Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

Yes, revenue is high in terms of RAW dollars. However, what your dumbass doesn't understand is those figures don't take into account inflation, growing economy, and population. You aren't measuring it properly. Going back to the 50s, revenues as a percentage of GDP were higher than today's level during 55 or 63 years, or 87% of the time. Only for 8 years within that time was it lower than today's.

You are dumb.

And you are stupid, incapable of learning. I play your silly game, assuming there is a large affect from inflation, here are the inflation rates for that period.

2009 2.1 trillion 2.7% 2.04trillion Fed spending % increase 17.9%
2010 2.16 trillion 1.5% 2.12trillion decrease .02%
2011 2.3 trillion 3.0% 2.23trillion increase .04%
2012 2.45 projected 1.7% 2.40trillion decrease .02%
totals 8.9% increase 17.9%

For four years now revenue has been increasing and the final quarter of 2012 provided a hefty boost. Because tax cuts passed under former President George W. Bush were set to expire at the end of 2012, many taxpayers sold off investments or made other financial moves in the waning days of the year to avoid potentially steep tax bills in 2013. The burst of income buoyed states, as individual income taxes provide more than one-third of total tax revenue.

Last month the U.S. Census Bureau reported that tax revenue of states grew 4.9 percent to $193.9 billion in the final quarter of 2012 from the fourth quarter of 2011.

Rockefeller found the increase was even steeper - 5.2 percent - when it updated the Census figures with new data. The growth was almost exclusively due to personal income tax collections, which alone rose 10.8 percent.

So you see moron, spending has doubled the revenue increase, both in raw numbers and percentages adjusted for inflation. Why don't you just admit that Oduma and you are morons.

More and more fallacy. Read my reply to Rabbi.

I see you've adopted the faun method of rebuttal, deflect and spin, deny facts, deflect and spin, deny facts, deflect and spin, deny more facts. MORON!!
Business Insider: Another go-to White House shill.

Go somewhere else other than Yahoo! for your news.

Don't be stupid about this.. They are taking information directly from Standard and Poor.
And spinning it, like only the shameless White House shills at Business Insider can. I've seen this movie too many times.

Fool me once, shame on you.....

ok... see if you can answer the question far none of you on the right have been able to ....

please tell us what bills did Obama sign into law that cost us 7 trillion dollars of debt ... can you answer that one ... just asking ...
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Don't be stupid about this.. They are taking information directly from Standard and Poor.
And spinning it, like only the shameless White House shills at Business Insider can. I've seen this movie too many times.

Fool me once, shame on you.....

ok... see if you can answer the question far none of you on the right have been able to ....

please tell us what bills did Obama sign into law that cost us 7 trillion dollars of debt ... can you answer that one ... just asking ...

i see, you don't have a bill that says this is what caused the 7 trillion dollars of debt ... in other words you haven't got a leg to stand on ... that's the usual right wing response ...
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still waiting republicans ... heres your chance too tell us what bills were passed under obama that caused 7 trillion dollars of debt ??? you can nail us here ... now's your chance...
This is why I keep repeating that we're slashing infrastructure, science, and tech.

Taking it right out of our ass.


Do you want us to spend nothing on these areas?
Um, no it is not meaningless.

And yeah, a little more revenue is coming through but, historically, it is still very low.
OK, so the increased debt is not due to lower revenue.
Again your statement is wrong. Just admit you were wrong and let's go on to the next issue.

That's not what I said retard. Lower VALUE of revenue has greatly contributed to our debt.

You actually did not say that.
First you said it was lower revenue. I showed that was untrue.
Then you said it was lower revenue per GDP. I showed that was also wrong.
Now you have some amorphous thing called "value of revenue" that somehow varies independent of value of debt or value of spending. I want an explanation for what "value of revenue" means.
It can't mean inflation. Inflation would lower the deficit and debt, other things being equal. In any case inflation has been running under 2% so it cant have much effect.
So what, precisely is "value of revenue"?
Oh' yeah this is how we remain number one...


Goodgawd will you shut the fuck up with that crap? Research/infrastructure/education. It's every other fucking post. You made your point. It's wrong. But you made it. Now shut the fuck up, you ignorant squirt.

The point could be that USA Today-like graphs can be found even in Science Magazines.

The fact that R&D spending, as a % GDP, in a country with as large a GDP as the USA, should fall less than 0.05% means the sky is falling?


What it means is researchers who are studying the mating habits of the Green Tree Salamander will need to tighten their belts.

Goodgawd will you shut the fuck up with that crap? Research/infrastructure/education. It's every other fucking post. You made your point. It's wrong. But you made it. Now shut the fuck up, you ignorant squirt.

Only your stupid ignorant idiotic belief system that has nothing to do with the real world. What a joke.:eusa_shifty:
What, because if government doesn't fund R&D, then nobody else will?

I believe you were saying something about an ignorant belief system that has nothing to do with the real world?

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