Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

I took the liberty to highlight the part which exhibits just how insane you are as here is the third time I am providing a link to that CBO report. No need to thank me.

Perhaps this would be a good time for you to buzz the nurse and inform her it's past your meds' schedule?

Just sayin'.

Your just saying is BS. I went through the entire report, no where in there does it mention a 6 Trillion surplus. It mentions a 2.3 trillion by 2006, again that was assuming the economy didn't change, but uhoh, 9/11 happened.

I see you're blind AND stupid. How sad ...

View attachment 28482

But to go along with your demented train of thought, we are headed for a 21 trillion dollar DEBT!!

Keep spinning......
Regrettably, your dementia worsens. You are citing an old report. The latest CBO estimates indicate the debt will be around $18t in 2016.

OH, I'm sorry, correction to faun math, 18t = 21t IN DEBT, THANK YOU ODUMA AND YOUR SHEEP FAUN
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Your problem faun is you keep confusing projections with reality (typical dumbocrat fault I must admit) claiming bush lost a 6t surplus and turned it into an 8t debt.

News flash.......we never had a 6t surplus.........we were already 4t in debt..........oduma turned a 10t debt into 17t debt. All reality!!
It is. Those are the specific areas that are given later in that paragraph. Otherwise there is no such thing as limited federal government because everything could be construed as "general welfare."

The power to provide for the general welfare is its own enumerated power. It is not limited to any other of the enumerated powers.

Why don't you define general welfare in a way that preserves the notion of limited enumerated powers?
Why would I do that when I don't believe such a non-stated limitation exists?

OK, so you reject the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v Maryland. Another typically ignorant statement.
Don't be ridiculous. There have been conflicting decisions over the years on this subject. I agree with United States v. Butler
what page is it?

There's over 400 pages in that report.

I already said where it can be found ... table 1 on page 2 of the introduction.

You really can't read can you? First, the number is 5.6 trillion AND that is only reached IF surpluses are invested instead of paying down debt.

You truly proved your stupidity now faun!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Your maniacal laughter supports my assertion that you're batshit crazy.

Your mental state aside ... I rounded up, so what? The number is still there just as the NY Times claimed.

You said there was no such report. Are you simply not man enough to just admit you were fucked up in the head when you made that ludicrous claim?

But if you're going to put so much faith in CBO PROJECTIONs , WE ARE HEADED FOR 21 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT!!!!!!!!!
Too bad for your state of mind, that is not the current estimate from the CBO.
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faun math

5.6 = 6

Holy shit! :eusa_doh: It's not faun math, you Conservative freak ... it's called rounding up.

Read & learn ...

How to Round Numbers

You couldn't appear more desperate than to claim the number is not in the report because I rounded it. Keep in mind, this comes after you first denied there was such a report, then you asked for a link to it as though I hadn't already provided said link ... twice. Then you finally looked at it, but could only find a surplus of 2.3 trillion by 2006.

Despite you stumbling upon error after error, your last resort is to charge me with round numbers. Even worse than that, you demonstrate you don't even know what rounding is. You thought I made it up and even called it, "faun math!"


You may be completely senile, but I think you're funny.
faun math

5.6 = 6

Holy shit! :eusa_doh: It's not faun math, you Conservative freak ... it's called rounding up.

Read & learn ...

How to Round Numbers

You couldn't appear more desperate than to claim the number is not in the report because I rounded it. Keep in mind, this comes after you first denied there was such a report, then you asked for a link to it as though I hadn't already provided said link ... twice. Then you finally looked at it, but could only find a surplus of 2.3 trillion by 2006.

Despite you stumbling upon error after error, your last resort is to charge me with round numbers. Even worse than that, you demonstrate you don't even know what rounding is. You thought I made it up and even called it, "faun math!"


You may be completely senile, but I think you're funny.

I'm senile, you're the one that believes there was ever a 6 trillion surplus!! Again showing you don't really know how to deal with realities.
getting dizzier faun??

While I admit I am laughing my ass off at you and your immense ignorance, it's not quite hardy enough to induce dizziness.

But who knows, keep it up and you may just achieve that response. :cool:
OLD REPORT??? BWAHAHAHAHA, yours is from 2001!!! keep spinning!!!! dizzy yet?????

Umm, the report on the budget in 2016 came out earlier this year.

You do know this year is 2013, right?

Interesting since no fiscal year budget has been passed by Congress and signed by the president how do they know what the cost of Obamcare is going to be?

Even the Obama administration (you know the most transparent administration in history) is doing their best to hide many numbers.

Since Obama is telling the CBO what the government is spending how can they accurately formulate what spending will be in the future by being told what to print via a dictator?
faun math

5.6 = 6

Holy shit! :eusa_doh: It's not faun math, you Conservative freak ... it's called rounding up.

