Canada’s health care system

Not much, but I believe there have been relatively more Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan than American soldiers, at least until recently, though I may be wrong about that. The US spends 4% of its GDP on the military whereas Canada spends about 1.5%.

Dues at the UN are relative to GDP. Canada pays its dues on time and is not in arrears, unlike the US. Canada also devotes significantly more to UN peacekeeping than the US.

Does Quebec count?

I can't remember the exact number but I think its 0.25%-0.3% of GDP versus 0.15% for the US. Sweden is 0.7%.

The Canadian government gave loans to the auto companies but not a single dime has been given to the financial sector as the financial sector was better regulated in Canada.
Yeah...When the raw numbers fail you, go to percentages.

Suffice to say that a lot more in hard money comes out of the American treasury for global welfare -especially military empire- than it does out of Canada's.

America also has incredibly overpriced and overcompensated bureaucrats, and waaaaaaaaay too many of them.

Likewise, America's military-industrial empire has tropps stationed in well over 100 nations.

Just sayin'.

First of all, the American dollar ain't "hard money" no more.

Of course you go to percentages. Who is more generous, the man who makes $50k a year and gives away $25k or the guy who makes $10 million a year and gives away $100k?

You are judged by the resources you have.
Weak as the USD is, it's still the world's reserve currency.

Your gubmint may be more "generous" with taxpayer money, but when push comes to shove (like the 26 Dec tsunami) it's Americans who break out the wallets and show the whole world who the real compassionate givers are.

And like I said, we have a tremendously overpriced bureaucracy and a military empire that costs waaaaaaay too much...Lest I fail to mention other programs that end up costing more than projections, often by factors of 10+.
Not much, but I believe there have been relatively more Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan than American soldiers, at least until recently, though I may be wrong about that. The US spends 4% of its GDP on the military whereas Canada spends about 1.5%.

Dues at the UN are relative to GDP. Canada pays its dues on time and is not in arrears, unlike the US. Canada also devotes significantly more to UN peacekeeping than the US.

Does Quebec count?

I can't remember the exact number but I think its 0.25%-0.3% of GDP versus 0.15% for the US. Sweden is 0.7%.

The Canadian government gave loans to the auto companies but not a single dime has been given to the financial sector as the financial sector was better regulated in Canada.
Yeah...When the raw numbers fail you, go to percentages.

The percentages ARE the hard numbers. When you're comparing a country with a population of 300 million with a country with a population of 30 million it's the only way to rationally do it.

Suffice to say that a lot more in hard money comes out of the American treasury for global welfare -especially military empire- than it does out of Canada's.

So... just going to ignore the numbers he posted that showed that was wrong then?

Likewise, America's military-industrial empire has tropps stationed in well over 100 nations.

So... stop doing that. Who's forcing you?

Your gubmint may be more "generous" with taxpayer money, but when push comes to shove (like the 26 Dec tsunami) it's Americans who break out the wallets and show the whole world who the real compassionate givers are


http : // www

Private donations made to the tsunami appeal in the first 15 days. In £ per head of population.

Norway £7.06
Sweden £6.44
Netherlands £4.90
Australia £2.80
Germany £2.77
Saudi Arabia £2.14
Canada £1.99
Austria £1.67
Britain £1.65
Greece £1.11
United States 58p
France 43p

Now, maybe the US totally reversed that trend later of course... but I'd like to see those numbers.
You pathetic, fcking, stupid, dumb assed Amerixcans think you are the "best" in the world but you are nothing but international jokes of the highest order. We laugh at you as does the rest of the western world. Pathetic, dumb, and stupid...............
You pathetic, fcking, stupid, dumb assed Amerixcans think you are the "best" in the world but you are nothing but international jokes of the highest order. We laugh at you as does the rest of the western world. Pathetic, dumb, and stupid...............

Dude, speaking as a fellow Canadian, shut the fuck up already. As if it's "Americans" disagreeing with whatever the hell has you all upset as opposed to just a specific ideological subset of people. Or as if people are made unintelligent or ignorant by virtue of the name of the country on their passports or something.

There are dumbasses everywhere (you yourself would appear to be a prime example of the concept), and the degree of their dumbassery has very little to do with their nationality.
And as I've pointed out in virtually all of those threads, you're full of shit, misrepresenting statistics, and out-and-out lying.

So here we are again.

Yes, here you go again.

As you "pointed out" in all these threads, providing NO supporting evidence for your assertions whatsoever, except links to OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS OF THE DATA.

I provided evidence that the Canadian health care system is in fact better than ours, in general.

This evidence was compiled by world-wide, non-partisan agencies that have NO MOTIVATION TO FALSIFY EVIDENCE.

Meanwhile, you've provided NOTHING but a bunch of BS, opinion, and propaganda to refute it, and you have EVERY MOTIVATION TO FALSIFY EVIDENCE.

So tell me, who should we all believe? The World Health Organization, the dept of Health and Human Services, the CIA and OECD,

Or you, a partisan hack, and a couple of other partisan hack opinion pieces that you have linked in other threads?

Mind you, I have never contradicted the fact that the US has a lead in Cancer care. That is a fact. A fact that you and your buddies bring up continuously.

