Can We Say Obama's Foreign Policy is a Failure?

And we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient - that we are only six percent of the world's population - that we cannot impose our will upon the other ninety-four percent of mankind - that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity - and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”
President John F. Kennedy
Bush reacted to 9-11....we can argue about how effectively and what the progtard contribution was. Obabble has declared the war over...and has withdrawn with no alternatives in place.

Reaction to 9-11 was Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 (or terrorism here to be honest) so no, that is squarely on Bush. Obama and Bush are virtually identical in FP. The only real difference is how willing the people are in persecuting a war.

Reaction simply to Afghanistan was not quite enough. Too easy. Saddam was a terror supporter...and unfinished business...take his ass out.

That's essentially a lie.

Hussien was pretty harsh on terrorists.

What he did was a desperate attempt to maintain his "street" cred with the Arab Street, by offering families of suicide bombers compensation, when things started looking bad for him.

Most of the present troubles in the Middle East are a direct result of invading Iraq.

It dramatically shifted the balance of power and this very situation was foretold by most people that were against the invasion.

NOW? You folks are complaining?

What bullshit.
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And we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient - that we are only six percent of the world's population - that we cannot impose our will upon the other ninety-four percent of mankind - that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity - and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”
President John F. Kennedy

How is that even relevant? Kennedy's foreign policy sucked, sure. But Obama's is disaster.
haven't we seen enough to admit that obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the muslim world" with speaking tours in cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in iraq and afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the russians. The result is that russia is arming syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured european allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the un as the only legitimate determiner of us policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our un ambassador missed a key vote on syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.
The fact of the matter is that the SOFA expired on 12/31/11. There was no way that the Iraqis would continue the SOFA as previously agreed upon going forward. The Iraqis wanted us there but couldn't do it politically.

You've had your ass handed to you on this issue. Deal with it and move on.

No such thing has occurred. You can continue to live in the CEC while the rest of us live in the real world.
obama's stupidity has never been more evident than his series of failures in Syria starting with his ill fated red line comment.

Even England is jumping ship and withdrawing their support. France is backing away. Germany has openly supported Russia against obama. The UN isn't supporting obama and Russia is sending its own warships to the region. When this is over, and it will be over when obama decides to do nothing. obama will say that he really wanted to do something, but no one would let him. The entire world would have become as frustrating to his ambitions as the republicans. It's his favorite excuse.
Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.

You can say anything you want. You can blame Obama for anything you want. That doesn't make it true.

Would you feel differently if Obama did a Michael Jackson and lightened his skin color and had his nose changed to look more white?

Funny you whiney bitches never mention that the crackers in the house have been doing everything in thier power to make Obama look bad.

A better observation would be that you and people like you are the most traitorous sons of bitches the USA has ever known except the South which fought and died to preserve slavery. The only difference between them and you is that you are too cowardly to die for your convictions.
obama's stupidity has never been more evident than his series of failures in Syria starting with his ill fated red line comment.

Even England is jumping ship and withdrawing their support. France is backing away. Germany has openly supported Russia against obama. The UN isn't supporting obama and Russia is sending its own warships to the region. When this is over, and it will be over when obama decides to do nothing. obama will say that he really wanted to do something, but no one would let him. The entire world would have become as frustrating to his ambitions as the republicans. It's his favorite excuse.

I see this morning that he is considering non military action as well to "send a shot across the bow". i.e. nothing.
What a maroon.
obama's stupidity has never been more evident than his series of failures in Syria starting with his ill fated red line comment.

Even England is jumping ship and withdrawing their support. France is backing away. Germany has openly supported Russia against obama. The UN isn't supporting obama and Russia is sending its own warships to the region. When this is over, and it will be over when obama decides to do nothing. obama will say that he really wanted to do something, but no one would let him. The entire world would have become as frustrating to his ambitions as the republicans. It's his favorite excuse.

I see this morning that he is considering non military action as well to "send a shot across the bow". i.e. nothing.
What a maroon.

Russia is sending its own warships to the region. obama has no support, not anywhere, he's being blocked at every turn. He can either do the really stupid thing and order an attack or go hide like he usually does. He should be made to understand, if anyone can make him understand anything, that if he orders and attack he will be impeached along with his entire regime.

If there is credible information that an attack on the United States is imminent obama can order military action immediately and go to Congress later for approval. There is no attack on the United States that's imminent. He runs the very real risk that Congress will NOT approve military action and it's all over for him. Especially since the evidence is mounting that it was the terrorists themselves that used those chemical weapons.
Haven't we seen enough to admit that Obama is the worst president in terms of foreign policy ever? Obama pushed an "outreach to the Muslim world" with speaking tours in Cairo etc. The result is our standing in the muslim world is worse than under Bush. Obama pushed for total withdrawal in Iraq and Afghnistan. As a result both those places are less stable than under Bush. Obama pushed for "reset" with the Russians. The result is that Russia is arming Syria and opposing us at every turn. Obama lectured European allies like schoolchildren with the result that they wont listen to him and are making their own way on foreign policy. Obama held up the UN as the only legitimate determiner of US policy. The result is he cannot get anything passed there. Our UN ambassador missed a key vote on Syria, allegedly on vacation.