Read & learn ...

How to Round Numbers

You couldn't appear more desperate than to claim the number is not in the report because I rounded it. Keep in mind, this comes after you first denied there was such a report, then you asked for a link to it as though I hadn't already provided said link ... twice. Then you finally looked at it, but could only find a surplus of 2.3 trillion by 2006.

Despite you stumbling upon error after error, your last resort is to charge me with round numbers. Even worse than that, you demonstrate you don't even know what rounding is. You thought I made it up and even called it, "faun math!"


You may be completely senile, but I think you're funny.

I'm senile, you're the one that believes there was ever a 6 trillion surplus!! Again showing you don't really know how to deal with realities.

Now you're flat out lying. Which of course, is the white flag of surrender after you failed miserably to score a point. Allow me the honor to correct your lie ...

I have never stated there was ever a $6 trillion surplus. I have stated from the first time I referenced that, that it was a projected estimate from a CBO report and not an actual surplus.

For you to assert I believe there was an actual $6t surplus does nothing other than expose you as a desperate liar (i.e., a typical brain-dead Conservative).
OLD REPORT??? BWAHAHAHAHA, yours is from 2001!!! keep spinning!!!! dizzy yet?????

Umm, the report on the budget in 2016 came out earlier this year.

You do know this year is 2013, right?

Interesting since no fiscal year budget has been passed by Congress and signed by the president how do they know what the cost of Obamcare is going to be?

Even the Obama administration (you know the most transparent administration in history) is doing their best to hide many numbers.

Since Obama is telling the CBO what the government is spending how can they accurately formulate what spending will be in the future by being told what to print via a dictator?
a) that's why it's an estimate.

b) Obama is a U.S. president, not a dictator.
The power to provide for the general welfare is its own enumerated power. It is not limited to any other of the enumerated powers.

Why would I do that when I don't believe such a non-stated limitation exists?

OK, so you reject the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v Maryland. Another typically ignorant statement.
Don't be ridiculous. There have been conflicting decisions over the years on this subject. I agree with United States v. Butler
Which says no such thing. But thanks for trying.
Umm, the report on the budget in 2016 came out earlier this year.

You do know this year is 2013, right?

Interesting since no fiscal year budget has been passed by Congress and signed by the president how do they know what the cost of Obamcare is going to be?

Even the Obama administration (you know the most transparent administration in history) is doing their best to hide many numbers.

Since Obama is telling the CBO what the government is spending how can they accurately formulate what spending will be in the future by being told what to print via a dictator?
a) that's why it's an estimate.

b) Obama is a U.S. president, not a dictator.

So the CBO's numbers are bullshit guesses. Yes, we all understand that. Just like their projection of $6T in surplus was a bullshit estimate that never materialized.
In other words, your claim has been debunked.

Time to send this discussion to the Rubber Room.
Umm, the report on the budget in 2016 came out earlier this year.

You do know this year is 2013, right?

Interesting since no fiscal year budget has been passed by Congress and signed by the president how do they know what the cost of Obamcare is going to be?

Even the Obama administration (you know the most transparent administration in history) is doing their best to hide many numbers.

Since Obama is telling the CBO what the government is spending how can they accurately formulate what spending will be in the future by being told what to print via a dictator?
a) that's why it's an estimate.

b) Obama is a U.S. president, not a dictator.

so which estimate is accurate, the 18t debt or 21t debt report?? You like the 18t because your a sheep, oduma's sheep!!!
Holy shit! :eusa_doh: It's not faun math, you Conservative freak ... it's called rounding up.

Read & learn ...

How to Round Numbers

You couldn't appear more desperate than to claim the number is not in the report because I rounded it. Keep in mind, this comes after you first denied there was such a report, then you asked for a link to it as though I hadn't already provided said link ... twice. Then you finally looked at it, but could only find a surplus of 2.3 trillion by 2006.

Despite you stumbling upon error after error, your last resort is to charge me with round numbers. Even worse than that, you demonstrate you don't even know what rounding is. You thought I made it up and even called it, "faun math!"


You may be completely senile, but I think you're funny.

I'm senile, you're the one that believes there was ever a 6 trillion surplus!! Again showing you don't really know how to deal with realities.

Now you're flat out lying. Which of course, is the white flag of surrender after you failed miserably to score a point. Allow me the honor to correct your lie ...

I have never stated there was ever a $6 trillion surplus. I have stated from the first time I referenced that, that it was a projected estimate from a CBO report and not an actual surplus.

For you to assert I believe there was an actual $6t surplus does nothing other than expose you as a desperate liar (i.e., a typical brain-dead Conservative).

You claimed that Bush lost a 6t surplus and turned it into an 8t debt!!! lying fucking hypocrite!!!

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