Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

I think anyone who is being objective realizes that the Whitehouse is big on promises but short on delivery.

Just making false statements that liberals want to hear won't fly anymore. Not after "if you like your insurance........"

It's all they do is write checks their ass can't cash.
The simple fact is Obama came in with debt at $10T and now it's 17T. There is no spinning that simple fact.
You are insanely stoopid. The Supreme Court would be unable to render a decision in any case without the ability to interpret the Constitution. :cuckoo:

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States

And just out of curiosity, when there is ambiguity over meaning in the Constitution in a case -- who do you think gets to interpret it to render a decision if not the U.S.S.C.?

wrong again, their job is to determine the constitutionality of laws, not to "interpret" the constitution. The language of the constitution is clear, it does not require interpretation.

More insane mutterings from the insane right. The language of the Constitution is clear, is it?

The Constitution grants the Congress the power to provide for the nation's "general welfare."

Define "general welfare?"

The citations in the constitution are promote and provide general welfare, which means common good, good for the general population of the citizens of the country. This as opposed to individual welfare. Additionally, promote and provide does not mean legislate and restrict. An example of a general welfare program provided by the federal government is our national park system. Other examples would be the FDA and EPA, etc... if they were not regulatory, but rather just made available certain information for our general welfare.

The SCOTUS knows this, which is why the feds lean on the commerce clause for the regulatory basis.
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LTCArmyRet said:
I'm not spouting "MSM feeds," you Conservative freak. I linked to a NYTimes post which reported on a CBO budget report. Do you get it? Are you capable of understanding? It wasn't the NYTimes' "statistics" or their "numbers." It was the CBO's numbers.

Although, since it was a positive report during Clinton's presidency, you no doubt believe the CBO is just another arm of the Liberul MSM.


You keep spouting off the NYT article cited a CBO report, show the report! Quit referencing the article!! Otherwise, accept the article citing a CBO report that Oduma will spend our way to a 21 Trillion debt.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

what page is it?

There's over 400 pages in that report.
wrong again, their job is to determine the constitutionality of laws, not to "interpret" the constitution. The language of the constitution is clear, it does not require interpretation.

More insane mutterings from the insane right. The language of the Constitution is clear, is it?

The Constitution grants the Congress the power to provide for the nation's "general welfare."

Define "general welfare?"

It is. Those are the specific areas that are given later in that paragraph. Otherwise there is no such thing as limited federal government because everything could be construed as "general welfare."

The power to provide for the general welfare is its own enumerated power. It is not limited to any other of the enumerated powers.

Why don't you define general welfare in a way that preserves the notion of limited enumerated powers?
Why would I do that when I don't believe such a non-stated limitation exists?
LTCArmyRet said:
You keep spouting off the NYT article cited a CBO report, show the report! Quit referencing the article!! Otherwise, accept the article citing a CBO report that Oduma will spend our way to a 21 Trillion debt.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

what page is it?

There's over 400 pages in that report.

I already said where it can be found ... table 1 on page 2 of the introduction.
I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

what page is it?

There's over 400 pages in that report.

I already said where it can be found ... table 1 on page 2 of the introduction.

What's your point?
LTCArmyRet said:
You keep spouting off the NYT article cited a CBO report, show the report! Quit referencing the article!! Otherwise, accept the article citing a CBO report that Oduma will spend our way to a 21 Trillion debt.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

You understand what a "projection" is, right?

Once again, I need to remind you idiots that I was the first one to point out that figure was a projection; so yes, I understand.

That nonsense aside, what on Earth does it have to do with armyret asking me to show him a report I had already linked twice -- including in the very same post where he asked for it? (post #313)

what page is it?

There's over 400 pages in that report.

I already said where it can be found ... table 1 on page 2 of the introduction.

What's your point?

The point is ... another moronic Conservative claimed there was no such report showing that projected surplus.

"First you reference a NYT article that projected a 6 trillion surplus, and ignore government reports that never stated that." ~ LTCArmyRet

He then later intimated that was a "fact."

So I posted the link the "government report" which was accurately cited by the "MSM" article I had linked earlier.
I already said where it can be found ... table 1 on page 2 of the introduction.

What's your point?

The point is ... another moronic Conservative claimed there was no such report showing that projected surplus.

"First you reference a NYT article that projected a 6 trillion surplus, and ignore government reports that never stated that." ~ LTCArmyRet

He then later intimated that was a "fact."

So I posted the link the "government report" which was accurately cited by the "MSM" article I had linked earlier.

The surplus you ref ended last year. 2012.

