Can We Say Obama's Foreign Policy is a Failure?

res ipsa loquitur

Even the founding of the US?

What are you, 14? A College Sophomore, tops?

Your arguments are tired and boring. First time I heard them, I almost drove my brand new 1969 Road Runner into a tree I was laughing so hard.

You're not only boring, you're tedious. Get a new schtick, junior. Something a little more original. You're yesterday's breakfast


Couldn't have said it better... it is my sincerest hope this one is just very young.
I'm still trying to figure out what his foreign policy is?

Paralysis and retreat.

So your definition of success would be if we were back to meddling even more in the affairs of others and if we were even more deeply entangled in the affairs of places like the Middle East?

I will support retreat after we secure energy independence...then get out, maintain superpower status...warn enemies...and if challenged destroy enemies.
Paralysis and retreat.

So your definition of success would be if we were back to meddling even more in the affairs of others and if we were even more deeply entangled in the affairs of places like the Middle East?

I will support retreat after we secure energy independence...then get out, maintain superpower status...warn enemies...and if challenged destroy enemies.

We would need more than energy indepenence. Strategic minerals are also something we lack as a natural resource, so we need to make sure we keep access to them if we want to maintain a 21st century society.
America's Foreign Policy is failure. you make it sound like Obama is doing something different than Bush did. He's not. It's just your belief bias.

Bush reacted to 9-11....we can argue about how effectively and what the progtard contribution was. Obabble has declared the war over...and has withdrawn with no alternatives in place.

Reaction to 9-11 was Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 (or terrorism here to be honest) so no, that is squarely on Bush. Obama and Bush are virtually identical in FP. The only real difference is how willing the people are in persecuting a war.

Reaction simply to Afghanistan was not quite enough. Too easy. Saddam was a terror supporter...and unfinished business...take his ass out.
Washington has the information and competence to solve all the world's problems. We can make Iraq a shining Democracy for all the world to see.

Oh dear leader, let us now drop glorious freedom bombs on Syria.

After the dust settles, our Islamic brothers will become loyal servants of Western Democracy, preaching the ways of Jesus Christ.

Bush taught us that Washington bureaucrats have the skill to change the way over 1 billion Muslims live - to educate, edify . . . to SAVE the souls of our imperfect globe by imposing our democratic model from a centralized place.

(Psst: grab your wallets because the Bush plan for the middle east is alive and well. Once again we are being dragged into a civil war based on the belief that Washington can save the world. The Republicans didn't have the courage to oppose Bush because they love Dear Leader - and they, as a rule, never oppose their party's leadership. Thank God we have a Democrat in office . . . because at least now Republican voters will not fall in line behind our government's terrible habit of intervention.)

(You can stop Hitler's march across Europe with bombs. But you can't fix a civil war with bombs. You can only add to the chaos and increase the likelihood of blowback.)

(To say that our foreign policy is a failure because there is a civil conflict in other nations is to assume that Washington should not only rule the United States but also the globe. This Bush neocon fantasy lives. Grab your wallets and your ankles because the neocons are coming to feed)
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America's Foreign Policy is failure. you make it sound like Obama is doing something different than Bush did. He's not. It's just your belief bias.

Bush reacted to 9-11....we can argue about how effectively and what the progtard contribution was. Obabble has declared the war over...and has withdrawn with no alternatives in place.

Reaction to 9-11 was Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 (or terrorism here to be honest) so no, that is squarely on Bush. Obama and Bush are virtually identical in FP. The only real difference is how willing the people are in persecuting a war.

Saddam helped fund al Qaeda groups. There is no doubt of that.

He was also giving the families of suicide bombers $25k. A lot of money to them.

But that's okay.

We have a Stuttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure in office now that thinks returning Veterans and Patriot groups are a threat but ignores Russian warnings about the Tsarnaev boys.


dimocrap scumbags have no business discussing National Security.

Or much of anything actually. They're just simply too stupid
John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bob Corker are pushing the president into Syria. And once he takes the bait, talk radio will agitate the serfs to rise up against the president.

They've got this rookie Senator from Illinois exactly where they want him.
Saddam helped fund al Qaeda groups. There is no doubt of that.

This is pure rightwing propaganda. The Bush administration spent years trying to prove a Hussein > 9/11 link. They deployed the most powerful intelligence resources the world has ever known, yet still they could not find the link.

Here is why Bush went to war. The link below leads to a policy paper - a pretty good one, IMO - that Wolfowitz, Chaney, Bolton and the neocons gave to Clinton in the late 90s. It makes the case that removing Hussein and building a massive military base in Iraq is essential to our national interests.

Stop spreading talk radio garbage and study facts. Read this paper. It makes a good case for regime change in Iraq. 9/11 become the justification for a policy that the Bush team came into office with. FYI: Clinton supported regime change in Iraq and made it the official policy of the US in the 90s. This all happened before 9/11 (which the US found no Hussein connection to).
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Why are people still making excuses for Iraq? It was the wrong decision at the time and looking back it was the wrong decision.
Saddam helped fund al Qaeda groups. There is no doubt of that.

This is pure rightwing propaganda. The Bush administration spent years trying to prove a Hussein > 9/11 link. They deployed the most powerful intelligence resources the world has ever known, yet still they could not find the link.

Here is why Bush went to war. The link below leads to a policy paper - a pretty good one, IMO - that Wolfowitz, Chaney, Bolton and the neocons gave to Clinton in the late 90s. It makes the case that removing Hussein and building a massive military base in Iraq is essential to our national interests.

