a leftist by the way he talked when they did discuss politics. I had no problem with that. But I figured it this way: if you think I'm an idiot, why am I listening to your show? It got boring anyway.

If somebody thought you were an idiot, would you go to their home? If not, why would you turn on their show where they make money from your attendance?
If Trump was focused and really wanted to win....
I'm not all that sure at this point if Trump really wants to pull his head from his ass
and go for it.
I wish Hillary supporter s would stop celebrating and get serious.

Trump can still win the election. If he does,it is the democrats fault!

Here is how:

1. Even if a bunch of lies, Trump promises things people wants!

A. returning jobs from overseas(too late!! Those jobs are gone!)

B. Fight illegal immigration with a wall and deportation (but tunnels already exist, and you have to find them before you can deport them. Trump is forcing illegal immigrants to hide deeper underground!)

C Reducing the debt by defaulting and renegotiations (this will devalue the dollar drastically!! Economists claims this will to a depression worst than the Great Depression!!)

Democrats must challenge the feasibility of these policies and offer solutions that are not only possible, but less destructive.

2. His campaign/Rallies are exciting!

One reason is because he has more talent to keep an audience attention.
Another is the wanton violence around his event!!

The first part, nothing can be done about it. The 2nd part is to denounce the violence around Trumps rally and tell people to avoid going there if they cannot restrain their anger. Add in that people will find cause with Trump if they keep attacking his supporters.

3.He has an army of blindly sycophants surrounding his campaign.

If it was possible to show them that Trump promises are not reality, they would abandon him. However, the best thing one can do is try to keep this army from growing. Hence, measure your words and responses when criticizing Trump, but criticize Trump. Do not criticize the supporter!! The supporter will resist you even more if you insult them. Pose questions that they know how to answer and let them think about it.

It is easier for people to realize they are wrong than to admit they are wrong. Keep this in mind when talking to them. Try not to force them to state the point!

4. Trump biggest weakness seems to be discussing serious policy question. Try to turn any discussion with Trump to this. Normally Trump will try to deflect through mindless complaint. Don't let him. Keep asking the question he try to avoid.

Failure to confront Trump correctly can lead to a Trump victory in November! So stop dancing and take Trump seriously, even if you can't .
He can win, certainly, but the combination of the GOP's electoral vote disadvantage and, uh, Trump will make it tough.

Hillary's flawed and vulnerable, it could happen.

Trump is a plus. He is giving those Working Class White Dems we need a reason to cross party lines.

And if the lefties keep insulting those voters, maybe they will finally NOT go back to where they are not wanted.
I guess that's possible. If the campaign gets to the point of mockery, that can turn those people off.

Politicians have to walk a fine line there.
If Hillary loses, that will be on Hillary.

I mean if she can't be the joke candidate, Birfer Trump, who can she beat?

I see. So what you're saying here is that if Trump loses, it's because of his blind followers, but not Hillary's followers if she loses.
That can all be done without offending most of the population.

Trump isn't at 70% unfavorables because of the GD media. It's because of what he says and what he does.

This was a very winnable election for the Republicans. And now Hillary is going to get elected because Trump is a loser.

The media has been lying their asses off constantly.

Trump never said that Mexicans are rapists. That was a lie.

That is one example.

I'm sure the majority of Hispanics believe that he did say that.

I'm willing to be that the majority of white women who are planning to vote for HIllary believe that he said that.

He inferred that most Mexicans illegals were bad people or worse.

He also said that he couldn't get a fair trial because an American-born judge was a Mexican.

That's not the media lying. That's Trump saying unbelievably stupid things.

And the Trumpbots rationalize away every offensive thing he says or blame someone else for Trump's failings that are so clearly obvious to everyone but his diehard supporters.
Key word here: ILEGAL.

This is what guys like you don't understand. Most people who come here, legal or not, do so for a better life. They do it to give their children a better life than they have. That doesn't mean they are inherently bad people. But Trump implied that most illegal immigrants are inherently bad people. He equated them with rapists, criminals and drug mules.

Hispanics are not stupid. They knew exactly what he meant. And what he said, and continues to say, is demeaning and degrading.

Trump could have come out against illegal immigration without demeaning and degrading people. But he chose not to.

Trump demeans and degrades people over and over and over again.

The media gets it. They are not lying. YOU don't get it.

