Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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Requiring a free people to obey the dictates of others or a government because you revere a symbol but not why said symbol actually matters.

No one is requiring anyone anything.
Oh but they are. Like all little fascists they want everyone to pledge allegiance to a flag, of their choosing.

pppffftttt Not to worry. You don't have to if you don't want to.
I don't, and haven't for decades. That is my liberty, my right, my freedom. That is what the symbol stands for.

And you have that right....but you don't seem to want to give the same right to those that want to.
Not at all. Dance in your underpants if you wish but that's your call, not mine and not elected officials.

Hang a huge flag from a pole and light it. Liberty. Hang the same flag and light it on fire. Liberty. Your call.
If people want to become drones for the evil machination that is the state, then let them.

The government says it is okay.
pppffftttt Not to worry. You don't have to if you don't want to.

Not necessarily true.

Teachers forced me back when I was in school.

I met a group of modern teachers that forced their students to stand for the pledge.
Anyone required to stand does not have Liberty. End of discussion.

Yep. We could all lay on our sides and suck out thumbs instead.

This crap is SO stupid. I have never seen anyone have a problem with it before.
Deflection of what?

I made two points.

1. Old Glory predates the constitution

2. Old Glory would of changed even of the articles of confederation were in place.

Anything not in response to those two points is deflection.

Don't be an idiot. Lazy fuck, go back a few posts and see.

Your post (which you are assuming I have not read) is irrelevant to the two points provided above.

You are charging in and start acting like a superior authority when you didn't see preliminaries...

I am the superior authority.

I acknowledge that you are not slum bum. You are eloquent and shit. Peace.

Cool insults.
You are the Intelligentsia....the Academia... wow... then you are a useful idiot. When they take over you will be no more use. Lucky if you get Gulag, more likely lined up at a wall... wow...a highly educate idiot
No one is requiring anyone anything.
Oh but they are. Like all little fascists they want everyone to pledge allegiance to a flag, of their choosing.

pppffftttt Not to worry. You don't have to if you don't want to.
I don't, and haven't for decades. That is my liberty, my right, my freedom. That is what the symbol stands for.

And you have that right....but you don't seem to want to give the same right to those that want to.
Not at all. Dance in your underpants if you wish but that's your call, not mine and not elected officials.

Then why are you whining about it?
Why do conservatives say the pledge?

The pledge says the flag stands for one nation, indivisible.

Conservatives almost to a person believe that the nation IS divisible, constitutionally, via secession of any state or states.

It is indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Without liberty and justice, it is divisible. The OP seeks to take away liberty,

That's bullshit.

Pull your hoof out, you'll live.

The nation is either divisible or indivisible. If you believe in the right of states to secede, you believe the nation is divisible.

Therefore you are lying when you pledge allegiance to indivisibility.
Since it is a union of states it is every states right to secede when the union is violating its rights according to the Constitution.

We tried that in Georgia, Def. Didn't come out too good....
Oh but they are. Like all little fascists they want everyone to pledge allegiance to a flag, of their choosing.

pppffftttt Not to worry. You don't have to if you don't want to.
I don't, and haven't for decades. That is my liberty, my right, my freedom. That is what the symbol stands for.

And you have that right....but you don't seem to want to give the same right to those that want to.
Not at all. Dance in your underpants if you wish but that's your call, not mine and not elected officials.

Then why are you whining about it?
False patriots, like you and Defcon.
Yep. We could all lay on our sides and suck out thumbs instead.

This crap is SO stupid. I have never seen anyone have a problem with it before.

You must not be very countrywise. The pledge of allegiance has been controversial for a long time.

Conditioning patriotism is a tactic used to turn American loyalty towards the State.

Only fools pledge loyalty to their government, military, and police force.
pppffftttt Not to worry. You don't have to if you don't want to.

Not necessarily true.

Teachers forced me back when I was in school.

I met a group of modern teachers that forced their students to stand for the pledge.
Anyone required to stand does not have Liberty. End of discussion.

Yep. We could all lay on our sides and suck out thumbs instead.

This crap is SO stupid. I have never seen anyone have a problem with it before.
If you've never seen it then you are 11-years-old.
pppffftttt Not to worry. You don't have to if you don't want to.

Not necessarily true.

Teachers forced me back when I was in school.

I met a group of modern teachers that forced their students to stand for the pledge.
Anyone required to stand does not have Liberty. End of discussion.

Yep. We could all lay on our sides and suck out thumbs instead.

This crap is SO stupid. I have never seen anyone have a problem with it before.
If you've never seen it then you are 11-years-old.

Oh the last time was 11 years ago? Why are people ashamed of it.
It might be legal if but Hossfly catches any one burning an American flag they had better be prepared to receive a major ass kicking. Also anyone not rendering the flag the proper respect will be chastised physically. Don't say anything about Hossfly going to jail. Tain't possible.

