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Can Trump win the general election?

Which is why the GOP convention hall was half-empty, something that nobody had ever seen before. Trump's "base" is excited, but that base is tiny.

WTF were you watching? Half empty????

Downtown was packed. I've never seen so many out of town license plates in my life in this city. They had to close off one lane on I-90 just to accommodate all the tour busses. I've never seen that happen here before.

It was a great success and we received many compliments about our city and especially our security forces. Many said it was the safest convention they ever attended. A close friend of mine works at the clerk of courts downtown. He said if he didn't know the convention was in town, he would have never suspected it either. No increase in arrests or people posting bond or bail.
I wish Hillary supporter s would stop celebrating and get serious.

Trump can still win the election. If he does,it is the democrats fault!

Here is how:

1. Even if a bunch of lies, Trump promises things people wants!

A. returning jobs from overseas(too late!! Those jobs are gone!)

B. Fight illegal immigration with a wall and deportation (but tunnels already exist, and you have to find them before you can deport them. Trump is forcing illegal immigrants to hide deeper underground!)

C Reducing the debt by defaulting and renegotiations (this will devalue the dollar drastically!! Economists claims this will to a depression worst than the Great Depression!!)

Democrats must challenge the feasibility of these policies and offer solutions that are not only possible, but less destructive.

2. His campaign/Rallies are exciting!

One reason is because he has more talent to keep an audience attention.
Another is the wanton violence around his event!!

The first part, nothing can be done about it. The 2nd part is to denounce the violence around Trumps rally and tell people to avoid going there if they cannot restrain their anger. Add in that people will find cause with Trump if they keep attacking his supporters.

3.He has an army of blindly sycophants surrounding his campaign.

If it was possible to show them that Trump promises are not reality, they would abandon him. However, the best thing one can do is try to keep this army from growing. Hence, measure your words and responses when criticizing Trump, but criticize Trump. Do not criticize the supporter!! The supporter will resist you even more if you insult them. Pose questions that they know how to answer and let them think about it.

It is easier for people to realize they are wrong than to admit they are wrong. Keep this in mind when talking to them. Try not to force them to state the point!

4. Trump biggest weakness seems to be discussing serious policy question. Try to turn any discussion with Trump to this. Normally Trump will try to deflect through mindless complaint. Don't let him. Keep asking the question he try to avoid.

Failure to confront Trump correctly can lead to a Trump victory in November! So stop dancing and take Trump seriously, even if you can't .

No Trump will not win, it's certain that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

"Okay, all you conservatives who supported Donald Trump before he officially became the Republican Party’s official nominee last night: Now, you own him. He’s all yours.

When he again spouts asinine or even vicious nonsense — like belittling tortured POWs from Vietnam, likening an opponent to a child molester, smearing an innocent reporter, making fun of another reporter’s disability, or insinuating that another opponent’s father conspired to kill JFK — he’s all yours.

When he again evinces sheer ignorance of basic policy questions, he’s all yours — and when he does worse, such as advocating nukes for Saudi Arabia or the dissolution of NATO, he’s all yours then, too.

If, as seems likely, his tax returns are leaked, and if they contain all sorts of embarrassing revelations about (to name a few hypotheticals) lack of charity, lack of earnings, questionable tax dodges, or unsavory associations, you own him.

If, as seems likely, more damning documents or evidence emerge from the court case alleging that Trump University was an utter con job, you own him.

If, as seems possible, horrid information emerges relating to the suit alleging that Trump is a child rapist — even if not proving that allegation, but showing a strong likelihood that he knowingly took part in Epsteinian parties where teenagers were openly doing wildly inappropriate things — well, you own that, too.

If, as seems likely, his unprofessional campaign fails to produce the organization or money needed not just to keep Hillary Clinton from the White House, but even to provide an image of Republican leadership decent enough to keep the GOP from getting wiped out in the Senate, the House, and other races down ballot, yes, you also own that. (Here’s predicting that he loses in November by near-Goldwateresque margins.)

You own his vulgarity. You own his viciousness and thuggishness, his admiration for tyrants and his own authoritarianism. You own his ignorance, his self-absorption (or worse), his instability, his incompetence, his incontinent prevarications small and outrageously large, his wild streak that tends to lead to serial failures, and his dangerous lack of diplomacy. You also own his misogyny and his bigotry, and his penchant for trampling “ordinary Americans” under his feet.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

You voted for it, you got it.

