Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

The first sentence that I bolded is an outright LIE.

Here is the rest of the story.

Before receiving a fast-tracked loan from the Obama administration in 2010, Solyndra had been singled out by both Republicans and Democrats as a promising venture potentially worthy of government investment. The company first applied for a Department of Energy grant under the George W. Bush administration.

But the Bush administration never approved Solyndra's loan, saying the application needed more work.

Isn't it amazing how the Dumbocrat parasites will completely believe any lie told to them by their Dumbocrat masters?

Thinks about this for a minute. Even if the Bush Administration had approved Solyndra (they didn't) - Barack Obama was president when he shoveled over our money to them as fast as he could. He had all the power. He could have said NO way in hell.

It only takes a shred of common sense (something Dumbocrats completely lack) to realize which ever narrative they choose to place the blame on someone else, it simply doesn't hold up under examination. Barack Obama was president when the money started flying out the door. Barack Obama was trying to purchase a second election with the American people's money. It happened under Barack Obama. Be a big boy now Londoner and own it.

You cons really love to over blow Solyndra. It was a half of a billion flop. That is nothing compared to the 24 billion we lost during the government shut down because of the retarded GOP.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION] - nice redirect. First your narrative was "Blame Bush" :)lmao:). When I pointed out how absurd that was even if we buy into your lie, your new narrative is suddenly "yeah, well, government shut down was worse". In other words, once an intelligent person put your original narrative into perspective, you desperately needed to change the subject?

Tell me something - how exactly does shutting down the government and preventing them from spending recklessly (as the Dumbocrats in Washington live to do) cost more money? :cuckoo:
I've never seen such desperation as I've seen with liberals who struggle so hard to defend this POS president, who doesn't give a shit about them and who is in fact leading them over a cliff. Un-fucking believable.
There Will Be No $24B Economic Loss From The Government Shutdown - Forbes

The difference between the loss that liberals claim happened during the shut down and the loss that we the taxpayers took because of the Solyndra fiasco is that the former is fantasy and the latter is oh too real.

As usual, have no clue when it comes to economics...

You are so full of shit. You just did a random Google search hoping you would find a claim to the contrary. That article is bullshit. It doesn't even come up with an actual figure. He just speculates. And even if the actual number is shy of 24 billion, it would still be well above half of a billion so quit your bitching about Solyndra.

As opposed to what Billy000 - the extensive research you personally funded, conducted, and published on your bullshit $24 billion figure? :lmao:

Forbes is a highly respected organization. Meanwhile you're bullshit number came from the laughing stock of America - ThinkProgress.

Um no that 24 billion came from standard and poor.
You are so full of shit. You just did a random Google search hoping you would find a claim to the contrary. That article is bullshit. It doesn't even come up with an actual figure. He just speculates. And even if the actual number is shy of 24 billion, it would still be well above half of a billion so quit your bitching about Solyndra.

As opposed to what Billy000 - the extensive research you personally funded, conducted, and published on your bullshit $24 billion figure? :lmao:

Forbes is a highly respected organization. Meanwhile you're bullshit number came from the laughing stock of America - ThinkProgress.

Um no that 24 billion came from standard and poor.

I've never seen such desperation as I've seen with liberals who struggle so hard to defend this POS president, who doesn't give a shit about them and who is in fact leading them over a cliff. Un-fucking believable.

There were those that were accused of the same thing with Bush, however the difference is the far left will defend Obama no matter how much he lies and those that supported Bush even acknowledged his faults and placating to the RHINO's.

The far left can not admit failure or defeat. They are still at a loss on how they lost the house in 2010.
Isn't it amazing how the Dumbocrat parasites will completely believe any lie told to them by their Dumbocrat masters?

Thinks about this for a minute. Even if the Bush Administration had approved Solyndra (they didn't) - Barack Obama was president when he shoveled over our money to them as fast as he could. He had all the power. He could have said NO way in hell.

It only takes a shred of common sense (something Dumbocrats completely lack) to realize which ever narrative they choose to place the blame on someone else, it simply doesn't hold up under examination. Barack Obama was president when the money started flying out the door. Barack Obama was trying to purchase a second election with the American people's money. It happened under Barack Obama. Be a big boy now Londoner and own it.

You cons really love to over blow Solyndra. It was a half of a billion flop. That is nothing compared to the 24 billion we lost during the government shut down because of the retarded GOP.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION] - nice redirect. First your narrative was "Blame Bush" :)lmao:). When I pointed out how absurd that was even if we buy into your lie, your new narrative is suddenly "yeah, well, government shut down was worse". In other words, once an intelligent person put your original narrative into perspective, you desperately needed to change the subject?

