Can we stop with the racist BS in politics

The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.

That's the new and last stronghold of the Left. Everything now is racist, everyone is sexist, all the young kids are idiots. The Left are a deeply demented lot.
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.
The left will never stop so long as it works.
I can name plenty of them. I had a conversation with two conservatives this morning who refused to admit that racism exists. In other words, I was on your side.

But I've long since learned that there is no answer that will satisfy people like you, so I just no longer bother.

If you want to think that makes me a racist, or a ___________, or a ___________, or a __________, I'm perfectly fine with that.

See? I in no way called you a racist but you just implied I did. Maybe something to think about.
Great, thanks.

The lesson should be staring you in the face, but you're too stubborn to see or at least admit you see it.
Whatever it is, it is a deflection from my original point.

But I'm used to that.

No deflection, you see claims of racism where they do not exist. You have predetermined that all liberals do is scream about racism where none is found and so you are merely showing your own sort of partisan bias.

Kind of makes you a hypocrite.
It's not "predetermined." It's based on empirical evidence.
I can name plenty of them. I had a conversation with two conservatives this morning who refused to admit that racism exists. In other words, I was on your side.

But I've long since learned that there is no answer that will satisfy people like you, so I just no longer bother.

If you want to think that makes me a racist, or a ___________, or a ___________, or a __________, I'm perfectly fine with that.

See? I in no way called you a racist but you just implied I did. Maybe something to think about.
Great, thanks.

The lesson should be staring you in the face, but you're too stubborn to see or at least admit you see it.
Whatever it is, it is a deflection from my original point.

But I'm used to that.

No deflection, you see claims of racism where they do not exist. You have predetermined that all liberals do is scream about racism where none is found and so you are merely showing your own sort of partisan bias.

Kind of makes you a hypocrite.
From your end of the spectrum, I certainly believe that you believe that.

Looks like I'll just have to find a way to proceed without your approval.
See? I in no way called you a racist but you just implied I did. Maybe something to think about.
Great, thanks.

The lesson should be staring you in the face, but you're too stubborn to see or at least admit you see it.
Whatever it is, it is a deflection from my original point.

But I'm used to that.

No deflection, you see claims of racism where they do not exist. You have predetermined that all liberals do is scream about racism where none is found and so you are merely showing your own sort of partisan bias.

Kind of makes you a hypocrite.
It's not "predetermined." It's based on empirical evidence.

Obviously not considering you just quoted an example of Mac accusing me of calling him a racist when I didn't. But, you're not that bright anyway.
See? I in no way called you a racist but you just implied I did. Maybe something to think about.
Great, thanks.

The lesson should be staring you in the face, but you're too stubborn to see or at least admit you see it.
Whatever it is, it is a deflection from my original point.

But I'm used to that.

No deflection, you see claims of racism where they do not exist. You have predetermined that all liberals do is scream about racism where none is found and so you are merely showing your own sort of partisan bias.

Kind of makes you a hypocrite.
From your end of the spectrum, I certainly believe that you believe that.

Looks like I'll just have to find a way to proceed without your approval.

What you could do is admit I didn't call you a racist. Can you?
Great, thanks.

The lesson should be staring you in the face, but you're too stubborn to see or at least admit you see it.
Whatever it is, it is a deflection from my original point.

But I'm used to that.

No deflection, you see claims of racism where they do not exist. You have predetermined that all liberals do is scream about racism where none is found and so you are merely showing your own sort of partisan bias.

Kind of makes you a hypocrite.
From your end of the spectrum, I certainly believe that you believe that.

Looks like I'll just have to find a way to proceed without your approval.

What you could do is admit I didn't call you a racist. Can you?
You didn't call me a racist.

Of course, I didn't say that you did. What I actually said was, "If you want to think that makes me a racist, or a ___________, or a ___________, or a __________, I'm perfectly fine with that."

I hope that helps.
The lesson should be staring you in the face, but you're too stubborn to see or at least admit you see it.
Whatever it is, it is a deflection from my original point.

But I'm used to that.

No deflection, you see claims of racism where they do not exist. You have predetermined that all liberals do is scream about racism where none is found and so you are merely showing your own sort of partisan bias.