I am thinking it will be worse than this, possibly the first 50 state landslide in History--winner will be Hillary Clinton.
I hope you are right but

1. Never forget after 8 good Clinton years they were stupid enough to vote in GW because they could drink a beer with him and they didn't feel like they could drink a beer with Al Gore.
2. They don't care that he says stupid thing.
3. Doesn't matter that he has no experience and says crazy things. He's Bernie on Weekend at Bernies. Mike Pence and Chris Christie will be running the show and he will just be the face of the corporation. They will go along with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. That is if Mitch can stay the majority leader.
4. The sad thing about Trump U is that's probably all legal. Ever hear buyer beware? If you want to pay $30K for a 3 day Trump seminar, that's your stupidity. Sorry Trump salespeople were good at convincing people to hand over their money. I don't like it either and I think it makes him and his business' sleazy but not illegal. Similar to how Romney broke up companies and sent jobs overseas in order to be a successful businessman. Sure that might impress other business men but how's that helping American workers?

Republicans don't care how inconsistent Trumps positions are from the GOP establishment. Trump has the benefit of being the outsider. He is brilliant but I don't think in the end we are going to vote in a Trump. This is 4 more years of Democratic White House and hopefully we take back the Senate and make the GOP's House majority a little bit smaller.

I do believe Paul Ryan will not obstruct for another 4 years. He will work with Hillary and she will have to give him some things but he will have to give her some too. What we don't want is Trump/Christie/Pence rubber stamping Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation and we don't want 4 more conservative tools on the Supreme Court.

If we ever want to undo Citizens United, we need a Democratic President.

It was the god dam greenies. (I voted for w)
It's all about exciting your base. While Trump has sellout stadiums with standing room only,

Which is why the GOP convention hall was half-empty, something that nobody had ever seen before. Trump's "base" is excited, but that base is tiny.

Rumor has it that Trump has no plans on debating Hilarious. Given the fact most of the debates will probably be held in Democrat enclaves, it might be a pretty good winning strategy

Brave Sir Donald ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Donald turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Donald

Indeed it was. The RNC convention looked more like a funeral procession for the Republican party.
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

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It's true. Trump could win. So could Clinton. And if we don't do something about it, one of them will.
What? You mean there were no race riots and assassination attempts by BLM members, as nearly every rightie on this board predicted?

No, there weren't, because we did such a good job with security.

Plus when you have 10,000 bikers roll into town to "keep the peace" it really makes troublemakers think twice. You mess with those guys, remember, black lives don't matter to them.

The media said police arrested just about enough people to fill half a police bus. The most entertaining part was some liberal decided he was going to burn our US flag. He caught himself and several other liberal losers on fire. That was the highlight of entertainment on the troublemakers side.
Apparently they are both the most disliked candidates in US presidential history. Trump is slightly above Hillary in the dislike-o-meter...

Still early and I don't pay attention to any polls right now because they are as worthless as the seventh day of a seven day whether forecast.

This election will boil down to who can energize their voters, and I think Trump is well ahead on that level.

Like all presidential elections, it's not about voting for the best person, it's about keeping the worst person out. I think Hillary is the worst person putting our country at risk, lie after lie about things she's done, and the continued Obama agenda.

Hillary is the same ole, same ole. Trump is something entirely different. So the question is, are we happy with the same ole, same ole, or are we ready to try something totally unique and new?
What is not the "liberal media"?

And I agree about the debates.

When Trump can call Hillary on her bullshit right to her ugly fucking face. That will be a good thing.
Trumps already breaking the law. He has nothing to say

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Now just like every other good Republican, please start defending Trump and please start telling me he didn't break the law.

Coming after Hillary gets a pass on violating National Security, this is an issue that has no legs, and that no one who is planning to vote for HIllary has any credibility to even discuss.

I was thinking more about Hillary's bullshit Fear mongering as to how deporting illegals, is "hate" instead of protecting American workers from illegal and unfair competition from Cheap Third World Labor.

Or how HIllary's bullshit Fear Mongering about how NOT importing more Third Worlder's who, some of which, will certainly kill US, is "hate" instead of doing governments JOB of protecting US from being killed by our enemies.

Hillary's campaign strategy is literally to DIVIDE this nation and set Americans against one another.

To convince just about everyone who isn't white that the Trump and his supporters "HATE" them and need to be feared, and fought against, and even killed.

We've been seeing the excellent results she is getting with that in the recent poll numbers, in San Jose and in Dallas.

