Can We Say Obama's Foreign Policy is a Failure?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.
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Hilary Clinton was smart enough to get out of Dodge before the you know what hit the fan in the Middle East. She'll spend the next couple years distancing herself as much as possible from this train wreck.
America's Foreign Policy is failure. you make it sound like Obama is doing something different than Bush did. He's not. It's just your belief bias.
America's Foreign Policy is failure. you make it sound like Obama is doing something different than Bush did. He's not. It's just your belief bias.

Bush reacted to 9-11....we can argue about how effectively and what the progtard contribution was. Obabble has declared the war over...and has withdrawn with no alternatives in place.
Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.

US Foreign policy, as well as global foreign policy currently suffers from the typical misunderstanding of the clauswitzian definition of peace. Today peace means the lack of obvious physical conflict. True peace is the resolution of such conflict, with any other form of peace merely being a rest period before physcial conflict starts anew.

Non clauswitizan peace was what you had after WWI, where the question of german militarism and imperialism was not answered merely delayed. WWII provided a true clauswitzian peace as the german state as it was known was dismanlted and replaced with something completely different.

Israel is the same situation. True clauswitizan peace is not possible until one side gives up.
Only policy he has made that works the way he and most folks stated was ending the ban on homosexuals in the military.
That was a no brainer but I can not find another one that has worked.
Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.

US Foreign policy, as well as global foreign policy currently suffers from the typical misunderstanding of the clauswitzian definition of peace. Today peace means the lack of obvious physical conflict. True peace is the resolution of such conflict, with any other form of peace merely being a rest period before physcial conflict starts anew.

Non clauswitizan peace was what you had after WWI, where the question of german militarism and imperialism was not answered merely delayed. WWII provided a true clauswitzian peace as the german state as it was known was dismanlted and replaced with something completely different.

Israel is the same situation. True clauswitizan peace is not possible until one side gives up.

We are at peace with Japan and Germany...that was where it ended....and Clauswitz faded back into the background...disappeared in fact.
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Sometimes adjust is mistakenly labeled retreat.
We need to adjust our foreign policy away from goals into lines in the sand.
Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.

US Foreign policy, as well as global foreign policy currently suffers from the typical misunderstanding of the clauswitzian definition of peace. Today peace means the lack of obvious physical conflict. True peace is the resolution of such conflict, with any other form of peace merely being a rest period before physcial conflict starts anew.

Non clauswitizan peace was what you had after WWI, where the question of german militarism and imperialism was not answered merely delayed. WWII provided a true clauswitzian peace as the german state as it was known was dismanlted and replaced with something completely different.

Israel is the same situation. True clauswitizan peace is not possible until one side gives up.

We are at peace with Japan and Germany...that was where it ended....and Clausewitz faded back into the background...disappeared in fact.

Yes, and its because we pushed them to the point where they basically gave up any aspirations they had prior to the surrender. What we consider peace now is not truly peace, it is a cease-fire.
I do not see any difference in the foreign policy in the ME from the US in the last 23 years.
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Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.

Rabbi, what we believe was or should have been his foreign policy has failed miserably. But his actual foreign policy has succeeded beyond his wildest expectations. I believe all those things you mentioned are exactly what he wanted. I believe he is invested in 'The Post American World.' Remember the book he was holding when he got off the plane a while back? He never intended to keep America a superpower. Our military leaders are the only people who are invested in that task and thank God they are. We still maintain superiority on land, air, and sea thanks to advanced weaponry and an all volunteer military. I believe Obama is finding that Americans are much harder to suppress than he originally believed. We just walk on eggshells and wait with bated breath for a president who will put America first. I think the little Egyptian fiasco has shown that there is at least one Democrat who will speak out over the Chicago thug and his baby mamma living in our White House. I was never a Kerry admirer, but I have to give him Kudos for doing that much.
Speak softly and carry a big stick needs to be our policy.
We have had too many years of gas bags running the show.
Let your pads do the talking is the way we did it.

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