Kind of makes you a hypocrite.
From your end of the spectrum, I certainly believe that you believe that.

Looks like I'll just have to find a way to proceed without your approval.

What you could do is admit I didn't call you a racist. Can you?
You didn't call me a racist.

Of course, I didn't say that you did. What I actually said was, "If you want to think that makes me a racist, or a ___________, or a ___________, or a __________, I'm perfectly fine with that."

I hope that helps.

Yeah, you certainly implied it.

So, name a racist
The democrats create no more dependents than the GOP does...If we used your ideas then the democrats would never be out of power...Which is and has not been the case since Reagan...

Really? So when was the last time Republicans created over 40 million new government dependents in just two years?

November 8?

Care to elaborate on your response? I didn't think so.
Those that were dependents under Oblama are now dependents under Trumpet...Duh MF..

Oh, so Trump inherited the dependents, huh? I think inheriting dependents and creating them are two different things. The Republicans have no reason to create government dependents because the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
The reason that more were temporarily created was due to the economic crash...Which happened at the end of Bush's term as president...You know that, but you'd rather play partisan politics with finger pointing than extol the true nature of the situation...
Liberals rely on the race card, man. It's their go-to when their arguments fail, which they usually do.

Liberals aren't the only ones that rely on the race card...

as proven by the recent, and not so recent, influx of White Supremacists

I put the bona fide racists on ignore.

How brave of you.

They want their idiotic views dignified with a response. Why give it to them? Ignore them and, maybe, they'll go away.

That's right, you go ahead and ignore the worst from the right and let everyone else deal with the cancer that has infected conservative politics.

Conservative speakers at Berkely have required fucking armies to protect them from violent liberal goons. What have you done to put these goons in their place? Let me guess, cue the k*nt act.

I'm not going to engage hardcore, committed racists on a fucking message board. Now, if I encounter one in real life and they cross the line, I am more than happy to put them in their place and if they get violent about it, I've got something for them. What are YOU doing about the violent, liberal goons in real life, eh k*nt?

Anti-white racism is institutionalized everywhere in the western world while the blatant lie of "white privilege" is taught by that very same anti-white system. White nationalism has been the modern day civil rights movement since the 90s.

White nationalism is literally the only way white people can make sure that their rights are respected.

Is that what you call yourself? A white nationalist?
I am more of a progressive supporter of white nationalism than a white nationalist.

Obviously I will join the white nationalists without much second thought if I feel like I have no other option. I will also teach the superiority of white nationalism over anti-white multiculturalism to my children.
then I feel sorry for your kids
My kids will do far better than the kids of white liberals.
I find that hard to believe
Unlike a lot of pro-white advocates I actually have non-white family members that I am on good or neutral terms with. I have known my Filipino aunt and cousin since I was a baby, and both of them are at least pro-white from a purely reactionary perspective.

My kids will be both aware of their predicament and possess the perspective needed to direct their anger out on proper targets.
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.
The left will never stop so long as it works.
The Regressives have had great success with putting people on the defensive, avoiding an honest conversation, and getting votes with this tactic.

Such is the cynical nature of partisan politics. You do something until it stops working for your "side", no matter how destructive it is to the country.

It sure is nice to see that it's not working like it used to.
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.

"WHO tools"?

You have a real knack for addressing people and points that are not even present. :dunno:
Only racists drink that swill.

Is that what you call yourself? A white nationalist?
I am more of a progressive supporter of white nationalism than a white nationalist.

Obviously I will join the white nationalists without much second thought if I feel like I have no other option. I will also teach the superiority of white nationalism over anti-white multiculturalism to my children.
then I feel sorry for your kids
My kids will do far better than the kids of white liberals.
I find that hard to believe
Unlike a lot of pro-white advocates I actually have non-white family members that I am on good or neutral terms with. I have known my Filipino aunt and cousin since I was a baby, and both of them are at least pro-white from a purely reactionary perspective.

My kids will be both aware of their predicament and possess the perspective needed to direct their anger out on proper targets.

No way! You know some brown people and you don't hate them? You are so generous.

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