I can not disagree with you on illegals. Both parties are playing us for fools on this issue. But remember a week ago I showed you that it was us liberals who were against free trade? Well I'll show you another article from THE MAN Thom Hartmann explaining to you how it's actually your party that is responsible for illegals. It's corporations who want them here. They want the cheap labor.

I've always agreed that Free Trade has been for some time part of the Conservative Ideology. And I've always agreed that employers want cheap labor.

BUT, that is only half the problem. The left is also committed to Third World Immigration for it's own reasons, (and some of that is corporate money)

And for some time has been co-opted with Free Trade. As demonstrated by Hillary.

Great example. Trump says Mexicans are going to vote for him. And my Mexican friend agreed with him. He said LEGAL Mexicans don't give a fuck about illegals. Once they are legal citizens, they don't give a shit! That means it really isn't us liberals who are fighting to keep illegals here. The number of bleeding heart liberals is so small they are insignificant. They are not a voting block worth worrying about.

Yet the polling shows that Legal Hispanics are against Trump to a strong extent. I think you are dismissing the natural tendency of people to empathize with people who are ethnically or culturally similar.

AND dismissing the effects of the massive race baiting by the Left. They might not care about illegals, but they do care if they are told that Trump and the GOP are racists who are their enemies.

So if Trump is right, then ask yourself who is really behind the status quo? Read this and find out.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

The corporatist Republicans ("amnesty!") are fighting with the racist Republicans ("fence!"), and it provides an opportunity for progressives to step forward with a clear solution to the immigration problem facing America. Both the corporatists and the racists are fond of the mantra, "There are some jobs Americans won't do." It's a lie.

You should be flattered. I skimmed the article despite the premise that pro-fence republicans are racists.

This article demonstrates the Power of the Race Card.

THis author assumes that republicans who are against illegals are motivated by racism.

Then he spends much of the article discussing all the reasons that cheap Third World Labor is bad for American workers.

Reasons that you have heard from me over and over and over and over and over and over again.

That writer someone misses that fact that by the logic of his fellow libs, that HE IS RACIST.

Regardless, the status quo on Immigration is supported by two powerful forces.

Employers, and the GOP who represents them.

And the Left with desire for the votes of minorities, and it's hostility to any hint that American culture is worthy of being protected.

With the nomination of Trump, the Employers, have lost a battle within the GOP.

With the nomination of HIllary they have won the battle in the Dem Party.

If you guys don't vote out the pro free trade Republicans this is all for not.

You show a Republican Senator a poll showing that 75% of whites support Trump's new Trade Treaty with China, and they will cave like the bitches they are.

And if you ask me I say we should shrink our population despite what the corporations want. Even if it causes some pain in the labor market, less is more. We need less people using up our natural resources, not more. But for some reason we always want more more more.

Works for me. I recall someone pointed out that despite Japan's stagnate economy, PER CAPITAL GDP was rising due to population drop.

THAT'S an interesting economic model.

Funny how the green weenies ignore that.

I told you half of me wants to see Trump win so we can see what he can do. I think you will be UGEly disappointed but hey, I know Hillary will disappoint and let me down too, so fuck it. Good luck. I'm just really happy it won't be Ted Cruz, Kasich, Rubio or Jeb.

P.S. Thom and I agree with the "racists". He's just explaining that the argument within the Republican party are between the Republicans who vote GOP because they are racist, anti immigrants, etc, and the Corporations who actually run your party. For years the "racists" have been complaining about immigrants who are coming over here and stealing our jobs and the corporations who love the cheap labor.

And yes they are racist because they did this same shit to my Greek father when he came over here in the 60's. He heard white racist Americans, who immigrated here too btw, ask him why he was over here "stealing all our jobs". Are you seriously suggesting these people are not racist?

No, I am suggesting nothing.

I am strongly and clearly stating that having an economic motive to have a tight labor market that shifts power and thus money from the employer to the employee is NOT RACIST.

There is a conflict of interests between current members of the Labor Pool and Want-a -be members of the Labor Pool.

YOu ever go to a college party where there were way more women than guys?

Was your response to invite more guys over to make it more equal?
What is not the "liberal media"?

And I agree about the debates.

When Trump can call Hillary on her bullshit right to her ugly fucking face. That will be a good thing.
Trumps already breaking the law. He has nothing to say

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Now just like every other good Republican, please start defending Trump and please start telling me he didn't break the law.

Coming after Hillary gets a pass on violating National Security, this is an issue that has no legs, and that no one who is planning to vote for HIllary has any credibility to even discuss.

I was thinking more about Hillary's bullshit Fear mongering as to how deporting illegals, is "hate" instead of protecting American workers from illegal and unfair competition from Cheap Third World Labor.

