Canada Ends Emergencies Act

But he didn't throw children and families of the protestors in jail, did he? He didn't use explosives, cause massive destruction of private property, did he?
In China or Russia, he might have done both of those things.
My point was rhetorical. Did I confuse you? The point is that by invoking the Canadian Emergencies Act
Trudeau acted as ruthlessly as any Chinese or Russian general, had China or Russia needed to go to those lengths in nations where disappearing citizens or running them over with army tanks has been
used with effectiveness.
Obviously in nations where Tianenmen Square was used to suppress a yearning for freedom
or, like in Russia, where dissidents are pushed out of the windows of skyscrapers no equivalent to Canada's Emergencies Act is necessary.

Trudeau's unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act was Canada's equivalent of Tienanmen Square.
That you approve of what Trudeau did and claim he got what he wanted is beside the point
and I guess my suggestion that he could have also hauled drivers to jail to get what he wanted
seems too subtle and nuanced to make an impression on you.

We have always known civil disturbance and disobedience up to a point was a noble thing. We say nothing new here.
You never heard me support use of billy clubs on anybody in this event.
Have you seen videos of the cops in Ottawa beating and jabbing protestors with their clubs trying to get
them to give ground? I posted a video of a small great grandfather, less than five feet, who had this cop that towered over him wrench his arm around and who hauled him away in excruciating pain because he
honked his car horn a single time in support of the Canadian truckers.
Have a look at that.

You seem joyful that the Canadian truckers got their trucks removed and celebrate it as if getting
the truckers to leave, without consideration how this was accomplished, such a stealing their money and revoking driver's licenses (an economic death sentence to truckers etc.) was the only consideration.

I profoundly disagree. And now the act Commissar Trudeau misused to jab truckers with police clubs is gone.
And that ought to teach you something. Canada won't truly be rehabilitated in the world's eyes until
Trudeau is rudely removed from the office he has disgraced.
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It's likely already begun since Trudeau's cudgel has been taken away from the racist clown now.
Haven't seen it. Haven't seen something taken away from Trudeau, either. Let me know when he is a pennyless wretch.
Haven't seen it. Haven't seen something taken away from Trudeau, either. Let me know when he is a pennyless wretch.
I don't know why you think anyone has said Justin Trudeau will wind up homeless in Ottawa now.
That is an amazing non sequitur and such a leap in logic that Superman couldn't even make it.

Without Trudeau having the Emergencies Act to prop up his authoritarian instincts it's impossible to see
how he will win this battle now.
He has lost the moral high ground, except with troglodytes like you, for what that's worth,
not much at all.

This phase might be long depending on how quickly Trudeau's political support abandons him.
Watch the rat's swimming away from Justin Trudeau.

If he had negotiated from the start instead
of taking the stupid hard line, that it's reported Joe (Ooops I crapped my pants) Biden advised
Trudeau to take, he would have been so much better off now.

Another political tragedy inspired partially by Joe Biden. Everything Joe touches politically
dies a painful death.
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Meh.....wrapping all that money and trucks up in confiscation legality's ain't getting grocery's on the shelves anytime soon.

Canuck's have a glut of truckers who aren't working to replace them?
Haven't seen it. Haven't seen something taken away from Trudeau, either. Let me know when he is a pennyless wretch.

I don't know why you think anyone has said Justin Trudeau will wind up homeless in Ottawa now.
That is an amazing non sequitur and such a leap in logic that Superman couldn't even make it.

Without Trudeau having the Emergencies Act to prop up his authoritarian instincts it's impossible to see
how he will win this battle now.
He has lost the moral high ground, except with troglodytes like you, for what that's worth, not much
at all.

This phase will likely be long depending on how quickly Trudeau's political support abandons him.
I guess you missed the part where he discontinued it. It was not taken away.
I guess you missed the part where he discontinued it. It was not taken away.
Oh, :rolleyes: ...really? And what inspired the black faced Nazi party boy to suddenly disregard his former
reliance and staunch advocacy in the Canadian Emergency Act?