Stop spreading talk radio garbage and study facts. Read this paper. It makes a good case for regime change in Iraq, and 9/11 become the best justification to realize this goal.

Thank you. That is exactly what the Iraq war was all about. Empire. A war of aggression against a weakened despot that we initially put into power.

And that toxic vision helped create the economic debacle of 2008, and has significantly weakoned our military.
Why are people still making excuses for Iraq? It was the wrong decision at the time and looking back it was the wrong decision.

It was the right decision at the time and it remains so. I can't help that Obama fucked it up by running away.
Why are people still making excuses for Iraq? It was the wrong decision at the time and looking back it was the wrong decision.

It was the right decision at the time and it remains so. I can't help that Obama fucked it up by running away.

By following Bush's timetable for troop withdrawal?

But we've been over this so many times you are either intentionally lying or beyond educating.
It was the right decision at the time and it remains so. I can't help that Obama fucked it up by running away.

By following Bush's timetable for troop withdrawal?

But we've been over this so many times you are either intentionally lying or beyond educating.

So the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement approved under Bush with a 12/31/11 withdrawal date didn't happen? You're an idiot.

And 8.5 years was enough. If the Bush administration didn't fuck up the occupation initially, maybe we wouldn't have been there so damn long.
Washington has the information and competence to solve all the world's problems. We can make Iraq a shining Democracy for all the world to see.

Oh dear leader, let us now drop glorious freedom bombs on Syria.

After the dust settles, our Islamic brothers will become loyal servants of Western Democracy, preaching the ways of Jesus Christ.

Bush taught us that Washington bureaucrats have the skill to change the way over 1 billion Muslims live - to educate, edify . . . to SAVE the souls of our imperfect globe by imposing our democratic model from a centralized place.

(Psst: grab your wallets because the Bush plan for the middle east is alive and well. Once again we are being dragged into a civil war based on the belief that Washington can save the world. The Republicans didn't have the courage to oppose Bush because they love Dear Leader - and they, as a rule, never oppose their party's leadership. Thank God we have a Democrat in office . . . because at least now Republican voters will not fall in line behind our government's terrible habit of intervention.)

(You can stop Hitler's march across Europe with bombs. But you can't fix a civil war with bombs. You can only add to the chaos and increase the likelihood of blowback.)

(To say that our foreign policy is a failure because there is a civil conflict in other nations is to assume that Washington should not only rule the United States but also the globe. This Bush neocon fantasy lives. Grab your wallets and your ankles because the neocons are coming to feed)

Let me get this straight...we've had a Democratic President for well over 5 years now and his lack of a coherent foreign policy is now drawing us inexorably closer to joining the cluster fuck that IS the Syrian civil war...but you're blaming this on Republicans, neocons and W.? Wow...your ability to function wearing those kind of ideological blinders is quite amazing to behold!
Why are people still making excuses for Iraq? It was the wrong decision at the time and looking back it was the wrong decision.

It was the right decision at the time and it remains so. I can't help that Obama fucked it up by running away.

By following Bush's timetable for troop withdrawal?

No, by purposefully fucking up the Status of Forces Agreement.

Comedy Central is no place to get your news
By following Bush's timetable for troop withdrawal?

But we've been over this so many times you are either intentionally lying or beyond educating.

So the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement approved under Bush with a 12/31/11 withdrawal date didn't happen? You're an idiot.

And 8.5 years was enough. If the Bush administration didn't fuck up the occupation initially, maybe we wouldn't have been there so damn long.

No, stupid.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk purposefully fucked up the Immunity Clause in the Status of Forces Agreement.

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations | The Cable

Educate yourself, then post
It was the right decision at the time and it remains so. I can't help that Obama fucked it up by running away.

By following Bush's timetable for troop withdrawal?

No, by purposefully fucking up the Status of Forces Agreement.

Comedy Central is no place to get your news

The one with the 12/31/11 withdrawal date? The one they tried to extend but Iraq wouldn't give our armed forces immunity? Please tell me how that was purposefully fucked up. How long was long enough to stay in Iraq?
More reading on the incompetence of the stupidest motherfucker to ever hold the office of president....

Iraqi politicians backed into a corner on a Status of Forces Agreement? - Threat Matrix

But recent reporting by The New York Times' Michael Gordon paints a more complicated picture of U.S. incompetence and disengagement. Most notably, the Obama administration's insistence that any Status of Forces Agreement be ratified by Iraq's parliament set the stage for the inevitable failure of any agreement.
Simply put, while a number of Iraqi political leaders may have privately wished for continued American involvement to serve as a buffer and broker between both domestic rivals and neighboring regimes, far fewer were willing to support this position in a public, contentious debate. No one wants to be regarded as an American stooge in the prideful arena of Iraqi politics. Backing parliamentarians into a corner by demanding public ratification doomed a new SOFA to failure.

Like I said, educate yourself.....

But if you did that, you wouldn't be a dimocrap..... :dunno:
But we've been over this so many times you are either intentionally lying or beyond educating.

So the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement approved under Bush with a 12/31/11 withdrawal date didn't happen? You're an idiot.

And 8.5 years was enough. If the Bush administration didn't fuck up the occupation initially, maybe we wouldn't have been there so damn long.

No, stupid.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk purposefully fucked up the Immunity Clause in the Status of Forces Agreement.

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations | The Cable

Educate yourself, then post

I'm aware of this. I would not have been okay with our forces staying there without the immunity clause. Would you have been okay with that?

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