Or how HIllary's bullshit Fear Mongering about how NOT importing more Third Worlder's who, some of which, will certainly kill US, is "hate" instead of doing governments JOB of protecting US from being killed by our enemies.

Hillary's campaign strategy is literally to DIVIDE this nation and set Americans against one another.

To convince just about everyone who isn't white that the Trump and his supporters "HATE" them and need to be feared, and fought against, and even killed.

We've been seeing the excellent results she is getting with that in the recent poll numbers, in San Jose and in Dallas.

I can not disagree with you on illegals. Both parties are playing us for fools on this issue. But remember a week ago I showed you that it was us liberals who were against free trade? Well I'll show you another article from THE MAN Thom Hartmann explaining to you how it's actually your party that is responsible for illegals. It's corporations who want them here. They want the cheap labor.

I've always agreed that Free Trade has been for some time part of the Conservative Ideology. And I've always agreed that employers want cheap labor.

BUT, that is only half the problem. The left is also committed to Third World Immigration for it's own reasons, (and some of that is corporate money)

And for some time has been co-opted with Free Trade. As demonstrated by Hillary.

Great example. Trump says Mexicans are going to vote for him. And my Mexican friend agreed with him. He said LEGAL Mexicans don't give a fuck about illegals. Once they are legal citizens, they don't give a shit! That means it really isn't us liberals who are fighting to keep illegals here. The number of bleeding heart liberals is so small they are insignificant. They are not a voting block worth worrying about.

Yet the polling shows that Legal Hispanics are against Trump to a strong extent. I think you are dismissing the natural tendency of people to empathize with people who are ethnically or culturally similar.

AND dismissing the effects of the massive race baiting by the Left. They might not care about illegals, but they do care if they are told that Trump and the GOP are racists who are their enemies.

So if Trump is right, then ask yourself who is really behind the status quo? Read this and find out.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

The corporatist Republicans ("amnesty!") are fighting with the racist Republicans ("fence!"), and it provides an opportunity for progressives to step forward with a clear solution to the immigration problem facing America. Both the corporatists and the racists are fond of the mantra, "There are some jobs Americans won't do." It's a lie.

You should be flattered. I skimmed the article despite the premise that pro-fence republicans are racists.

This article demonstrates the Power of the Race Card.

THis author assumes that republicans who are against illegals are motivated by racism.

Then he spends much of the article discussing all the reasons that cheap Third World Labor is bad for American workers.

Reasons that you have heard from me over and over and over and over and over and over again.

That writer someone misses that fact that by the logic of his fellow libs, that HE IS RACIST.

Regardless, the status quo on Immigration is supported by two powerful forces.

Employers, and the GOP who represents them.

And the Left with desire for the votes of minorities, and it's hostility to any hint that American culture is worthy of being protected.

With the nomination of Trump, the Employers, have lost a battle within the GOP.

With the nomination of HIllary they have won the battle in the Dem Party.

Before I vote for Trump you are going to have to show me he is capable of getting the GOP to go along with tariffs. If they won't then you better vote them out. If you vote for anti tariff republicans and pro tariff trump then you are being intellectually honest.


A Trump elected by Republican voters and head of the GOP, will have vastly more influence over republicans in congress than democrats.

And your assumption that I have fine precise control over the nomination process in my state is flattering, but incorrect.

You would be shocked, shocked I tell you, if I told you how often the Primary process does not go the way I want it to.
This election will boil down to who can energize their voters, and I think Trump is well ahead on that level.

:lmao: Hardly. Trump's loyalists are already very energized...any more energy and we could use them as power plants. What this election will boil down to is that candidate who can get the most votes. Trump has (permanently) alienated:

1. Women
2. Blacks
3. Hispanics
4. A good portion of the GOP.

Exactly how will he win? Is there some new law I'm unaware of that says "if you're really energized about your candidate, your vote is worth 5 people"?

What will really kill Trump is if Hillary starts talking about replacing Scalia with a Scalia apprentice...a guy like Judge Sutton. She already has her base; where else would they go? To Trump? Not bloodly likely. If she could find a way to word her sentiments about balance, or at least Scalia's sobriety and balancing influence on the Court being good for posterity, her base could be brought to understand. Doing that would bring so many disaffected moderate GOPs and moderate dems to her side that Trump might as well pack his bags and go home to Trump Tower, where men can use women's bathrooms..

Am I making myself clear?
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This election will boil down to who can energize their voters, and I think Trump is well ahead on that level.

