Cancel Student Debt

Just wondering how much better my retirement would be if I didn't sink $180K into my children's college education.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.
So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.

Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being forgiven in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.

The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Sorry, gip, the government borrowed this money and lent it to the student.
No coercion. Pay what you owe.
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Still working a minimum wage job to pay off your gender studies loans?

I have never gone into debt in my life, and I could probably buy you out ten times over, clown. I don't advocate for this out of selfishness. I believe it would be good for the nation.

Well, your economic idiocy certainly is obvious.
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.

Better than the economic idiocy of "canceling" $1.5 trillion in debt.
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.

Better than the economic idiocy of "canceling" $1.5 trillion in debt.

The problem with this entire idea is that it gives debtors the idea that they don't have to pay what they owe as the taxpayers will bail them out if they don't.

Further, it gives schools no motivation to rein in costs, as they can just raise tuition and the people will have no problem with the new price as the taxpayers will be picking up the tab in the end
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.

Better than the economic idiocy of "canceling" $1.5 trillion in debt.

The problem with this entire idea is that it gives debtors the idea that they don't have to pay what they owe as the taxpayers will bail them out if they don't.

Further, it gives schools no motivation to rein in costs, as they can just raise tuition and the people will have no problem with the new price as the taxpayers will be picking up the tab in the end

Let's tax their endowments 50% this year.
Use the money toward that $1.5 trillion.
Klobuchar was right to challenge Sanders - that this would never pass - people hate the rich and don’t want to give them free anything. Free college for the rich won’t pass.

Did you hear about the scandal where millionaires are signing custody of their teens away to others so their teens can put a lower income down when they apply and receive huge federal grants to go to college?

And the worst part? Its legal!

Yep. The rich will exploit loopholes that are legal so they will jump at the chance to send their kids to college tuition free when they are fully capable of paying. It’s for this reason the general populace will never accept free college for all.

Thanks for helping to prove my point.
The problem with this entire idea is that it gives debtors the idea that they don't have to pay what they owe as the taxpayers will bail them out if they don't.

Further, it gives schools no motivation to rein in costs, as they can just raise tuition and the people will have no problem with the new price as the taxpayers will be picking up the tab in the end

After alleviating the student loan debt situation we should move in the direction of public universities so young people don't have to go into severe debt just to get an education. It's ludicrous that that is the situation right now. It's a serious hindrance to young people trying to get started and it doesn't have to be that way, so it shouldn't be.

The problem with this entire idea is that it gives debtors the idea that they don't have to pay what they owe as the taxpayers will bail them out if they don't.

Further, it gives schools no motivation to rein in costs, as they can just raise tuition and the people will have no problem with the new price as the taxpayers will be picking up the tab in the end

After alleviating the student loan debt situation we should move in the direction of public universities so young people don't have to go into severe debt just to get an education. It's ludicrous that that is the situation right now. It's a serious hindrance to young people trying to get started and it doesn't have to be that way, so it shouldn't be.

That is fine but the debt currently taken out should be repaid. If you want to allow people to file bankruptcy to get rid of it then change the laws but no freebies.
The problem with this entire idea is that it gives debtors the idea that they don't have to pay what they owe as the taxpayers will bail them out if they don't.

Further, it gives schools no motivation to rein in costs, as they can just raise tuition and the people will have no problem with the new price as the taxpayers will be picking up the tab in the end

After alleviating the student loan debt situation we should move in the direction of public universities so young people don't have to go into severe debt just to get an education. It's ludicrous that that is the situation right now. It's a serious hindrance to young people trying to get started and it doesn't have to be that way, so it shouldn't be.

Private universities also receive massive public funding with government student loans, etc.
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Are you going to repay the cost of my daughter's education that was paid for by the federal government and my state for which she has a 4-year military obligation? I guess if this passes, she can just walk away and owe them nothing, It would only be fair!
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Q. Who is responsible for a person's education? Who benefits from an education?

A. The student.

Empowering young people is good for the nation and even humanity. It's what will keep us ahead of other nations. It's fine that y'all are selfish, but I would like to reiterate that none of you that wouldn't proudly give some of what you have earned in your life to help young people get ahead should call yourselves nationalists.
You don't have a clue, do you? Selfish? You know nothing about me and the charities I give to. My money, and I will give to whom I please. Not the government with their hands in my pockets.
But, I will wait for you to give the first $50,000.00 to that child to empower him.
You are a goofball.

You must be a boomer.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

What about all of those who got funds from banks before Obama had the feds take over student loans? You completely forgot about them, didn't you? They owe the banks, just like I did!

Also, it would not cost more if they were forgiven completely, but there would be a loss of an income stream to the US Treasury.
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Are you going to repay the cost of my daughter's education that was paid for by the federal government and my state for which she has a 4-year military obligation? I guess if this passes, she can just walk away and owe them nothing, It would only be fair!

How about people whose parents paid as they attended, and didn't incur debt at all? The parents will feel like suckers.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

So the universities and debt holders just eat it? What about all those who already repaid their debt?

The government would. The government loaned that money in the past or else it wouldn't be "debt" and the money has already been raised and spent. Cancelling the debt is the easy part. It is providing free college going forward that would be more problematic.

You really should stop posting because you apparently know nothing about this topic. Stop embarrassing yourself!

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