Plus, these are projections from information the Whitehouse supplied. They could be tainted by an over abundance of wishful thinking if not outright lies.
More insane mutterings from the insane right. The language of the Constitution is clear, is it?

The Constitution grants the Congress the power to provide for the nation's "general welfare."

Define "general welfare?"

It is. Those are the specific areas that are given later in that paragraph. Otherwise there is no such thing as limited federal government because everything could be construed as "general welfare."

The power to provide for the general welfare is its own enumerated power. It is not limited to any other of the enumerated powers.

Why don't you define general welfare in a way that preserves the notion of limited enumerated powers?
Why would I do that when I don't believe such a non-stated limitation exists?

OK, so you reject the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v Maryland. Another typically ignorant statement.
There are two things clearly spelled out in the Constitution and the far left is against them.
LTCArmyRet said:
I'm not spouting "MSM feeds," you Conservative freak. I linked to a NYTimes post which reported on a CBO budget report. Do you get it? Are you capable of understanding? It wasn't the NYTimes' "statistics" or their "numbers." It was the CBO's numbers.

Although, since it was a positive report during Clinton's presidency, you no doubt believe the CBO is just another arm of the Liberul MSM.


You keep spouting off the NYT article cited a CBO report, show the report! Quit referencing the article!! Otherwise, accept the article citing a CBO report that Oduma will spend our way to a 21 Trillion debt.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

Your just saying is BS. I went through the entire report, no where in there does it mention a 6 Trillion surplus. It mentions a 2.3 trillion by 2006, again that was assuming the economy didn't change, but uhoh, 9/11 happened. But to go along with your demented train of thought, we are headed for a 21 trillion dollar DEBT!!

Keep spinning......
LTCArmyRet said:
You keep spouting off the NYT article cited a CBO report, show the report! Quit referencing the article!! Otherwise, accept the article citing a CBO report that Oduma will spend our way to a 21 Trillion debt.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

You understand what a "projection" is, right?

He only recognizes projections if they make his boy look good, ignores them if they make him look bad. faun is the typical fairweather dumbocrat.
What's your point?

The point is ... another moronic Conservative claimed there was no such report showing that projected surplus.

"First you reference a NYT article that projected a 6 trillion surplus, and ignore government reports that never stated that." ~ LTCArmyRet

He then later intimated that was a "fact."

So I posted the link the "government report" which was accurately cited by the "MSM" article I had linked earlier.

The surplus you ref ended last year. 2012.

Plus, these are projections from information the Whitehouse supplied. They could be tainted by an over abundance of wishful thinking if not outright lies.

In reality, the report specified the projections were estimates based on the growing annual surpluses, which they projected would continue to grow. At any rate, what does that have to do with armyret asking me to provide a link to a report that I had already linked twice, including once in the post where he asked me to post the link?

You asked why I posted that link. It's because he denied that report even existed. Now it's more about his senility as he is repeatedly exhibiting dementia.
I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

You understand what a "projection" is, right?

He only recognizes projections if they make his boy look good, ignores them if they make him look bad. faun is the typical fairweather dumbocrat.
Holy shit! You are batshit crazy. There is no other explanation.

YOU were the one to bring up the CBO projections for 2016, not ME. I "recognized" that projection ONLY because YOU brought it up.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

what page is it?

There's over 400 pages in that report.

I already said where it can be found ... table 1 on page 2 of the introduction.

You really can't read can you? First, the number is 5.6 trillion AND that is only reached IF surpluses are invested instead of paying down debt.

You truly proved your stupidity now faun!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

But if you're going to put so much faith in CBO PROJECTIONs , WE ARE HEADED FOR 21 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT!!!!!!!!!
You understand what a "projection" is, right?

He only recognizes projections if they make his boy look good, ignores them if they make him look bad. faun is the typical fairweather dumbocrat.
Holy shit! You are batshit crazy. There is no other explanation.

YOU were the one to bring up the CBO projections for 2016, not ME. I "recognized" that projection ONLY because YOU brought it up.


LTCArmyRet said:
You keep spouting off the NYT article cited a CBO report, show the report! Quit referencing the article!! Otherwise, accept the article citing a CBO report that Oduma will spend our way to a 21 Trillion debt.

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

Your just saying is BS. I went through the entire report, no where in there does it mention a 6 Trillion surplus. It mentions a 2.3 trillion by 2006, again that was assuming the economy didn't change, but uhoh, 9/11 happened.

I see you're blind AND stupid. How sad ...


But to go along with your demented train of thought, we are headed for a 21 trillion dollar DEBT!!

Keep spinning......
Regrettably, your dementia worsens. You are citing an old report. The latest CBO estimates indicate the debt will be around $18t in 2016.

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