Because it wasn't working so well, as you all insist it did? Or maybe you think the liberal party in
Canada just enjoyed the international black eye Justin gave to his party and nation?
Then why did he ask Parliament to extend it days before he cancelled it?

Trudeau lost, he just doesn't know it yet.
He doesnt confide in me. Why are you so uptight about it ? He was able to get the powers he neededand now he doesnt need them. There are more pressing matters tp worry about. Like Trumps mastr invading Ukraine.
Be sure to let me know when you starte the phase II thread.

He doesnt confide in me. Why are you so uptight about it ? He was able to get the powers he neededand now he doesnt need them. There are more pressing matters tp worry about. Like Trumps mastr invading Ukraine.

Yet he asked for an extension, then rescinded it before it even took effect.

Methinks the banks were shitting themselves with people taking money out in case their accounts got "frozen"
Yet he asked for an extension, then rescinded it before it even took effect.

Methinks the banks were shitting themselves with people taking money out in case their accounts got "frozen"
And I'm sure that the liberal party of Canada can see how popular Justin Trudeau's idea of rescinding
civil rights in Canada are with the public and the "nice and polite" image of Canada in the eyes of the
world after Trudeau has kicked those views squarely in the balls!
He doesnt confide in me. Why are you so uptight about it ? He was able to get the powers he neededand now he doesnt need them. There are more pressing matters tp worry about. Like Trumps mastr invading Ukraine.
Trump kept a lid on Russia's aspirations for the Ukraine during his illegally truncated time in office.
Can we say the same for Joe Biden? Of course not!
Joe has given Putin a green light to attack Ukraine.

Despite your idiotic uninformed opinions Trump did not! Period.
Yet he asked for an extension, then rescinded it before it even took effect.

Methinks the banks were shitting themselves with people taking money out in case their accounts got "frozen"
Oh, :rolleyes: ...really? And what inspired the black faced Nazi party boy to suddenly disregard his former
reliance and staunch advocacy in the Canadian Emergency Act?

Because it wasn't working so well, as you all insist it did? Or maybe you think the liberal party in
Canada just enjoyed the international black eye Justin gave to his party and nation?
Oh, you mean the trucks were still there, locked down on Wednesday. Send me the link.
Oh, you mean the trucks were still there, locked down on Wednesday. Send me the link.
As soon as you send the link to the post you claim I made stating all the big trucks are still
parked around Ottawa and across bridges.
Grow up, jackass!
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Yet he asked for an extension, then rescinded it before it even took effect.

Methinks the banks were shitting themselves with people taking money out in case their accounts got "frozen"
I did a search going back 7 days looking for a run on the banks. I guess the vast majority of Canadians who were not in the trucker thing, did not support you enough and make moves to cripple the economy of Canada, in panic. Go figure.
I did a search going back 7 days looking for a run on the banks. I guess the vast majority of Canadians who were not in the trucker thing, did not support you enough and make moves to cripple the economy of Canada, in panic. Go figure.

You don't have to be a trucker to be worried. The reason doesn't matter, that the mechanism exists for the government do do it on a whim is the thing that will panic people.
Most bank runs are started by rumors, not actually any liquidity issues.

Ironically the run is what creates the liquidity issue.

Look at the great toilet paper panic of Spring 2020.
I would say Trudeau's plans to use the Emergencies Act to lock people out from their money (now he apparently has backed down from this threat, the real victory here) is what has started the panic.
I would want my money back too.

My great grandfather was the mayor of a small Missouri town and when the town banker (a good friend of his) locked out customers during the Depression without a word of warning it caused a life long enmity between the two.
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I would say Trudeau's plans to use the Emergencies Act to lock people out from their money (now he apparently has backed down from this threat, the real victory here) is what has started the panic.

if there is one, it's something that would be hard to detect short of massive lines outside of banks.

I wonder if it's not the little people, but big accountholders pulling their money out. That would be via electronic transfer, and would not be noticeable.
Yet he asked for an extension, then rescinded it before it even took effect.

Methinks the banks were shitting themselves with people taking money out in case their accounts got "frozen"
Canadians were supportive of vaxxing and Trudeau. They dont view events through your insane prism.

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