And you continue to whine and bitch and complain about the media.

You are going to lose. You have no one to blame but yourself. No one else.
Does not matter. Follow the law.

Lose the election.
He inferred that most Mexicans illegals were bad people or worse.

Well........if you go to a country, break their laws, I would say yes, you are a bad person.

Most people in their life have broken the law, from underage drinking to smoking dope to speeding to fibbing on their taxes.

Glad to know that you've never done any of that with your holier than thou attitude.
If Hillary loses, that will be on Hillary.

I mean if she can't be the joke candidate, Birfer Trump, who can she beat?

I see. So what you're saying here is that if Trump loses, it's because of his blind followers, but not Hillary's followers if she loses.

Pretty much.

Hillary is a weak candidate. She is very beatable. But the Republican base was more interested in teaching their leadership a lesson than winning an election, so they nominated the least electable candidate possible.
"Can Trump win the general election?"

Let me start by saying I have said for the last several years that Hillary would be the next president.

However, as time has went on, we see that Americans do not have as high regard for her as she should have at this stage of the campaign.

Because of that, I honestly believe that if Romney had been running all along this cycle he would be able to defeat her if he made it out of the primary.

As to Trump, no I do not believe he can win, unless something catastrophic happens before November such as a larger terrorist attack, or multiple Orlando-class attacks.

Trump continually and stupidly shoots himself in the foot, when you consider where the mainstream of America is at this point in time.

Simply put, we no longer live in a country where the overwhelming majority of Americans want strong borders, and illegals deported. Nor does the majority even want a moratorium on further Muslim immigration from certain regions of the world.

America IMO going forward is forever fucked, and why in the not too distant future I'm getting the fuck out of here.
Most people in their life have broken the law, from underage drinking to smoking dope to speeding to fibbing on their taxes.

Glad to know that you've never done any of that with your holier than thou attitude.

I broke laws in my own country. I didn't invade another to do it.

I didn't take their jobs by undercutting their pay. I didn't insist they change their laws for me. I didn't expect them to learn my language. I didn't use their medical care or social programs while the taxpayers in the country paid for it. I never did any of those things.

Yeah, I smoked pot.
Most people in their life have broken the law, from underage drinking to smoking dope to speeding to fibbing on their taxes.

Glad to know that you've never done any of that with your holier than thou attitude.

I broke laws in my own country. I didn't invade another to do it.

I didn't take their jobs by undercutting their pay. I didn't insist they change their laws for me. I didn't expect them to learn my language. I didn't use their medical care or social programs while the taxpayers in the country paid for it. I never did any of those things.

Yeah, I smoked pot.

So you're a bad person then.
All the Hillary campaign has to do is repeatedly play the eminent domain card. A Republican cannot win the White House without the property-owning vote.
Trump will win after the debates and after the FBI refers her to the DOJ he will have a double digit lead...
Trump will win after the debates and after the FBI refers her to the DOJ he will have a double digit lead...
trump has never won a debate. what makes you think he can start against hillary, a seasoned debater with vast knowledge and experience?
The math says it is nearly impossible for Trump to win. Where will the 65 million votes he will need come from?
trump has never won a debate. what makes you think he can start against hillary, a seasoned debater with vast knowledge and experience?
Trump defeated 16 opponents Hillary has barely topped an aging Hippy....
The math says it is nearly impossible for Trump to win. Where will the 65 million votes he will need come from?
One word....Turnout
His historically high disapproval numbers do not indicate or predict an overwhelming turnout in his favor. Add to that the growing numbers of Republicans vowing not to vote for him and some even vowing to vote for Clinton show no real signs of a large turn out for Trump. Hispanics, on the other hand, are breaking voter registration records, and they are out to defeat Trump.
What indications are there that Trump will bring out a large voter turnout in his favor?
His historically high disapproval numbers do not indicate or predict an overwhelming turnout in his favor. Add to that the growing numbers of Republicans vowing not to vote for him and some even vowing to vote for Clinton show no real signs of a large turn out for Trump. Hispanics, on the other hand, are breaking voter registration records, and they are out to defeat Trump.
What indications are there that Trump will bring out a large voter turnout in his favor?
You don't know what you are talking about...he has won more votes than any other Republican in the history of the nation...that is made even bigger by the fact he was running against 16 other people. You have a huge surprise coming your way in Novenber.

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