But that fact, some opinions, and a few personal stories does not constitute proof to disprove the data I presented.
and their taxes are double or triple what ours are.

First of all, if their taxes were "triple" what ours are, they would be paying a 75-95% income tax. That is an obvious lie.

Secondly, whether their paying for their health care through taxes or privately, they still have to pay for their health care.

So, if they pay half of what they would privately, through their taxes, they are making out quite well in the end.
Medicare/Medicaid's long-run costs have come from the fact that politicians and bureaucrats cannot control costs, because offering something -anything- for "free" will always atrtract more moochers than you projected (see: the clunker program), and that there's no financial penalty to be paid for making bad decisions.

You might have a case if you could name the first time any federal program came in under budger and delivered a better product than you could get out in the real world, but you can't.

Medicare and Medicaid serve the OLD and the POOR.

These two groups are the most likely to have medical issues.

And yet they STILL do it 15% cheaper than Private insurance.
According to the most recent data from the OECD, taxes are 31% of GDP in the US and 38% in Canada. Yet the budget deficit is much higher in the US than in Canada. Total government spending in 2008 was 38% of GDP in the US and 39% in Canada.

How much military empire does Canada maintain?

How much does Canada flush down the U.N. toilet?

How many nations are basically bastard political/military stepchildren to Canada?

How much does Canada fork over in non-military foreign aid?

How many of Canada's private businesses has its central bank bailed out?

How does any of this help your claim?

In order to prove your point you'd have to include the price the average American pays for health care in the total for comparison.

In addition, are you really saying that we shouldn't pay for public health care because we need to spend the money on our military empire?
You pathetic, fcking, stupid, dumb assed Amerixcans think you are the "best" in the world but you are nothing but international jokes of the highest order. We laugh at you as does the rest of the western world. Pathetic, dumb, and stupid...............

Just so everyone knows, this "Yukon" guy is obviously not a real poster. He's just some jackass trying to make Canadians look bad by posting under a pseudonym.
If canadian health care service so good why do all the rich sick Canadians come here? even when their healthcare is free
If canadian health care service so good why do all the rich sick Canadians come here? even when their healthcare is free

1. Comparing the health care available to millionaires to the health care avaiable to the average person in two nations sytems is ridiculous.

2. Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians' Use Of Health Care Services In The United States -- Katz et al. 21 (3): 19 -- Health Affairs

They don't. The US insurance lobby invented the story of Canadians flocking across the border for care in the 90s to scare people out of health reform under Clinton. It was studied. See above. It was fiction. Nothing has changed to alter that since. A tiny handful of Canadians trickle across the border for care once in a while. In the meantime, 750,000 Americans went overseas for medical care in 2007.
If canadian health care service so good why do all the rich sick Canadians come here? even when their healthcare is free

All the rich sick Canadians don't come to America. Where do you get your information?

In the most recent study of cross-border medical treatments, 0.8% of Canadians come across the border to the US, and the costs are usually covered by the provincial health insurance systems.
If canadian health care service so good why do all the rich sick Canadians come here? even when their healthcare is free

1. Comparing the health care available to millionaires to the health care avaiable to the average person in two nations sytems is ridiculous.

2. Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians' Use Of Health Care Services In The United States -- Katz et al. 21 (3): 19 -- Health Affairs

They don't. The US insurance lobby invented the story of Canadians flocking across the border for care in the 90s to scare people out of health reform under Clinton. It was studied. See above. It was fiction. Nothing has changed to alter that since. A tiny handful of Canadians trickle across the border for care once in a while. In the meantime, 750,000 Americans went overseas for medical care in 2007.

And busloads of seniors go to Mexico because prescription drugs are cheaper there.
If canadian health care service so good why do all the rich sick Canadians come here? even when their healthcare is free

1. Comparing the health care available to millionaires to the health care avaiable to the average person in two nations sytems is ridiculous.

2. Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians' Use Of Health Care Services In The United States -- Katz et al. 21 (3): 19 -- Health Affairs

They don't. The US insurance lobby invented the story of Canadians flocking across the border for care in the 90s to scare people out of health reform under Clinton. It was studied. See above. It was fiction. Nothing has changed to alter that since. A tiny handful of Canadians trickle across the border for care once in a while. In the meantime, 750,000 Americans went overseas for medical care in 2007.

And busloads of seniors go to Mexico because prescription drugs are cheaper there.

... and who controls prescriptions and doesn't allow us any competition? :eusa_whistle:
1. Comparing the health care available to millionaires to the health care avaiable to the average person in two nations sytems is ridiculous.

2. Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians' Use Of Health Care Services In The United States -- Katz et al. 21 (3): 19 -- Health Affairs

They don't. The US insurance lobby invented the story of Canadians flocking across the border for care in the 90s to scare people out of health reform under Clinton. It was studied. See above. It was fiction. Nothing has changed to alter that since. A tiny handful of Canadians trickle across the border for care once in a while. In the meantime, 750,000 Americans went overseas for medical care in 2007.

And busloads of seniors go to Mexico because prescription drugs are cheaper there.

... and who controls prescriptions and doesn't allow us any competition? :eusa_whistle:

Big Pharma.

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