Is there one foreign policy success that can be attributed to Obama and his changes in policy? No. His administration is a total failure.

You can say anything you want. You can blame Obama for anything you want. That doesn't make it true.

Would you feel differently if Obama did a Michael Jackson and lightened his skin color and had his nose changed to look more white?

Funny you whiney bitches never mention that the crackers in the house have been doing everything in thier power to make Obama look bad.

A better observation would be that you and people like you are the most traitorous sons of bitches the USA has ever known except the South which fought and died to preserve slavery. The only difference between them and you is that you are too cowardly to die for your convictions.

GOP House members dictate Barack Obama's foreign policy? LOL Wow, just when I thought you guys couldn't blame any more of Obama's failures on someone come up with this.
You can say anything you want. You can blame Obama for anything you want. That doesn't make it true.

Would you feel differently if Obama did a Michael Jackson and lightened his skin color and had his nose changed to look more white?

Funny you whiney bitches never mention that the crackers in the house have been doing everything in thier power to make Obama look bad.

A better observation would be that you and people like you are the most traitorous sons of bitches the USA has ever known except the South which fought and died to preserve slavery. The only difference between them and you is that you are too cowardly to die for your convictions.

I totally agree with this. Hard core Republicans are out of their minds when it comes to Obama. It's as bad as the liberal screed against W when he was in power. Seen the same from my father in law against Clinton. Didn't Clinton reform welfare? Have a balanced budget? Father in law will NEVER give credit. Rather than pull a Jimmy Carter and fall on his face, he actually *succeeded* in killing Bin Laden. Hard core conservatives will NEVER give the credit that is due.

It's okay to have your opinion-- even a strong one. You can disagree for sure. And I definitely don't believe Obama should be the anointed one. But he has had some successes. And to not give credit to those is disingenuous and counterproductive. And ultimately, it makes you look petty.
If it had not been for Newt Gingrich, Clinton would never have done anything but get sucked off by Monica Lewinsky.
obama's stupidity has never been more evident than his series of failures in Syria starting with his ill fated red line comment.

Even England is jumping ship and withdrawing their support. France is backing away. Germany has openly supported Russia against obama. The UN isn't supporting obama and Russia is sending its own warships to the region. When this is over, and it will be over when obama decides to do nothing. obama will say that he really wanted to do something, but no one would let him. The entire world would have become as frustrating to his ambitions as the republicans. It's his favorite excuse.

I see this morning that he is considering non military action as well to "send a shot across the bow". i.e. nothing.
What a maroon.

Russia is sending its own warships to the region. obama has no support, not anywhere, he's being blocked at every turn. He can either do the really stupid thing and order an attack or go hide like he usually does. He should be made to understand, if anyone can make him understand anything, that if he orders and attack he will be impeached along with his entire regime.

If there is credible information that an attack on the United States is imminent obama can order military action immediately and go to Congress later for approval. There is no attack on the United States that's imminent. He runs the very real risk that Congress will NOT approve military action and it's all over for him. Especially since the evidence is mounting that it was the terrorists themselves that used those chemical weapons.

No one is going to impeach Obama over a military raid. Or anything else, for that matter.
The president can order strikes at any time without Congressional approval. Clinton did it in Serbia, etc.
The Arab Spring Killed the Left’s Foreign Policy

January 27, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Three years later, no one talks about the Arab Spring. Its anniversaries pass in rioting and terror; clubs, bombs and juntas mixing together in a bloody cocktail. Protesters die, police die and the liberals who once claimed that the Age of Aquarius had come to the Land of the Nile have turned their faces away.

In the bleak grey skyscraper towering precariously over Eight Avenue, the filing cabinets bulge with back issues of the New York Times full of optimistic speculations about the future. But now the Old Grey Lady hardly mentions the Arab Spring except when she’s talking about insurgencies and riot casualty counts.

Only a few years ago, she fell head over heels for the bad boys of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, despite the best efforts of her procurers of Islamism like David Kilpatrick and Robert Mackey, she has stopped taking their phone calls and has settled down to placidly chronicling the daily urban disorders of Egypt.


The Arab Spring killed the left’s foreign policy. Obama has pivoted away from the Arab Spring and the Middle East because he no longer has a road map; except the familiar one of blaming Israel. The left’s bet on the Islamists crashed and burned. The radical foreign policy experts responsible for the invention of the Arab Spring are tiptoeing away while hoping that nobody notices the mess they left behind.

Above Eight Avenue, the Old Grey Lady, once so optimistic about the Middle East, has grown pessimistic again. New York Times editors peer through the windows to the east through the pelting snow where they once saw the Arab Spring from their offices and then turn away while in Cairo the streets burn and clubs hit flesh and a new democratic dictator rises out of the ashes.

The Arab Spring Killed the Left?s Foreign Policy | FrontPage Magazine

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