Well Hossfly, as much as I have a huge case of like with you, I can't condone physical violence when people exercise the liberty that the Pledge, the National Anthem, and the flag represent by disrespecting these symbols that are so important to so many of us. I might not object to a well phrased verbal ass kicking though. :)
In one hour I am having dinner with about 30 guys who are the only survivors of my company from November 1965. In a 4 day period we had around 250 members of my Regiment killed on the battlefield. Many more have died since from various forms of cancer caused by Agent Orange. All of us here tonight are 100% disabled veterans who have survived those cancers. So you will have to excuse Hossfly for being in a violent mood when it comes to THE FLAG. I have to get ready for dinner now. I don't want to miss joining the group to pledge allegiance to that sacred (to us) flag.
You made a symbol sacred, without understanding what the fuck it actually mean?. Just more egotistical cannon fodder. Drink up.
Dickhead... I addressed you way back in the posts.. you didn't answer... you have no specifics.. you have nothing to offer but your idiocy from your deranged mind... what's left of it...
Just STFU, child.
What a nice counter opinion on the issue... Imbeciles on display here folks... hahaha.. a fucking idiot thinks he is relevant...a lightweight little peckerhead...
Yep. We could all lay on our sides and suck out thumbs instead.

This crap is SO stupid. I have never seen anyone have a problem with it before.

You must not be very countrywise. The pledge of allegiance has been controversial for a long time.

Conditioning patriotism is a tactic used to turn American loyalty towards the State.

Only fools pledge loyalty to their government, military, and police force.

Like I me anything you want. Did it make you feel all good?
You are the Intelligentsia....the Academia... wow... then you are a useful idiot.

Nice Orwellian speak.

I am also a fan of anarchist George Orwell.

When they take over you will be no more use. Lucky if you get Gulag, more likely lined up at a wall... wow...a highly educate idiot

Look, this is very simple. Respond to these two points.

1. Old Glory predates the constitution

2. Old Glory would of changed under the articles of confederation

Could you stop with the deflection now? Thanks.
Like I me anything you want. Did it make you feel all good?

My intention was not to single you out as a fool.

Just to point out the simple fact that those who pledge themselves as mindless state drones are foolish.

You are always welcome to see the light though.
  • Thanks
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On Flag Day, burn one. That will show true liberty, not that false crap conservatives love.

What is false?
Requiring a free people to obey the dictates of others or a government because you revere a symbol but don't understand why said symbol actually matters.
Nobody dictates you shit you idiot. If you want to recite you do if you don't you don't. I have not seen Pledge enforcing agents put people in re educational camps if they did not....moron
False patriots, like you and Defcon.

Statists hate America.

Guessing you are a statist too, so you probably also hate America.
I denounce American when it does wrong, and praise it when it does right. That is patriotism. My country right or wrong is a childish evil and nothing like being patriotic. A patriot is a liberal, defending a liberal and secular constitution forming a liberal and secular nation.

When you defend NAMBLA as long as they act within the law then you are a liberal, a patriot, an American.
Like I me anything you want. Did it make you feel all good?

My intention was not to single you out as a fool.

Just point out the simple fact that those who pledge themselves as mindless state drones are foolish.

You are always welcome to see the light though.

I see very clearly. And absolutely I am patriotic. And proud of it. Thank you for not singling me out as a fool.
On Flag Day, burn one. That will show true liberty, not that false crap conservatives love.

What is false?
Requiring a free people to obey the dictates of others or a government because you revere a symbol but don't understand why said symbol actually matters.
Nobody dictates you shit you idiot. If you want to recite you do if you don't you don't. I have not seen Pledge enforcing agents put people in re educational camps if they did not....moron
You have not lived very long and this whole thing would not be an issue for any real patriot. Stand or sit? Entirely up to you.
False patriots, like you and Defcon.

Statists hate America.

Guessing you are a statist too, so you probably also hate America.
I denounce American when it does wrong, and praise it when it does right. That is patriotism. My country right or wrong is a childish evil and nothing like being patriotic. A patriot is a liberal, defending a liberal and secular constitution forming a liberal and secular nation.

When you defend NAMBLA as long as they act within the law then you are a liberal, a patriot, an American.

I denounce American when it does wrong, and praise it when it does right.

The country cannot do wrong. The state can. Even the nation.

That is patriotism. My country right or wrong is a childish evil and nothing like being patriotic. A patriot is a liberal, defending a liberal and secular constitution forming a liberal and secular nation.


Those ideals degrade the homeland and humanity.

When you defend NAMBLA as long as they act within the law then you are a liberal, a patriot, an American.


If you identify as an American, then you are an American. Those conditions are baseless.
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