Cancel Student Debt

I really can't believe you said that, youngster. Hell, you're only 30, wtf do you know about my generation?

I know that newer generations are struggling more than older ones because of things like the cost of college and living in general. I've heard older people say things like "Well I used to pay for college out of pocket with my part time job. What's wrong with these youngsters?" completely failing to recognize that the cost of things makes that impossible for a lot of people today. In particular the baby boomers had one of the easiest rides in the history of humanity, and they have the nerve to call young people lazy when a lot of them are out their killing themselves to get by in an economy that's much harder to get started in than the one they grew up with.
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.
So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.

Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being forgiven in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.
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Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.
So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.

Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being released in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.

So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.

Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being released in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.

View attachment 272085
You aren’t very bright are you?

You have my apologies.
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Teaching young people personal responsibility is the best thing you can do for them. Babying them and paying their debt for them won't help them mature into productive adults. But that is the essential difference between Democrats and Republications isn't it?

One of the first things I learned in college was "there is no such thing as a free lunch". My economics professor must have been a Republican.
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Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being released in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.

View attachment 272085
You aren’t very bright are you?

You have my apologies.

You're the one embarrasing yourself in this thread. LOL.
Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

So the universities and debt holders just eat it? What about all those who already repaid their debt?

The government would. The government loaned that money in the past or else it wouldn't be "debt" and the money has already been raised and spent. Cancelling the debt is the easy part. It is providing free college going forward that would be more problematic.

How is it easy? The Govt just eats it? That’s insane.

The government already ate it when they loaned the people the money. I am not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you to grasp. The government only had to come up with the money when they sent the checks out to begin with. They don't have to come up with a single dime to write-off the debt any more than a credit card company would if you stopped paying them because the money was already spent in the past.

The government already ate it when they loaned the people the money.

Obama and Warren pushed the government takeover, in part, by talking about the wonderful things the government could do with the profit they'd make on these loans.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.
So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.
There are exactly two steps in the student loan issue.

Take out the loan.
Pay it back.

Of course, if you like screwing over those who play by the rules, then it is YOU that needs to wake the fuck up.
I know.

Why don't we just drop all the debt the US Government has accumulated.

After all, its already been paid for, hasn't it?

Just zero it out and start over! That's the ticket!
Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

So the universities and debt holders just eat it? What about all those who already repaid their debt?

The government would. The government loaned that money in the past or else it wouldn't be "debt" and the money has already been raised and spent. Cancelling the debt is the easy part. It is providing free college going forward that would be more problematic.
Dude.....there is a's called an obligation. The trillion does not just appear....or just disappear.
It's debt taken on by the signer of the contract....not by America. WAKE UP TO REALITY!!!!!

Contract or not does not change that the government could just cancel the debt and it would not cost them anything. It is no different than absorbing the toxic mortgages.

I agree, many college degrees are like toxic mortgages.
We need to fine these mills.
Let's charge their endowments to pay off the loans.

And going forward, student loans can only be made by the college.
If they want to loan some idiot for a History of Queer Black oppression in America "degree",
they can take the loss when the graduate can only get a job at the local WalMart.
Dude.....there is a's called an obligation. The trillion does not just appear....or just disappear.
It's debt taken on by the signer of the contract....not by America. WAKE UP TO REALITY!!!!!

Contract or not does not change that the government could just cancel the debt and it would not cost them anything. It is no different than absorbing the toxic mortgages.
Please....pause a moment and think about what YOU just posted. The tax payers would have to absorb the loss through debt, that is a loss of their taxes.

No the would not. The vast majority of student loan debt is through federal direct loans. The government came up with the money when they lent it. They don't have to come up with money to write it off. In additions, your taxes are based on your income and have no relationship to the government's debt. You pay what you pay whether the government owes $22T or $32T so it costs you exactly nothing.
Are you stupid, or what? Just how did the government come up with that money? How do they come up with any money?
Do they deliver papers in the mornings? Do they cash in on pop bottles and cans?
I asked you to think about what you posted earlier, I really meant it.

How did the government come up with the $22T we currently owe? They didn't. They create it out of thin air. That is how fiat currency works.

How did the government come up with the $22T we currently owe? They didn't. They create it out of thin air. That is how fiat currency works.

The government didn't borrow the $22T?
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Still working a minimum wage job to pay off your gender studies loans?

I have never gone into debt in my life, and I could probably buy you out ten times over, clown. I don't advocate for this out of selfishness. I believe it would be good for the nation.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.
So what you're saying is gawd forbid we hold people to their contracts, which is the basis of all business.

Maybe the grownups in the room should have prevented predators from brainwashing children and rushing them into severe debt before they even got started. It doesn't matter now though. The student loan situation and the cost of college in general is holding back young people a lot. Something needs to be done.

Maybe the grownups in the room should have prevented predators from brainwashing children

You're right, Obama and Warren should have been stopped when we had the chance.
God forbid we put young people ahead for the good of the nation. It wouldn't be fair! I didn't get that so FUCK THEM! Right? You're a real patriot.

Still working a minimum wage job to pay off your gender studies loans?

I have never gone into debt in my life, and I could probably buy you out ten times over, clown. I don't advocate for this out of selfishness. I believe it would be good for the nation.
In what way?

The government says to all the universities, "We just don't want to pay our promises, so you'll just have to deal with the loss."

Think that the Universities will ever take another student on the promise of a government-backed loan?

Or do you think that the government can just hand over trillions to the university -- taxpayer trillions -- with no intention of making anyone pay it back?

How long before the SCOTUS declares that this is taxation without representation? Do the American people have a right to demand they get paid back?
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

So the universities and debt holders just eat it? What about all those who already repaid their debt?

The government would. The government loaned that money in the past or else it wouldn't be "debt" and the money has already been raised and spent. Cancelling the debt is the easy part. It is providing free college going forward that would be more problematic.

Sounds easy enough, let the government eat it. Who the hell is the government, dumbass.
In what way?

Student loan debt coupled with high cost of living is preventing a lot of young adults from buying homes and investing in other important things. They are lagging behind previous generations. We are going backward, not forward. The alleviation of that debt would allow them a lot of opportunities they wouldn't have had until much later in life. I don't see a problem with it because I don't think that debt should have been necessary in the first place. There should be public options for college. Doing this would be a boon to young people. It would help us stay ahead of other nations.
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

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