:lmao: Hardly. Trump's loyalists are already very energized...any more energy and we could use them as power plants. What this election will boil down to is that candidate who can get the most votes. Trump has (permanently) alienated:

1. Women
2. Blacks
3. Hispanics
4. A good portion of the GOP.

Exactly how will he win? Is there some new law I'm unaware of that says "if you're really energized about your candidate, your vote is worth 5 people"?

What will really kill Trump is if Hillary starts talking about replacing Scalia with a Scalia apprentice...a guy like Judge Sutton. She already has her base; where else would they go? To Trump? Not bloodly likely. If she could find a way to word her sentiments about balance, or at least Scalia's sobriety and balancing influence on the Court being good for posterity, her base could be brought to understand. Doing that would bring so many disaffected moderate GOPs and moderate dems to her side that Trump might as well pack his bags and go home to Trump Tower, where men can use women's bathrooms..

Am I making myself clear?

More of the Dem working class whites will flip to Trump, than republicans to Hillary.

And women are not a block. Trump will do well,if not outright win white women.
Trumps already breaking the law. He has nothing to say

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Now just like every other good Republican, please start defending Trump and please start telling me he didn't break the law.

Coming after Hillary gets a pass on violating National Security, this is an issue that has no legs, and that no one who is planning to vote for HIllary has any credibility to even discuss.

I was thinking more about Hillary's bullshit Fear mongering as to how deporting illegals, is "hate" instead of protecting American workers from illegal and unfair competition from Cheap Third World Labor.

Or how HIllary's bullshit Fear Mongering about how NOT importing more Third Worlder's who, some of which, will certainly kill US, is "hate" instead of doing governments JOB of protecting US from being killed by our enemies.

Hillary's campaign strategy is literally to DIVIDE this nation and set Americans against one another.

To convince just about everyone who isn't white that the Trump and his supporters "HATE" them and need to be feared, and fought against, and even killed.

We've been seeing the excellent results she is getting with that in the recent poll numbers, in San Jose and in Dallas.

I can not disagree with you on illegals. Both parties are playing us for fools on this issue. But remember a week ago I showed you that it was us liberals who were against free trade? Well I'll show you another article from THE MAN Thom Hartmann explaining to you how it's actually your party that is responsible for illegals. It's corporations who want them here. They want the cheap labor.

I've always agreed that Free Trade has been for some time part of the Conservative Ideology. And I've always agreed that employers want cheap labor.

BUT, that is only half the problem. The left is also committed to Third World Immigration for it's own reasons, (and some of that is corporate money)

And for some time has been co-opted with Free Trade. As demonstrated by Hillary.

Great example. Trump says Mexicans are going to vote for him. And my Mexican friend agreed with him. He said LEGAL Mexicans don't give a fuck about illegals. Once they are legal citizens, they don't give a shit! That means it really isn't us liberals who are fighting to keep illegals here. The number of bleeding heart liberals is so small they are insignificant. They are not a voting block worth worrying about.

Yet the polling shows that Legal Hispanics are against Trump to a strong extent. I think you are dismissing the natural tendency of people to empathize with people who are ethnically or culturally similar.

AND dismissing the effects of the massive race baiting by the Left. They might not care about illegals, but they do care if they are told that Trump and the GOP are racists who are their enemies.

So if Trump is right, then ask yourself who is really behind the status quo? Read this and find out.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

The corporatist Republicans ("amnesty!") are fighting with the racist Republicans ("fence!"), and it provides an opportunity for progressives to step forward with a clear solution to the immigration problem facing America. Both the corporatists and the racists are fond of the mantra, "There are some jobs Americans won't do." It's a lie.

You should be flattered. I skimmed the article despite the premise that pro-fence republicans are racists.

This article demonstrates the Power of the Race Card.

THis author assumes that republicans who are against illegals are motivated by racism.

Then he spends much of the article discussing all the reasons that cheap Third World Labor is bad for American workers.

Reasons that you have heard from me over and over and over and over and over and over again.

That writer someone misses that fact that by the logic of his fellow libs, that HE IS RACIST.

Regardless, the status quo on Immigration is supported by two powerful forces.

Employers, and the GOP who represents them.

And the Left with desire for the votes of minorities, and it's hostility to any hint that American culture is worthy of being protected.

With the nomination of Trump, the Employers, have lost a battle within the GOP.

With the nomination of HIllary they have won the battle in the Dem Party.