Tell me something - how exactly does shutting down the government and preventing them from spending recklessly (as the Dumbocrats in Washington live to do) cost more money? :cuckoo:

Christ stop with the mentions. I am reading the thread dumbass. Throwing me a mention is completley pointless.

The simple fact is that you cons blow Solyndra way out of proportion and you won't admit it.

I never said Obama has never fucked up. That's just stupid. However the reality is that the GOP fucks up more.
As opposed to what Billy000 - the extensive research you personally funded, conducted, and published on your bullshit $24 billion figure? :lmao:

Forbes is a highly respected organization. Meanwhile you're bullshit number came from the laughing stock of America - ThinkProgress.

Um no that 24 billion came from standard and poor.


You are dreadfully ignorant.

S&P Cuts US Growth View - Business Insider
You cons really love to over blow Solyndra. It was a half of a billion flop. That is nothing compared to the 24 billion we lost during the government shut down because of the retarded GOP.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION] - nice redirect. First your narrative was "Blame Bush" :)lmao:). When I pointed out how absurd that was even if we buy into your lie, your new narrative is suddenly "yeah, well, government shut down was worse". In other words, once an intelligent person put your original narrative into perspective, you desperately needed to change the subject?

Tell me something - how exactly does shutting down the government and preventing them from spending recklessly (as the Dumbocrats in Washington live to do) cost more money? :cuckoo:

Christ stop with the mentions. I am reading the thread dumbass. Throwing me a mention is completley pointless.

The simple fact is that you cons blow Solyndra way out of proportion and you won't admit it.

I never said Obama has never fucked up. That's just stupid. However the reality is that the GOP fucks up more.
That's your excuse for him? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You cons really love to over blow Solyndra. It was a half of a billion flop. That is nothing compared to the 24 billion we lost during the government shut down because of the retarded GOP.

Oh, well hell, only half a billion dollars? Why didn't you just say so? I'm completely ok with the federal government illegally and unconstitutionally giving half a billion of my money to a private corporation.

Wait, aren't you supposed to be the side that wails uncontrollably about "corporate welfare" Billy000? Nobody funnels more money to corporations than the Dumbocrat masters and nobody cries about it louder while falsely blaming it on conservatives than the Dumbocrat parasites.

By the way, you conveniently leave out the most critical part of the Solyndra Scandal - which was the emails that proved Obama new the company would file for bankruptcy and close their doors even with the half a billion dollars. He made sure his "green energy" (farce) pals were set for life anyway.

But hey, just ignore that. Tell us again how great Obama is for doing everything you wail against and blame conservatives for!
How many times are you liberals gonna repeat this ridiculous claim? If Obama wasn't over-spending, the debt wouldn't be $7 trillion higher than it was when he came into office. The facts just ain't on your side. Sorry.

Um federal spending has not been 7 trillion. That isn't how it works.
Well, enlighten us then.

we have time and time again ... you're to stupid to grasp it ...
Bush never budged the wars + tax cuts and Obama added that in = why the graph looks the way it does.
I like how Billy just avoided me. Case in point.

well, this Billye, and the other billy, knows stupid when we see it... you fit the mold of being dirt stupid ... unlike billy, this billye loves to make fun of you ... why ???? you're soooooooooooooooooooo easy ...:lol::lol::lol:
Um no that 24 billion came from standard and poor.


You are dreadfully ignorant.

S&P Cuts US Growth View - Business Insider

"The ratings agency — which recognizes the Senate deal will be approved — says that the shutdown has taken $24 billion out of the economy and cut 0.6% off of yearly fourth quarter GDP growth."

It doesn't say it cost the tax payers $24 billion, it says it prevented $24 billion from entering the economy (because the federal government was prevented from reckless spending).

Reading comprehension Billy. Reading comprehension.
Business Insider: Another go-to White House shill.

Go somewhere else other than Yahoo! for your news.

Don't be stupid about this.. They are taking information directly from Standard and Poor.
And spinning it, like only the shameless White House shills at Business Insider can. I've seen this movie too many times.

Fool me once, shame on you.....
Well, enlighten us then.

we have time and time again ... you're to stupid to grasp it ...
Talk about irony! That would be "too", not "to", dumbfuck. :lol:

you know I first wrote "too", but for your benefit I wrote "to" just to see if you would catch it ... then you would respond with you can't spell ... that's your usual response ... spell !!!! BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA how many time have I heard you moron say you can't spell ... when the spelling wasn't in question but the grammar was ...
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"The ratings agency — which recognizes the Senate deal will be approved — says that the shutdown has taken $24 billion out of the economy and cut 0.6% off of yearly fourth quarter GDP growth."

It doesn't say it cost the tax payers $24 billion, it says it prevented $24 billion from entering the economy (because the federal government was prevented from reckless spending).

Reading comprehension Billy. Reading comprehension.

Yes, you're right. We are talking about two different types of losses.

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