Before I vote for Trump you are going to have to show me he is capable of getting the GOP to go along with tariffs. If they won't then you better vote them out. If you vote for anti tariff republicans and pro tariff trump then you are being intellectually honest.


A Trump elected by Republican voters and head of the GOP, will have vastly more influence over republicans in congress than democrats.

And your assumption that I have fine precise control over the nomination process in my state is flattering, but incorrect.

You would be shocked, shocked I tell you, if I told you how often the Primary process does not go the way I want it to.
I can't wait for the debates
Coming after Hillary gets a pass on violating National Security, this is an issue that has no legs, and that no one who is planning to vote for HIllary has any credibility to even discuss.

I was thinking more about Hillary's bullshit Fear mongering as to how deporting illegals, is "hate" instead of protecting American workers from illegal and unfair competition from Cheap Third World Labor.

Or how HIllary's bullshit Fear Mongering about how NOT importing more Third Worlder's who, some of which, will certainly kill US, is "hate" instead of doing governments JOB of protecting US from being killed by our enemies.

Hillary's campaign strategy is literally to DIVIDE this nation and set Americans against one another.

To convince just about everyone who isn't white that the Trump and his supporters "HATE" them and need to be feared, and fought against, and even killed.

We've been seeing the excellent results she is getting with that in the recent poll numbers, in San Jose and in Dallas.

I can not disagree with you on illegals. Both parties are playing us for fools on this issue. But remember a week ago I showed you that it was us liberals who were against free trade? Well I'll show you another article from THE MAN Thom Hartmann explaining to you how it's actually your party that is responsible for illegals. It's corporations who want them here. They want the cheap labor.

I've always agreed that Free Trade has been for some time part of the Conservative Ideology. And I've always agreed that employers want cheap labor.

BUT, that is only half the problem. The left is also committed to Third World Immigration for it's own reasons, (and some of that is corporate money)

And for some time has been co-opted with Free Trade. As demonstrated by Hillary.

Great example. Trump says Mexicans are going to vote for him. And my Mexican friend agreed with him. He said LEGAL Mexicans don't give a fuck about illegals. Once they are legal citizens, they don't give a shit! That means it really isn't us liberals who are fighting to keep illegals here. The number of bleeding heart liberals is so small they are insignificant. They are not a voting block worth worrying about.

Yet the polling shows that Legal Hispanics are against Trump to a strong extent. I think you are dismissing the natural tendency of people to empathize with people who are ethnically or culturally similar.

AND dismissing the effects of the massive race baiting by the Left. They might not care about illegals, but they do care if they are told that Trump and the GOP are racists who are their enemies.

So if Trump is right, then ask yourself who is really behind the status quo? Read this and find out.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

The corporatist Republicans ("amnesty!") are fighting with the racist Republicans ("fence!"), and it provides an opportunity for progressives to step forward with a clear solution to the immigration problem facing America. Both the corporatists and the racists are fond of the mantra, "There are some jobs Americans won't do." It's a lie.

You should be flattered. I skimmed the article despite the premise that pro-fence republicans are racists.

This article demonstrates the Power of the Race Card.

THis author assumes that republicans who are against illegals are motivated by racism.

Then he spends much of the article discussing all the reasons that cheap Third World Labor is bad for American workers.

Reasons that you have heard from me over and over and over and over and over and over again.

That writer someone misses that fact that by the logic of his fellow libs, that HE IS RACIST.

Regardless, the status quo on Immigration is supported by two powerful forces.

Employers, and the GOP who represents them.

And the Left with desire for the votes of minorities, and it's hostility to any hint that American culture is worthy of being protected.

With the nomination of Trump, the Employers, have lost a battle within the GOP.

With the nomination of HIllary they have won the battle in the Dem Party.

Before I vote for Trump you are going to have to show me he is capable of getting the GOP to go along with tariffs. If they won't then you better vote them out. If you vote for anti tariff republicans and pro tariff trump then you are being intellectually honest.


A Trump elected by Republican voters and head of the GOP, will have vastly more influence over republicans in congress than democrats.

And your assumption that I have fine precise control over the nomination process in my state is flattering, but incorrect.

You would be shocked, shocked I tell you, if I told you how often the Primary process does not go the way I want it to.
I can't wait for the debates

Normally I can't stand them.

I hate the fact that NO ONE ever says, I don't have the time or political capital or the government doesn't have the money or authority to do anything about that.

And debating skills does not a good leader make.

BUT, I am so sick of the bullshit that HIllary and her partisans have been dishing out, I do want to see if she has the balls to try to say that to Trump's face.

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